Torah, Jews, YHVH & Allah – Jewish weapons for World Domination
The Jew knows that when the non-Jewish world knows his laws and sees through his plans, that he is lost.
Therefore, by threat of death, he forbids their translation and publication.
A well-known Jewish scholar [Dibre David] writes:
“If the Gentiles knew what we are teaching against them, they would kill us.”
The Jewish secret laws are based on the fundamental principle that states:
“Only the Jew is human.
In contrast, all non-Jews are animals.
They are beasts in human form.
Anything is permitted against them.
The Jew may lie to, cheat, and steal from them.
He may even rape and murder them.”
Ever wondered what they would like to do to Gentiles that KNOW and EXPOSE their Secrets?
Certain things need to be addressed.
Everyone needs to know the TRUTH about the inner workings of the enemy, all the why’s and how’s.
If some are too lazy, live and let be or they deny this knowledge, they are total idiots, because honestly this is going to explain all the concerns people might have about what the Jews are and do, going levels deeper than what is already going on.
This may turn out to be quite lengthy, but these things need to be revealed and known by everyone.
The enemy and their “god“ must be exposed, above and below, their hoax has to be revealed and the same goes for their vile purposes.
We will start first of all with the Torah and the Bible, but this naturally contains the Islamic Hoax, as these are interconnected and emerged from one another.
As most of you know, Torah is the Jewish Text of the Old Testament, upon which the enemy has laid their foundation for pretty much everything.
This could take a whole book, but the thing is, this “Torah” is many things, which we will have to lay on the table to understand things in a deeper context.
To start from the basics of Magick, all of you here do know that thoughts do possess energy.
Energy equals mass.
Also, energy that exists in the thoughts of someone is just a more refined form of energy.
Lower vibration is the physical realm, but above this realm, there are other planes of existence, plainly put what the populace knows as the “higher dimensions“.
Thoughts and everything else, do exist there, same as Human beings.
Most people are only aware of this 3rd dimensional realm of living, but its according to the Ancient Texts, that people do exist in too many higher planes and dimensions.
Modern science also has revealed how our thoughts not only impact ourselves on a genetic level, but our environments and so forth, via what we know today as the laws of Quantum Mechanics.
This was common knowledge in the Ancient Times, and it was beyond any dispute.
More energy equals more action.
All Human actions, all Human inventions and creations, do start either on the realm of thoughts, or the realm of emotions.
Then, action is taken, and action brings shapes and outcomes.
This brings out possible things, into the physical and concrete realm of existence.
Thoughts => Actions => Outcomes.
In Nature, the Ancients defined pretty much with the allegory of the 7 planets, the 7 types of energies that do exist in this Galaxy, the energies that, like “Gods” do dominate Human affairs and action, be it through urges or outside events.
These were traditionally, the 7 planets.
Any defining energy, whatever energy defines things on a higher level, is broadly commented on as “God”, this is also why, the Sun is also called a God.
In the Sun, all energies of the 7 types (7 Colors) do get emitted, but also another kind of energy which is the energy of “darkness” or “black matter”, which is higher than these colors.
All in all, this is how Nature is at this point and these are the things that define everything.
The initiation into the mysteries was mainly the understanding, control and refinement of these forces so that man raises himself on higher planes of existence, as thus evading mortality (Which is the result of decay of the body by the decaying forces of nature) and the list goes on.
Then, you have the 5 elements.
The element of:
- Fire
- Air (masculine)
- Earth
- Water (Feminine)
and finally, the Akasha.
As such you do have the Electric (Male-Active energy) and the Female energy.
(Magnetic- Passive energy).
This was common knowledge to the Ancient People and is the core knowledge of all the Pagan Pantheons.
Contrary to the beliefs the enemy has launched, the Ancients did worship the Gods, their Creator God and God, in themselves.
As such, they wanted to become like their Gods and ascend into their level.
Only by the time of the Jewish hoaxes, the people gave up this sort of thing, to just sing praises to an unknown sky, or to seek “god” somewhere not to be found.
Then, you have the Numbers.
Numbers and arithmetic have to do with things in nature that are finite.
For the rest of things, there is 8 and 0, the numbers of infinity.
All other numbers, be it from 1 to 10, they do have special meanings and these tie into their occult uses, but also other uses, which have to do with the combination of such.
Numbers are sort of like, building blocks, or better yet, instructions which give insight to the quality and quantity needed to materialize everything.
Calculus has to do with the co-operations of the numbers and how they link together.
This started thousands of years ago, in Sumer, where they also created the first calendar, divided the year in 365 days, the Hours, Minutes and Seconds of an hour.
After this, you have shapes, or the Platonic Solids.
Each solid does correspond to one element and hides the properties of these elements encoded in numbers, numerical values and letter sequences.
Most of this knowledge has been lost forever, when Philo the Jew, burned down the Library of Alexandria, out of old Jewish hatred.
Imagine where would the world be now, if this Library wasn’t burned down by the Jews.
Lastly, you do have letters.
The letters of each Alphabet, especially those who have been Ancient Languages, do have to do with certain sounds, which correspond to certain creative forces.
Certain sounds have to do with certain waves, which do correspond to certain wavelengths of energy & light.
Energies and qualities.
Alphabets like the:
- Greek
- Phoenician
- Egyptian
- Assyrian
- Sumerian
- Ancient German (Runes)
and Sanskrit, are all spiritual alphabets.
In other words, the letters do correspond to forces of nature.
The connection between Letters, Shapes and Numbers, is called “Gematria” in the Hebrew and it was stolen from Geometra (Geometry) of the Greeks.
Geo means Earth, Metria means ‘to count’.
To count the Earth, metaphorically speaking, the physical and metaphysical shapes of things that can be brought into existence.
As geometric shapes have astral correspondences, they do have physical ones too.
When the above are put into conjunction and fusion, one can create things, by what was widely known as the Kabbalah, which is the metaphysical teaching of how one’s thoughts can be made into concrete reality.
Also, the above, like building blocks, they can reveal not only the creation, but the creator and the purpose of the creation.
To simplify matters, this is like writing code for a computer, but the parallel falls short on the Truth behind this matter, yet the Jews degenerated this to that level.
Also, it has to be kept in mind, that everything that exists, does vibrate.
Vibration = Existence.
There are levels of vibration, such as, very low vibration or Physical Realm, higher vibration, the so-called Mental realm, even higher vibration, that of the Astral realm and the list goes on.
As thus, it’s the stolen word by the God Thoth, that everything begins with the Word.
Thoth is called the “Logos” or the Word, or the Purpose.
All the above was common knowledge in the Ancient Civilizations.
It wasn’t even secret, like it might seem nowadays.
The Gods we know in mythology as plain Gods, they take another face in these mysteries.
That of real, living beings, flesh and blood, who are ascended above this level that we are now struggling to defeat.
In other words, they are real beings and not just about any being.
These beings whom we know by alias and which alias and appearance we have used to create culture and religions (the Ancient Ones) do actually exist, flesh and blood.
These beings that helped Humanity advance, which we nowadays do know as Satan and the Demons (Gods), do come from the belt of Orion, as the Egyptians and other Ancient Civilizations stated.
The Gods the Ancients Worshiped, were in the mythologies, incarnations of these energies, but ABOVE and OUTSIDE this context of these types of energies.
The Mythologies were not actual events, but spiritual allegories.
As such, having surpassed these influences, the Ancients called them Gods before Gods and the list goes on.
The Gods were higher than these things, but assisted Humanity in being aware and lifting themselves levels above these blind influences that are controlling them, to the point THEY did control these influences and as such their fate.
To make a long story short, these beings introduced to us the Occult knowledge, which is actually, the knowledge to transcend mortality, exist forever and also, advance our Civilization and make it evolve, but also take fate onto our own hands.
These beings are actually the forefathers of the Human Race, and they were glorified under different aliases and adjustments, in all Gentile Cultures.
These were the times of the Golden Age, where Humanity was becoming as the Gods or approaching them.
The head of these beings we recognize as Satan.
Then, something happened.
Whom we know today, as the Jews, emerged in the scene.
Not much is known about the details as historical evidence has been lost & the Jews are always masking & re-writing this, but one can connect the dots and see the Truth, or at least, parts of it.
Except of the evident, how the Jews have wrecked into destruction all civilization of these times, and stole knowledge and information of all these peoples, one can connect even more dots.
To what degree, nobody knows, but history that we know already does suffice to help us understand that it was far more than what we presently can imagine.
First and foremost, the Jews do openly claim proudly, that they are NOT seed of these Pagan Gods, or of Satan.
They proudly state the opposite, that they are the seed of YHVH.
Some Jews even go as far as stating, that in their genetic code (DNA) there are messages encoded by “YHVH” and that their genetic code is different from all other Gentiles on Earth, on a very deep level.
Pseudoscience or not, the point is not here to be evaluated by science, but only the thing that they state this would seem outrageous, but it shouldn’t be to anyone that knows them like we do.
Studies have shown this to be true and that Jews do contain other genes, such as the Levi and the Cohen genes.
These Genes, according to the Jews, come from the time of “Abraham”.
Since we all here know these “beings” are fictitious (Abraham was stolen from Brahma, the God of the Hindus), something else must be up here.
There seems to anyone that somehow, they were “seeded” down there by something.
It required hundreds of thousands of years for someone to understand what is going on with the Jews, why they are here, what they are doing, why they never changed their culture and why they have been so ruthless, so secretive, & so destructive towards anyone else.
One just needs to study their holy books and they can see this right away.
The Jews themselves are giving the reasons out in the open, at least, the more obvious reasons.
Why would these “people” come out of nowhere (nobody knows where “Jews” started from, or from where they emerged) and suddenly, start wars against the Pantheons of all Gentiles, who pretty much, worshipped the same Gods in essence, all had a common mystical spiritual practice and pretty much never had any “religious wars” if at all?
You can pinpoint the start of religious wars and bloodshed over “religion“ at the point the Jews showed up.
One just needs to open up the Old Testament (Torah) so they can see that the Jews, would like to be brutal murderers and oppressors of everyone else that they had dealings with.
One can also see, from the very first pages, the unrelenting hatred “god” has for Humanity, how he is a punisher, does over and over commit genocide, is an everyday murderer, demands worship, acts illogically, sends minions of his to attack people who are against him and does pretty much all sorts of bizarre and “human like” things.
He even outright lies in his “own” book, texts and from all of his “followers”.
Above all, the most striking thing one will see, is that actually “God” is sort of playing the slave pet of the Jews and is also a sadist to its followers.
In other words, one in “God” (YHVH) one can see characteristics such as being:
- evil
- spiteful
- vengeful
and anything else that many people get baffled if they accept these, so they deny the existence of these “characteristics” of “god”.
In plain words, why is “god” so sick, fucked up, demands so many wars, puts people in such conditions who don’t make sense, and many times involve:
- war
- bloodshed
- ignorance
and stupidity?
Why is “God” afraid of knowledge?
Why “Christianity” is so evil, same as Islam and it has spread so much misery and blood unto the world?
One thing is for certain.
This “God’s” behavior is mirrored in all Jews – same destroyers, same liars, same attitude.
Even those who report of having seen “Angels” and other enemy beings, they just report how they receive sadomasochistic messages, they are telling them to murder people, they cause them all sorts of fear, or just try to dupe them with love and lies which never result in any advancement, whatsoever.
If anything, it’s all meaningless and all it does is keep individuals & civilization at a whole under a constant strife of resistance towards any evolution.
It took 1700 years to break free from the damage the Jewish religions have inflicted and to have the first signs of:
- science
- civilization
- history
and evolution to emerge.
The age where these beliefs and powers ruled completely, it was called the Dark Age, where absolutely no advances were made for Humanity, let alone daily:
- death
- murder
- slavery
and subjections were the central themes of everything.
Supposedly, God is supposed to be from “out there” and “otherworldly”, demands slavish worship and gives punishment if one doesn’t worship (Such as eternal Hellfire), but there are also… stranger passages about for instance, the Face of God, his obsession on:
- judging people
- killing thousands
- making old women pregnant
- punishing and killing people for masturbation (because he watches as you masturbate too), sending his “angels” over to rape daughters of his followers.
- striking whole cities to ruin (Babylon)
- Chasing homosexuals
and killing people simply merely to their sexual preferences, torturing people without any reason whatsoever and the list goes endless.
Anyone with a peanut of a brain, they can understand this is nothing but “god” in anyway.
Something else must be going on here, isn’t it?
Now if this is watched from an occult standby… Things are getting quite different and when one grasps what the Jews have done to the world, things stop looking like marmalade sunshine, forever.
One will realize the greatest crime that has ever found Humanity, has its root in the Jews.
A dictatorship and attack so sly, so underhanded and so ferocious that this world has never known one like this.
This is what we are going to do here, together, so we can solve the whole riddle both of the Bible, the Jews, The Torah and “YHVH”, once and for all and then solve this Jewish problem.
First of all, there are 3 levels upon which these alien books like the bible can be examined.
The 1st level is the level of a story, simply a story.
Like the stuff people read on Sunday school, for brainwashing purposes, or to supposedly learn some stuff.
Those who receive this teaching are the slaves of the Jews, upon which, the Jews do project their “teachings” and subconscious brainwashing.
These people were the majority up to now, because the Jews have made sure to get a tight hold of any occult knowledge, that would result in the insight of what they are doing.
Most people didn’t have a pen and a paper for centuries, after the Jewish Middle Ages.
The populace was being tortured and indoctrinated with Christianity, to the point sometimes the masses were going on for 12 hours a day.
They are in short, the pawns and the sheep of the Jews and their creations.
Even at that level, one can readily see the inconsistency, lies and insanity of the enemy and how they are plain our giving advice to people on how to wreck one another and how they do infest the minds of the masses with sick messages.
It just requires baseline intelligence, but this is not always the case.
These people just read the bible, or they have never read it, might believe or might not believe in “god”, and they don’t know anything more other than praying, praising “god” and being in “fear” of God, or thanking this thing for every Sunday meal they have, whatever the case is.
They absolutely have no knowledge and consciousness over what they are doing, what prayer is, let alone anything else.
These people have no knowledge over the inner allegories, or any other spirituality present in the things they read, let alone any awareness that they are being duped.
This level, the Jews call “Christians” and the Jews hate these people, because they are “Goyim” (derogatory term, means Animals in Hebrew) and they consider them stupid and low-level excrement, pretty much, which as their holy books instruct, these people are to be used like meat in the meat grinder for the Jewish ends.
These people are the sheep of the Jews, which the Jews are actively using to achieve their ends, from the highest levels.
They are animals, because like animals, they work for the Jews and produce for the Jews, while the Jews are sitting down and enslave them or make them suffer.
Making these people die and suffer is nothing for the Jews, as they themselves state they are the “appointed masters of the Universe” and the “Chosen of God” and since these people are animals, its normal in the Jewish mind to destroy them, kill them, torture them, even eat them in Blood Sacrifice Rituals that the Jews are committing.
Let alone, exploiting them on all levels, including physical labor, spiritual labor and anything else.
Exclusive pics of the level 1 below:
The 2nd level barely knows stuff.
They are like the advanced Christians, who know that something nefarious is up with their religion, but in the pursuit of power over others and generally becoming like the Jews, or out of plain selfish desires such as the need to survive, they keep this lie going.
Low level of pastors and ministries of the enemy are here.
They also use the “bible” and “read passages” to people, to “cure” them or to “bless” them and the list goes.
They have some knowledge about the occult, but this is enemy tainted, and they don’t know more about it.
The 3rd level is more serious and holds inside it the occultists of the enemy, such as the Freemasons, Illuminati and so forth, all of whom are taught to praise Jewish “Angels” and YHVH, but also these lodges that are infamous for Human or living sacrifice, then on the top level, there are the Vatican priests & the enemy in general, who don’t just stay on the biblical translated crap, but go beyond this, further on the past, on Latin & so forth- Occult languages which do have more power.
All these things do derive power from “Jesus” and YHVH, which are actually, just YHVH.
These people are responsible for keeping the farm closed, contained and the animals in running in the wheel, to keep believing the lies.
They get some benefits from that, which everyone knows.
The exchange for their services, is to be slaves that are having physical power, in most cases.
If even that.
The Fictitious Jesus – Library of Rickandria
Above this level, do reside the Jews & the Rabbis, who supposedly, control all those below them & the list goes on.
Obviously, all these people are totally aware of the powers of the mind, & they are the ones who are making up all the lies about Satan, the Demons of Satan, attempt to use the enemy teachings & grimoires to attack the Gods & the list goes on.
Here you get deep in the Rabbit hole & questions start to meet their answers.
Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
On the deeper level, one has to understand matters, and this is what we are going to do.
Understand these deep down, to what all this is, how it works and how it finally worked to enslave Humanity in the first place.
To understand this, one has to understand the Torah first.
Like the:
- Sumerian
- Greek
- Egyptian
Alphabet and all other Alphabets, the Torah is based on an Alphabet too.
The Alphabet it’s based on, is supposedly, the Jewish Alphabet, but deep down, this Alphabet is simply stolen and is an amassment of:
- Greek
- Phoenician
- Egyptian
and other elements.
Remember what we stated above:
- Numbers
- Sequences
- Letters
- Sound
- Vibration
= Matter.
Also, it has to also be made evident that the Jews are actively doing “Kabbalah” lessons, that they actively meditate (Kabbalistic Meditation, Meditative Kabbalah) and even do advanced meditations like the Merkabah, which they call Mer-Ka-Va, all of which practices are stolen from the ancient people, whom they destroyed, killed or butchered, or just caused other problems so they lost their knowledge etc.
The paradigm of such is Abraam, who was a High Priest in Egypt (allegory of infiltration, it never happened historically) & stole all the knowledge of the Egyptians.
When his Jewish friends & racial brothers came over, he backstabbed the Pharaohs & others who gave mercy to him when they saw him as a toddler in a basket & went in with the Jews to destroy the Pharaohs – who were otherwise his “parents” & gave him “mercy”.
But this is another testament of the Racial loyalty of Jews.
One thing to remember, Gentiles… Since we covered the basics, we have to get to the ugliest rabbit hole now & examine what the Torah is & does.
People should by now have an idea that something is entirely wrong, but I reassure you, things are far worse than that.
Where to begin & where to end with this filthy book.
The Truth About the Bible – Library of Rickandria
First of all, what is called as the “Sefer Torah”, is a Scroll.
A scroll, that is, like just any other scroll of the Ancient Times, one might say, but unfortunately, No.
The Torah is a scroll, because something written on a scroll is giving the impression of the “No Beginning – No end”.
It’s not like in a book, from where you start and end it, it’s a scroll, that forms a circle, a continuity in its shape.
One can imagine it forms a circle, not a finite line.
This is important, as the circle represents infinity.
In occult terms, this means that whatever this shit is about, it’s meant to be recurring and recurring, until its finished, materialized, or it has served its purpose.
It’s a circle.
A circle is about wholeness, like the Sun and this shape has specific properties.
The Idea of the Torah has been stolen from the ancient people who had similar books so they can do magick and enhance their civilization.
Obviously, the enemy stole these books, malformed these and changed these to serve their ends.
For instance, the Talmud was stolen from Babylon and obviously has been degenerated and perverted from another book that existed at this time, as the “Sefer Yetzirah” which basically lays an array for the planets, forces and such, was stolen too by books before it.
The Jews have nothing on their own.
Well, as this scroll is written on Hebrew pretty much.
As stated, Hebrew is stolen in meanings, shapes and sounds from other Gentile Languages, the Phoenician and Egyptian first and foremost.
Some research is the only necessary thing for someone to understand this and see it for themselves.
Each letter does correspond to some quality and since this alphabet is stolen, letters as sounds do have an occult quality to them.
If these are put in certain arrangements, vibrated in a certain way and correspond to certain numerals, these do create Kabbalistically, in other words, the Jews have stolen the Ancient Pagan art and are using it to create something.
Sound = Vibration = Creation.
The details are filled in.
The Jews are fanatically obsessed with certain things (in fact, many things), that to some might seem like superstition, but in reality, these things are pretty clearly deeper occult matters and deep excrement to hide.
For instance, each Torah scroll can only be written by hand.
Certain scribes have to be trained to write down this scroll, letter to letter, verbatim.
The creation of scrolls can take months, or even a year.
The letters, spaces and everything else have to be completely verbatim.
If one letter is out of place, the whole scroll is considered trash and is thrown into the trash can, its dull and void.
In the Torah, there are 304,805 letters.
Letter for letter, this has to be copied.
The Torah (Old Testament) is also divided in 5 books:
- Beraishit (Genesis) 78,064 letters
- Shmos (Exodus) 63,529 letters
- Vayikra (Leviticus) 44,790 letters
- Bamidbar (Numbers) 63,530 letters
- Devorim (Deuteronomy) 54,892 letters
Each of these books, corresponds to one of the 5 elements and the number is not a coincidence, either.
All these books contain:
- curses
- blessings
- plans
and guides for the Jews to reign and rule over the “Goyim”.
These have to be written letter to letter, or they are void.
All this insanity is for the aforesaid reason.
One doesn’t need to reason it out, they just need to understand the greater context.
To make a long story short, if you arrange letters in certain sequences, this is like taking lego pieces and putting them to make a tower or anything.
The enemy arranges these things, and they make short phrases, which are like Eastern Mantras and work in a similar way.
This is what these books are, mostly. Just arranged letters and sequences, based upon numbers, which form things that are to be vibrated into the environment & create a certain reality, based on the things vibrated, which are infused with meaning.
You need to use your imagination to understand it, and those of you who are highly evolved and advanced will grasp this pretty quick.
This is why the Jews do gather in their congregations and meetings and they all vibrate the Torah.
They are in other words, CREATING the Torah, INTO A REALITY – From a possible reality to a reality, down here & now.
They are vibrating into the environment.
They are “creating” it together, by using & abusing the energy of the “Goyim” & anyone else who gives into that thing.
The only analogous thing of this, is the writing of a certain computer code.
Nothing in this world is predestined, so when one has the knowledge of the code, they can write a code and create a “reality”.
This created reality, does get reinforced by both the spiritual work of Jews, but also, the prayers and salutations of all the Christians & Muslims.
“God” is nothing but a Jewish thoughtform that has been created, representing the whole of the Jews on a higher level, but also, those beings who are inter-dimensional and behind what is going on here with the Jews.
The Jews created “God” (this thoughtform) and “God” in turn, “Created” them, by giving them wealth, power & anything else they “asked”.
For the creation of this thoughtform, the energies of the people were used, death rituals & other magickal works.
“God” as in a thoughtform, that is.
“God” as in YHVH, is also a representation of not only the Jewish collective, but also, the beings who are behind this hoax which are commonly known as Greys and Reptilians.
One Rabbi named Rabbi Ariel Tzadok, was a Kosher Rabbi who along the lines revealed a lot of things about the enemy (nobody would understand unless they had serious inside knowledge), aside many others whose names cannot be mentioned due to the important things their stupidity did reveal.
He openly mentioned that “Angels” are not real beings, but collectives of beings who don’t have any personal consciousness, but rather “programs”, if at all, and they are all subjected to the “Masters” whose neither name can be uttered, neither face can be seen.
This is evidently, the Reptilians, who work on keeping the World enslaved, produce false theories and lies & use the Greys as a slaver Race to work for them & achieve their ends, which is the goal of World Domination.
The Jews are used as means to this, as slave workers, & they were created by this “Other God” which is nothing else, but the energy bank and the amassment of the energies, powers & beings of the enemy.
Behind the aliases of “Angels”, there do hide these nefarious beings & a whole other & deeper world where all this thing “sticks” & originates.
It’s also widely known, that spacing certain letters from one another in the first pages in the Torah, these letters spell Tora.
For instance, in one phrase, if you take letters from each time by a number of spaces, a new name or “phrase” emerges which shows a hidden meaning or a subconscious message, that you can’t see while you just study the text.
From these things come up the peculiar obsessions about the “Names of God” and the 42-letter name of “God” and the other “Names” of “God”.
Unless someone has these names and they pray (like the Christians do) nothing will ever happen for them, or their own mind is going to cause what they have prayed for out of their own power.
The Rabbis on the other fact, do know and they do possess the “Secret Name of God” which is the name of the ‘thoughtform’ they have created, which has been created to serve them & the enemy on the higher level.
This is why this “Jesus” can never answer any prayers, give feedback or anything & just random beings fill in for him, or have to kill & murder for him, or why some people just plainly do see “Grey aliens” when they are trying to contact “God”.
Something nefarious is going on behind this & this is glaringly evident, especially when “God” requires so much death & misery to just go on.
In fact, this level of existence must exist so the Jews will keep existing, because the Jews always profit from ignorance, lack of knowledge & through the calamities that Gentiles are hit with.
The Jews have some other peculiar obsessions, such as, that nobody will ever know the “real” name of “God” and that “God” has certain names that are basically to never be known (who knows what is behind these), so they call this thoughtform just “Lord” & such & they are allowed to say its real name only on Yom Kippur which is their highest celebration, upon which they bless & program all the Jews on the planet to just have it easy on life, enjoy life & generally be your slave masters.
These names are obviously, the names of the “Master Thoughtform” which they have created, & they are reinforced.
This is the vortex of energy of the enemy, which like any thoughtform, does have a name the commander has to use to call it in & command it.
This is why, in the Gospels its said that whoever knows the “real name” of God, they will be given all they want if they are Jews, & this is why the Name of God is taught into the Masonic Lodges, or just a substitute of it is used.
This thoughtform is supposed to only help Jews & it rarely if ever helps any Gentiles, as this is its programing.
It’s not a real being in any way, shape or form.
The Rabbis and higher-ranking enemy priests do know this word, which is the “name of God”.
They just basically were handed access to the reptilian pool of energy to tap into their desires and goals, which are basically the goals of their forefathers, the reptilians, for the exchange of serving the Jewish ends, the reptilians all their demands.
This also ties into the rumored deal with the Vatican, wealth and power in exchange of Human Souls, which have to be made defenseless and weak enough to be thrown into the astral vortex of the enemy to be transmutated into lifeforce for “YHVH”, who wants all the Souls of Humanity after all, & wants to save them from “Satan” who emphasizes on having & “Ego” & existing as a self.
The so called “Covenant” between them & “God” is this exact thing: The covenant to follow and adhere to the commands of the higher ET commanders they have, to act as inside agents of the Reptilians here, based on the script of the Torah & to, by all means, create the Reality this Torah is trying to enforce upon this Reality, through magick & physical actions.
Depending on the level of the Rabbis, they of course might not “know” this, let alone reveal it, but it is what it is.
If they are to fail on this covenant and mission, the higher ET enemy will outright exterminate them, because you know, they are like communists & if you know too much…You know too much…
They are just here to turn this world over to their reptilian & alien masters.
This is why the Jews are so “god fearing” & they have to cry all day & night to evoke energy & mercy for this Jewish thoughtform.
The Torah that was “Handed down at Sinai” is just a text, based on stolen knowledge that probably was formulated into a certain program or sequence, to be enforced & programmed into this reality by magickal means, which is the climax of the Jewish cause.
In plain children’s words, this is a program they are trying to put onto reality, or the Matrix/Jewtrix as many are familiar with this.
The “Sinai” event never happened, but surely, this book was either formulated by ancient Jews who had much occult knowledge, or plainly the enemy created this thing for them.
The connection between the Reptilians & the greys, as most people here do already know, it’s a slave to master relationship.
The greys do not have any personal consciousness, at least the striking majority of them, they are just sort of “hooked in” or biomechanical creations of the reptilians, who just do lower-level jobs for them.
This is why they attack many of our members over & over & over, despite of the members raping them with attacks every time.
This is also why their attacks range from stupid, to very stupid to outright stupid.
As thus, just tune them out & know they can’t do anything far more than that.
Aside from this, the enemy ET’s who are randomly called “angels” and descend from the skies to, for instance, fuck Lot’s virgin Daughter, we are obviously talking about enemy ETs of flesh & blood here, which is a whole other matter.
To these beings, the channeled energy from “YHVH” and “Prayers” is going too.
This was like a vortex or amassment of energy.
This thoughtform was just an amassment of energy, with hundreds of reptilians & other beings guarding it, which hovers somewhere far from the Earth & to where the energies of prayer & such is channeled.
On the website called the “Luciferian Liberation Front”, this could very possibly be what’s called THE ONE where the Christian Souls are going when they are dead, same as Muslims & all other slaves of the enemy.
It generally looked like a thoughtform, with certain ability to think for itself.
Many people have had the bad fortune to see this without protection, & many of such people have either died, or went insane, because the thing is, nothing is more of a disgusting vision than that.
This is why Rabbis state that if one looks “god” into the face, they might as well have their mind explode & die, or the list goes.
The threats about “seeing God” or anything like this are too many, & these are for this reason.
From all this energy feeding, this “thoughtform” has started to develop a seriously thinking consciousness of its own.
The same Rabbi of the prior written paragraphs also explains how these beings are just “hive minds” and that these do not possess any individuality, whatsoever, but are just bound to one “Will” above them, which is centered to a being, & this is a recurring pattern.
This was brought down here, in concrete matters, as the expression of the Jewish dreams in politics, which is Communism: all beings subjected and enslaved totally, people to become mechanical drones & soulless creatures that are just working for the Jews like animals.
The Goyim (Animals) are called animals, because the Jews by stealing knowledge & destroying the Spiritual Legacy of our Ancestors, people are falling into an animal level of consciousness where they can no longer reason out neither what is going on with reality, neither with the world.
Upon these animals, the Jews are putting all the weights & labors & desires, so they create their new “World”.
This is the Jewish dream.
Also, the Jews & the reptilians, do use the energy raised by wars, famines & all sorts of miseries, prayers & eulogies & push it towards the energy vortex of “YHVH”.
This vortex is charged by the prayers & the Souls of the victims of the Jews, & the Jews & the enemy are using this energy vortex to push their Will to materialize upon the environment, creating the world they envision.
The script of such, the blueprint & the guide for this, is the Torah.
The Old Testament.
Part of the goals of this, is to materialize a “leader” for the Jews, which will be named “Jesus”, a Mashiach which will create the “Paradise on Earth” for Jews, kill all their enemies & finish all the unsettled business they have with their Ancient Enemies, the Pagan religions & generally, any & all opposition these Jews could be faced with.
The “New Testament” is more of a bunch of crap, based on what beings that were allied with the enemy “Saw” of the future.
The Jews state the Torah has two dimensions.
The Black letters, or the evident plan, and the White formed around the letters, or the “Prophetic” or “Not evident” plan, which is the “Future” and can only be seen through “Prophecy” and “Prophetic” eyes.
What is written about this “White” and uncertain thing, made it into the New Testament & this is why the Jews reject this, as they have the core teachings, yet they exploit this just as well, but only as what it’s worth:
A guide to brainwash Humanity & make the slaves more willing to be loyal to them & give them attention, God status & energy.
Prophecy is just the ability to see the future.
Depending on the energies set for a specific goal or purpose and the energies in opposition, which will judge how & if this will come to be, one opens their mind & they can try to see, if this possible future will come & how it is going to be.
All the “prophets” of the Jews are doing, is tap into this “Possible Future” of the Torah & write down what they see, if they have enough power to materialize this.
The collective power of this is based upon the “Will of God” or in other words, how much power the Jews, their alien hive & their energy bank, “Thoughtform” do possess in order to do this.
Inside this “New Testament”, in order for it to be catchy to Gentiles & appealing so the slaves can believe in it, the Jews have copied & injected the whole of the character of Jesus from Apollo & other deities who are prophesized to return, all of which beings are living allegories for the Sun.
The only difference, Jesus never existed & is just a Jewish dupe.
Jesus comes from IESUS, which is stolen from the Greek Zeus, so of which is Dion-Ysus (the leader of the Occult Mysteries – DION ISUS, same sound, Son of Zeus) who descends down & “Saves” the people by teaching them the practices of Meditations & the Mystical Sciences.
This is recurring in all Gentile civilizations, & the list goes.
Zeus is Jupiter & is the Savior who saves the people from Saturn, IE, Damnation of the Soul & degeneration of the Spirit.
He does this through his Son, Dionysus.
Who was born by…coincidence on the 25th of December too.
10 Christ-Like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus – Library of Rickandria
This New Testament book is just made appealing so that the “Goyim” will believe in it with blind eyes & work against their own Gods & traditions while their minds are duped & believing that they are following something that is in fact…their own tradition.
Remember, the enemy is a copycat & an imposter, master of confusion & lies.
The Jews themselves do know this is all a lie to dupe the populace & they are just focused on the more technical things of this lie, rather than the Goyim Fairytales.
Let the Goyim have the lies & the labor & the imposter things of “Jewsus”, embrace the communist doctrines of Jesus & the psychopathic filth of these lies.
The Jews know better, but they of course need the Goyim to send the energy for their goals…so… For this reason, the supply of energy must be kept in check.
This is why, the enemy pushes people to pray, forces them to pray, wants them to never have sex so their minds go off the hook & their prayers are “stronger”, wants them to grieve, feel misery & be sad all the time, outright suffer or be scared.
This is because, this energy is gathered, the fools send this energy to “god” and “god” takes on this energy, which the Jews are sublimating & directing to shaping this “god world” of theirs.
From the Christian sheep they receive, from the Torah & the Old Testament deeper stuff, they sublimate & guide the energy.
This is why this “Jesus-Emmanuel, Son of YHVH” is just a fool where all the damned tears, fears & suffering of people must “go”.
Emotions, especially those having to do with suffering, they do have power.
This is why the enemy causes war after war, endless disputes & fear in all their followers.
Blood sacrifice rituals are the favorite for the Jews, & YHVH & the Jewish thoughtforms, all ask for sacrifice, such as the instance where Abraham is told to Sacrifice his “Son”, Isaac.
This is only one instance, but the thing is, blood sacrifice is entirely of the enemy.
Also, this sort of thinking & parasitical existence, is also what the Jews do even in the most minor things.
As Henry Ford put it for instance, the Jews NEVER create wealth, they just steal & amass already existing wealth.
The same thing the enemy and the Jews do with energy, labor & anything else, like a tick or flea, that just drains ready blood from victims, or else it cannot survive.
Do you realize now why these Muslim fools are told to pray tens of times a day, why they torture themselves with blades on Ramadan and other celebrations, why Christianity has waged holy wars & so forth?
Do you now see why all this insanity?
As for the Cube below, we will settle accounts with this in the end of this booklet on what this thing is.
It’s just a representation of something vile & destructive.
The Cube Exposed – Library of Rickandria
As far as “Angels” are concerned.
Angels are basically, 72 names or attributes of “God”.
Yes, I know this 72-sound familiar, and this is the 72 Demons of the Goetia.
The Jews took the 72 most important & powerful Gods of the Ancient people, their symbols that they found in Sumer, Egypt & so forth & they did “bind” these.
Each name corresponds to some alien hive, upon which fools & believers are giving energy, so these can keep the Gods attacked & attempt to bind their power, but also put their interaction on lockdown as far as Humanity is concerned.
It’s not like they can hurt the Gods but imagine this like a telephone line.
If they make you deaf, the telephone can work, but you can’t listen.
This is why Spiritual ignorance is pushed to no end by the enemy, to keep people in the physical realm, tied on lockdown, with their whole life to never advance.
In order for this to happen, they created 72 thought-forms, one to keep every Pagan God, their essence & energy suppressed.
The fictitiousness of the enemy beings or “Angels” or the fact that these are categories for alien filths, is evident in the fact that every name ends with “EL”.
Raphael, Gabriel & the list goes on – This shows they are nothing but programs, based upon “EL”, which is stolen from the name of the Ancient Egyptian for the Sun, EL.
This is to show that these though-forms are supposed to have “light” in them, or to be directed “light” at, for a specific purpose that is represented by their name.
Thoughtforms are just energies that are given a specific purpose.
This is why, most of the time, the people who contact Angels never hear anything intelligent, or outright dumb things, or they are just harassed & told to kill others & the list goes.
These are just thoughtforms & beings without any serious substance, or concrete existence.
With the large following of people giving them endless energy through prayers & litanies, they had enough power to constrain some of the power of the Gods for a while.
But to the Gods, this while is too small indeed.
This was like a momentary flu to them, to be honest, at best.
This is why the Christian masses & the Muslim masses, they have to follow a pattern, where they have specific things to chant for every day, for all year, specific things on high days & the list goes on.
The Torah needs to be chanted in a specific sequence, or else, its void, & the lies must be reinforced yearly in order to have power.
This is just to empower the certain points of the Torah that need empowerment, give energy to the specific minions/beings of the enemy & keep this over & over again, all the time, until the desired reality of the Jews is manifest into reality.
This is simply, like programs are fed with energy to create what the Jews want.
The Gods are real beings & as we have told you, our Gods are Nordics & other friendly ET Races who are mostly Nordics, that are helping us fight & destroy the enemy, which is the reptilian & enemy alien hive.
These two forces do hide behind “Satanism” & the enemy programs.
Satanism is just the title this faith did survive & the amassment of where centuries of corruptions & cover-ups have made the Truth to be – ancient truth, all of which can be found in bits of archeological & historical evidence, which the enemy hates so much.
Satan & the Gods do not demand any “sacrifice” or anything else, & the enemy has just projected what they are & do to Satan.
Satan & the Gods do not demand any worship.
Satan & the Gods are also real beings, & their aliases roots can be founded routed in the Ancient Religions, which openly talk on how these beings descended from the skies, created Mankind, taught them civilization & then, went back to the skies.
Satan means Eternal Truth in Sanskrit, Satya Loka is the Highest Adobe of Truth in the Hindu Religions, & the list goes endless, other writings have covered that in depth.
Things should be crystal clear by now, why the Gods never act like this, why they must be treated with respect and approached as the beings they are, with dignity, respect & high reverence.
The Gods are not some sort of lie that you need to feed your attention or that even requires it.
Satan doesn’t need sacrifices & litanies to feel good, neither is going to send anyone to fire & brimstone if they do not do what he says.
Satan is a real being & he always was.
What we do, is because our World is on our responsibility, our future is our responsibility (but the Gods do help us) & because we do this out of pure respect & reverence, like when one gives a gift to someone they love & revere for all they did for them.
The Gods are not in need to do all the enemy is, as the Gods are True & Nature is already doing enough.
When one says the Truth, they don’t need to subject anyone, torture people & the list goes. ‘
Also, the Gods, they don’t hide things like the enemy, & they are upfront, as they are not afraid.
The enemy on the other hand, works that way, because they are not “God” but just a slaver authority that is based upon a bank of energy.
The Gods are beyond wanting to be recognized, wanting litanies and everything, but they want us to remember them & to know that they are here for us, so they can help us become Gods & can help us with mishaps, like those with the enemy.
They are REAL beings, and they have jobs to do, which far more extend than what most idiotic fools can grasp.
The Gods are actual, real living beings and they are GODS.
They aren’t wishing granting machines like this little thoughtform of the enemy, neither they are insecure slaves who want to communize life-forms just because they are afraid that they might defeat them.
YHVH acts too overly afraid, same do its followers.
To many things to hide, so much little time, indeed.
Another very important thing.
How many times have you heard that “History Repeats itself” like a circle?
Well, this is the Torah.
As stated above, the Torah scroll is a circle.
TORA in Greek means NOW, RIGHT NOW.
This is stolen from the Hermetic Teaching of the “Eternal Now”, upon which there is no past, no present & future, just an eternal NOW.
So “TORA” is trying to be the “Eternal Now”.
Torah, the Jewish blueprint for enslavement is also an anagram for ROTHA(r) which means Wheel in Greek.
The Wheel of Reincarnation, eternal Repetition, no change.
It’s said that the Souls that are locked into the lowest level of existence, are stuck forever into the level of the “Rotar” & they can never escape.
This is what Satan is trying to save us from, the Samsaric Base Chakra level of consciousness.
Adolf Hitler called the Jews the Element of Decay & the Race of Destroyers, which is actually an accurate statement.
Traditionally, this is Saturn, who comes as the grim reaper & sweeps off life, destroys & maims everything that tries to expand (Jupiter).
Satan saves us by giving us knowledge on how to destroy this “ROTHA” & escape the circle of endless reincarnation & become Gods on Earth while we create a society of Gods on the Earth, not in some sort of “afterlife”.
YHVH, which is the thoughtform of the Jewish will against us, with the higher will to enslave us & keep us blind.
What has to remain is that the Jews state openly that Gentiles are Satan’s seed & that their Souls are created from the Satanic Spheres & not from “YHVH”.
Ha-Satan means “THE ADVERSARY” or better yet, the Arch Adversary of the enemy.
This is why in the biblical “creation” there are inconsistencies & lies, about how Satan “Rebelled” against God & such.
This is obvious as the war is going on in the “Heavens” & the Gods are not going to let the enemy take us down simply because they are natural parasites.
Looking back to the matter of Numbers.
These numbers all do correspond to certain elements, be it through multiplication, or adding or subtracting, which in turn correspond to the books.
For instance, the book of Genesis is the fake story of Genesis, while Deuteronomy & Psalms & Leviticus are more like books on how to attack destroy & rip the Gentiles over.
Also, inside these books you will see even more “Numbers” in every verse.
These are just blueprints for things, mantras & such, which all together formulate something like a big possible creation.
When these are loaded with much energy, they, like anything else, produce effects to the environment, or even materialize.
To put it swiftly and simply, in these books people are going to find simply, the stolen allegories from other religions, such as the “Creation Myth” (stolen from the Sumerians and others), the allegory of Samson (stolen from Hercules), all sorts of Jewish Pseudo history that has never actually happened, or they can just open the “Numbers” book to just see an array of “Blessings and Curses” towards enemies, allies, or “God”, then the story of Adam which is stolen from the Sumerian Adimu, or Adi which means “the First one” in Sanskrit & the list goes endless.
Not one thing in this bible is original, all is stolen & corrupted.
The list is purely endless & nefarious.
It is stated & well known amongst Rabbis, the phrase that “YHVH, JEWS AND TORAH ARE ONE”.
And yes, they are one.
But how the Rabbis put it, shall clear more matters:
“A Sefer Torah is a long scroll containing the entire text of the Five Books of Moses, hand-written in the original Hebrew.
It is rolled up around two ornate wooden shafts, attached to either end of the scroll.
Kept in the Ark of each synagogue, the Sefer Torah is routinely read aloud in all synagogues, & in its presence, we offer prayers & blessings for all those in need.
Yet the Sefer Torah is much more than that.
It is the quintessential, core representation of Judaism itself.
It is the tangible embodiment of our connection to G-d & of His wisdom & guidance.
On the most joyous day of the year, we embrace it in our arms, as we dance ecstatically & celebrate that connection.
Our holiest & most precious treasure, the Torah is literally G-d’s gift to the world.
The Torah is our guide to life.
Actually, the Torah is our life.
Without it, the Jewish People cannot live.
It is the heart, mind & soul of Judaism, right there in front of you, black on white.
The original hard copy.
The first Sefer Torah in history was dictated by G-d verbatim & written by Moses, just before his passing.
In his parting words, he told them to listen to the words found in that scroll & to reference them in response to life’s questions.
They taught their children to do the same, & that’s how we’ve kept its tradition until this day.
From that Sefer Torah, many identical copies were made, & likewise in all subsequent generations.
Today there are many thousands of Sefer Torah in existence.”
No Torah = No Jews = No YHVH.
Wherever this chain breaks, they all break.
No masses to empower their “Torah” & feed them, poof, GONE.
This Torah is formulated in a specific way, to on a lower level teach the Jews how to act in order to destroy Gentiles through allegories (like a child reading a story, so they know how to act) & on the higher level, to guide them spiritually in order to destroy Gentiles & enslave the World under the Jew World Order, which is the aim of Jews & Is represented by the “ruling of YHVH” over all the other “Gods”.
The Gods also are metaphorically speaking, representations for the Gentile States, cultures & peoples.
In other words, this thing is multidimensional, & everything has more meanings than the evident meanings, but it all ties into a same & common knot.
The key to understand is simple.
The Jews, the Torah & YHVH are one.
Whomever loses power & whomever gets down, they all get down.
Satan & the Gods are the beings that can help us out with this, so the World can escape the fate the Jews are pushing to it, that of a slave farm for their insanity.
The animals of this farm, who are meant to plow and create for them, which are all Gentiles, they are subjected to mind control, manipulation & through lack of knowledge, they become total victims of the Jews, & their own mind is under the control of the Jews & not their own control.
This is why the enemy refers to people as “Qlippoth” or empty Shells, which actually means they are empty and that they have nothing inside them.
Since the people are without a Soul, the enemy calls them Qlippoth and they move them here and there like soulless beings who can’t reason out anything.
Satan is the enemy of the Bible, since Satan is the Serpent of the Garden of Eden, which in this stolen allegory tempts man to know “Good and Evil” & stop being a “Qlippoth” to the Jewish “god” & all others who want him enslaved.
Also, Satan is metaphorical for the Kundalini Serpent, that brings knowledge & awareness, raising mankind to the higher dimensions, where the Truth is evident, & the enemy can be seen.
Otherwise, nobody can defeat an enemy they do not see or that they do not know that even exists.
Here we are to the more specific stuff, so that people will understand some more things of the bizarre things in the bible.
To get further into this crap, the “World” is said to be 6000 years old, & the Earth is called “Flat” as if it’s a Square.
6000 is 4 digits.
The number 4 roughly has to do with the Squares.
Things that are set, Earthly & stable that can hardly change.
These things are not mutable.
Also, the Jews have chosen as a Symbol, the 6-pointed Star, originally a Gentile Symbol that was stolen.
Stolen from the Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
This is basically, two overlapping Triangles, which show the World Above and the World Below, connecting on the Middle of Triangle.
Each perfect triangle has 180 degrees, 60x60x60, with both adding up to 360 degrees of the Sun, that of a perfect circle, which ties into the Sun.
This is the positive side of these 6 points & 6 sides thing, the Triangle.
As in astrology, Triangles tend to be positive.
This symbol is very important and long story short, it’s to represent the Godman or those who bring things from the Astral realm, into the Physical realm.
Onto the same dimensions, the Cross is based, but only, this is the negative side.
For instance, the Cube and the Square are traditionally associated with hard aspects either in natal charts, or the Earth element, which is a representation for dross in some of the ancient texts (metaphorically).
The cross is too based on the number 6, but on the negative side of 6.
Here is the trick.
The cross is actually, 6 squares put in such a way, that 4 are in a vertical and 2 in a horizontal line.
It’s an unfolded cube pretty much.
This forms the number 42, which in the bible is connected to:
- desolation
- destruction
- pain
& misery, but above all hardships.
The Christians are technically wearing the symbol of hardship, destruction & the Torah itself on their neck & they don’t understand this at all.
You all know the crucifix which also has the symbol of all misery, slavery & pain upon it, the sorry Jewsus.
Now, this Cube, is also a representation of the 3rd dimension.
In other words, not only it is an obstacle, but it is also of Earth & sticky circumstances.
Yes, you get it right.
It ALSO represents the lockdown of the Christian/Muslim victims & the masses of the people, into the 3rd dimension.
The Cube is by definition, a 3-dimensional shape.
On the number 6 and the Karma, Communism & the Number 6 & what it is & why they use it, it’s a number mainly connected with bringing the Physical into the Astral, but on a very negative light, this shows servitude & even slavery in some cases.
The Jews keep the higher & positive for them (the Godman, Above & Below) for them (6-pointed Star) and they keep the Cube for the foolish Christians, which is actually, a totally unspiritual symbol & a symbol of low consciousness & damnation.
The number 6 is also evident in the 6 million Jews, who were supposedly gassed in the Holocau$t.
The 6 million, 6000, all these combine the powers of the number 10 which is the perfect material work, with the number of 6, which is hard work and hard work paying off, such as when “God” creates the Universe, or the Kabbalistic notions on how 600,000 the original Souls of Israelis are.
The numbers above are also numbers of hardship, or big success after hard work.
10 is also a number connected to Saturn, be it for positive or for negative.
Saturn is for instance, the 6th planet of the Solar system.
The Jews keep the positive for themselves & the negative is thrown upon the Goyim animals, the Gentiles.
In this case, the number 10 can also represent, in a negative light, the 10th house of Capricorn, which is Saturn.
Saturn can also show big success after much hard work.
The Jews are getting the fruit, the Gentiles are working the hard work. In the case of the 6 million Jews, this is the pensions, the movies and the endless wealth they created, which raised these people above all criticism for over 50 years & blinded all their masses to think them as “Gods”.
The True way to use the Square or the Triangle, is only in conjunction with the Triangle, in other words, the Pyramid.
Pyramidal Constructions in the World – Library of Rickandria
While the Pyramid has the Square as a base, the Physical realm and the fixed matters, it has as a reach for Heavens, representing a balance between the Material & the Spiritual realms.
Not one, not the other, but both of them TOGETHER.
The combined forces of the Square and the Triangle, do form the Tetractys, the Highest symbol of Wisdom for the Pythagoreans, which is the real meaning of the number 10- the Union of the Male & Female (1 is Male, zero is Female).
Heaven & Earth connected, not Divided.
Heaven ON Earth, as ONE.
Not separate as the Jews intend.
It gets sicker, don’t you worry.
Generally, the Torah works upon reinforcing Saturn for the Gentiles, while empowering the effects of Jupiter for Jews.
Jew is as a term, stole from the Yew, which is the Yew tree.
The Yew Tree has certain seeds that remind the open Pineal Gland.
In other words, the Jews stole the legacy of the Spiritual people and they tried to make themselves the ruling spiritual class of the World, transform themselves into “SOLOMON” which is actually an allegory for the awakened Jews & mages, who are doing whatever they are doing to Gentiles.
Their congregations, rituals & litanies are all about blessing the Jews, on the level of the Soul & on a Racial basis, so they will rule over others, destroy them, live easy lives & be under the control of the enemy & do what they must for them.
Removing their “Sins” & putting them on Gentiles, so they Gentiles will “pay” for these sins.
Sins are just the negative energies of the lower dimensions.
Many people can’t figure out for instance, why bad things hit in one’s life harder than the positive things and why many people collapse under this pressure, but again, this answer is inside the “Torah” which is made specifically for that reason.
The Jews are really our Saturn, our Cube, the Square, the obstacles in general.
Nothing of the above is evil on its own, but how the Jews utilize these things are for purely evil purposes & to destroy us.
This is why the “Goyim” are all meant to have very hard lives, to where they hardly have any more time, than only to struggle for survival, while Jews are just stealing from their labor, & they are working them out like slaves.
It’s not work that is evil as this is natural and should be joyful, but the Jews have made WORK to happen for SURVIVAL and as thus they have degenerated the meaning of the notion to work, from creation to mere survival, it’s the unspiritual context that lacks any Spiritual Knowledge, so the people can never advance & they remain in lockdown their whole existence, unable to ascend further spiritually & being damned by their “Fate”.
The Jews make sure this work never pays off & that people just work for mere survival & nothing more, all their life.
That way they remain preoccupied, & they can’t be joyful or have higher aims.
The Jews, controlling the physical level, as such, they do become “Gods” over the others.
This heavy use of numbers & other terms is also, yet another insanity.
For instance, the Jews on their terror attacks and other very important moves, they are timing these things in accordance with the Torah, which reinforces their attempts to succeed in what they are doing.
The dates can add up to 6 for instance.
Many “events” are coded in this program of the Torah, which is enforced to take place upon the world, like a software is supposed to run on a computer.
The Jews follow this thing, they cause the events to happen and this in turn, gives validity to this book & the power of fear of the masses, which again goes to “God” & is again used against the people.
“Wake up, Alice.
This is not wonderland.
And you are not Alice.”
That of a programmed software, that not only runs in people’s heads by subconscious programming, but at the same time, is programmed in way too many other ways.
This is how the Jews become “rulers” of this world.
This is why the Abrahamic religions have been shedding some blood.
This is why Humanity rapidly degenerates.
This is why there are wars after wars & enormous suffering.
This is why this World is dreaming, in a state of unconsciousness.
This is why Israel wants to be an undisputed & beyond all criticism.
This is what the Jew & all their creations hid all along.
These are the plans they have for you:
- Death
- Slavery
- Extinction
This is what Adolf Hitler tried to tell the whole world about the evil and vile works of the Jews.
Adolf Hitler’s Address to the Reichstag – Library of Rickandria