BY BANJO BILLY (1952-2020)
Islam is an excellent example of the corrosive effects that the lies of the Hebrew Bible have had on a society of morons.
To understand why this is so, we must first look at the environment that allowed Islam, the world’s second-most-murderous religious hoax, to evolve.
As you know, civilization began in the deserts of Iraq and Egypt simply because the great rivers – Euphrates, Tigress and Nile – flowed through those scorched landscapes.
Water allowed trackless wastelands to blossom and mighty empires to thrive.
But if civilization arose because of water and its resulting dependable agricultural base of grain, what could possibly arise in the waterless badlands of Arabia where only the Devil, himself, and all of his little devils, can endure the heat?
That’s an easy guess.
The Semitic criminal cult of Arabian thievery and murder known as Islam arose, the very opposite of civilization.
The Arabian Peninsula has the shape of an irregular rectangle.
On the north, it is bounded by Palestine and the Syrian desert; on the east by the kingdoms of Mesopotamia, the Euphrates, the Tigris Rivers and the Persian Gulf; on the south by the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden; and to the west by the Red Sea.
The natural isolation of the Peninsula, combined with its size and the fact that Arabia is nothing but desolate badlands, protected such a wasteland against invasion.
There, only the most crafty and marginally intelligent people could eke out a subsistence living.
With the exception of Babylonian king Nabonidus, the great empires never invaded Arabia simply because nobody wanted it.
[see Figure 114 – Arabian desert]
The Peninsula is over a thousand kilometers long and as wide.
Moreover, this vast expanse is utterly uncultivable.
It does not have a single river nor a dependable rainy season around which any agriculture could be organized.
With the exception of fertile and rainy Yemen in the southwest, the Peninsula consists of plateaus, valleys and deserts devoid of vegetation and an atmosphere so oven hot that no civilization could prosper therein, which is why no civilization ever arose in Arabia but only wandering, primitive tribes of bandits and sheep molesters.
The Arabian Peninsula allows only a desert life with the adoption of the camel as means of transportation.
And desert life demands continuous movement and the pursuit of thin pasture which is no sooner discovered than it is exhausted and another movement becomes imperative.
These desperately sought-after pastures grow around springs whose waters have collected from rainfall and underground seeps from the surrounding rocky terrain, allowing only a scarce vegetation to grow in the immediate vicinity. [579]
The Devil’s own playground, this terrain of Hell, the Arabian Peninsula, was crisscrossed with caravan routes.
[see Figure 126 – Map Arabia before Islam]
Of these, two were most important.
The first ran alongside the Persian Gulf, then alongside the Tigris and then crossed the Syrian desert towards Palestine.
It was properly called “the eastern route.”
The other route ran along the shore of the Red Sea and was properly called “the western route.”
These two routes provided the desert with income and prosperity. [580]
That is, there was prosperity for the Arabs who lived in the oasis trade towns where pools of water oozed from the rocks enough to water the thirsty camel caravans.
The majority of Arabs lived in tents and followed the sparse and thorny pasturage.
Their only actual prosperity was found in plundering the neighboring tribes and then running away on their camels into the desert.
Banditry was the cultural foundation of the Arabs.
Camel-herders had greater mobility than either goat-herders or sheepherders and could cover wider expanses of land between watering holes.
The balance of power in the desert areas of the peninsula lay with the camel-herders, whose animals could support more people with:
- meat
- milk
- hides
as well as carry both tents and bandits long distances without food or water.
These wandering Arab bandits lived in a symbiotic relationship with the semi-sedentary Arab agriculturalists and Arab merchants of the oases, with whom they traded the products of nomad life in exchange for other wares, including weapons.
The camel-herders had the edge militarily.
Periodically the farmers would buy protection from them, [581] that is,
“pay us to protect you from us so that no harm comes to you.”
It was this “protection racket” of Arabian banditry upon which Muhammad would develop his system of jizya, or the neck tax.
Stealing camels, women and booty, using ambush and surprise attack followed by quick retreats into the trackless wastelands, the tribes of Arabia based their society and their livelihoods not on trade but on raiding and banditry. [582]
In tribal society, strength is based on how many sons and relatives you have on your side. [583]
So, once again, big families were the standard Semitic method of outbreeding their adversaries, similar to rats.
Practicing circumcision so as to increase their sexual proclivities and hiring wet nurses to breast-feed their children so as to increase the number of little thieves that their wives could produce, was basic to the Arabian bandit culture.
A son became another fighter for the tribe and another bandit for stealing camels and plundering loot.
So, those brutal Arab creatures routinely buried alive their baby daughters.
Modern people are very much mistaken to believe the propaganda about the “noble” Arabian sheiks of the desert.
The Arabs, covered with dirt and dust from the waterless wasteland that is Arabia, did not make bathing a part of their routine.
Since they were not used to doing it, maybe or maybe not would they wash the weeks and months of reeking sweat, fecal stench, sour urine and animal dung from themselves when they rode into town on their stinky camels, driving their stinky goats.
Those sleek Arabs that you see in the movies and published in Arabian tourist brochures, both the males and women of Arabia, did not comb their hair to look well-groomed but did so to comb out the lice. [584]
There was nothing noble about an Arab.
They were:
- filthy
- dirty
- murderous
- thieving
- lying bandits
and nothing more, really nothing more than that.
Raiding other tribes for booty and women, repaying insult and injury with the Semitic malice of lex talionis (eye-for-an-eye reprisals),
- rape
- murder
- assassination
and theft in daily life combined with criminal business practices at the marketplace, made for some very tricky, deceitful and underhanded people all throughout Arabia.
Telling lies and using tricks and deceits, was a standard cultural norm for the Arabs even before Muhammad. [585]
They were:
- horse traders
- camel traders
- goat traders
- merchants
dependant upon camel caravan delivery systems, thieves selling their loot while concealing from whom it was stolen, avoiding revenge killings and retaliatory raids by deceiving buyers and sellers and gossiping relatives, and every type of subterfuge and lie was part and parcel of Arabian society.
The Arabs were bandits and liars because without a believable lie, the relatives of their victims would seek revenge.
Even today, no dishonor is attached among the Arabs to such primary transactions as selling short weight, deceiving anyone about quality, quantity or kind of goods, cheating at gambling, and bearing false witness.
The Arab doer of these things considers himself quicker off the mark than the next fellow, owing him nothing and taking what he can. [586]
Yes, this was Arabian cut-throat tribal society – but it was certainly not civilization.
Above it all, loomed the Arab delusion of their “personal honor” which was nothing other than a game of,
“who could assume the highest fake dignity to which others must respect.”
Those who did not give respect to the swaggering “dignity” of a filthy, flea bitten, reeking, sheik of the desert, would be ambushed and killed.
Arabian “manliness” was completely driven by their circumcised cocks, a manliness that expressed itself in ambushes, assassinations, stabs-in-the-back and violent threats.
Status in a tribe depended on both asl (heritage of both genealogy plus imagined virtue) and personal honor.
Personal honor was whatever the Arab claimed that it was.
And he would defend his self-defined “honor” with:
- violence
- murder
- deceit
Part of Arab deceit is using some alleged insult against his “honor,” as an excuse for robbing and murdering someone whose goods that he envied.
Even today, lying and cheating in the modern Arab world is not really a moral matter, but a method of safeguarding honor and status, avoiding shame, and at all times exploiting possibilities.
And for those with the wits for it, lying and cheating can deftly and expeditiously convert shame into honor on their own account and vice versa for their opponents.
If honor so demands, lies and cheating may become absolute imperatives for an Arab. [587]
There was nothing “noble” about the Arabs then, nor is there today.
Muhammad (mhrh) was born into such a society and was called a “truth teller” by the deceitful Arabs not because he told the truth but because he was such an extraordinarily clever liar that no Arab could catch him in his lies.
Like the Semitic Jews, the Semitic Arabs practiced circumcision.
Both have a resulting penis fetish and perversion.
Sexual intercourse in the public thorough:
- fares
- rape
- masturbation
- homosexuality
- pederasty
- sodomy
and bestiality with:
- goats
- dogs
- sheep
was common among those filthy people in the days before Muhammad as well as among the modern Muslims today.
Did Muhammad and his religion of Islam make the Arabs a better people?
No, Muhammad and Islam merely organized them into more efficient gangs of bandits and perverts.
Since the days of Nabonidus (556-539 BC), king of Babylonia, there had been guild families of Jews living in Arabia.
Through their Kehillah commercial and religious spy system, conspiring to get out of “Babylonian Captivity” they had kept the Jewish priests and rabbis in Babylonia well-informed of king Nabonidus’ situation in Arabia.
As you will recall, Nabonidus was a devotee of the Moon God, Sin, and had gone to Arabia as the result of a dream where his god had commanded him to remain for ten years.
That Nabonidus was also evading the religious power of the Babylonian priests of Marduk while setting up trade routes to get around the land mass of Persia, was also important reasons for him staying in Arabia.
Through their Kehillah espionage system, the Jews of Babylonia were able to inform Persian king Cyrus of Babylon’s weaknesses.
Nabonidus marched his armies back to Babylonia only to be betrayed by the Jews and captured by Cyrus.
But what did the Moon God-worshipping Nabonidus leave behind in Arabia?
Archaeology alone can tell us because the Muslims of Arabia only tell us lies.
Whenever you study either Jews or Muslims you must understand that telling lies is basic to both Semitic Cultures, both Jews and Muslims.
That is how both the Jews and the Muslims deceive enemies and gain wealth in barter.
So, this understanding is basic to both in the study of the ancient Muslims as well as in the claims of their modern Muslim descendants.
Both the Jews and the Muslims are liars, and they make lies a foundation of their Semitic religious frauds.
The Jews call their technique, abracadabra, and the Muslims call their technique, taqiyya,
“telling lies for the sake of Allah.”
Modern people need to understand this, so as not to be swindled out of our countries and our cultures by Muslim used-camel salesman.
The word “taqiyya” literally means: “Concealing, precaution, guarding.”
It is employed in:
“disguising one’s beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions or strategies.
In practical terms it is manifested as dissimulation, lying, deceiving, vexing and confounding with the intention of deflecting attention, foiling or pre-emptive blocking.”
Taqiyya is employed in modern times for fending off and neutralizing any criticism of Islam or of Muslims.
The Muslims lie about their own religion.
So, what kind of “truth” are they telling other than the Devil’s Truth?
Falsehoods told to prevent the denigration of Islam, to protect oneself, or to promote the cause of Islam are sanctioned in the Quran and Hadiths, including lying under oath in testimony before a court or deceiving by making distorted statements to the Media such as the claim that Islam is a “religion of peace.”
A Muslim is even permitted to deny or denounce his faith if, in so doing he protects or furthers the interests of Islam, so long as he,
“remains faithful to Islam in his heart.”
With such a teaching, the Muslims can no more be relied upon for the Truth than can the Jews who yearly makes their Kol Nidre Vow.
Like many Islamic practices, taqiyya was formed within the context of the culture of Arabian tribalism, expansionary warfare, Bedouin raiding and inter-tribal conflict.
Taqiyya has been used by Arabs since long before the 7th century to confuse, confound and divide the enemy because, in Arabia, the biggest liars got the most camels.
A favored tactic was “deceptive triangulation,” used to persuade the enemy that preparations for a raid were not aimed at them but at another tribe altogether.
The fate in store for the deceived enemy target was an unexpected plunderous raid, murder of all the men, and enslavement of the women.
So, the Arabs were experts at deception, both employing it and recognizing it, for the very same reasons as the Semitic Hebrews to the north.
The Jews use the Semitic technique of abracadabra –
“I create as I speak”
– to tell lies, while the Muslims use the Arabian technique of taqiyya to tell lies.
Thus, the modern world is suffused with Semitic lies and liars, both Muslims and Jews, and both trying to steal your property, subvert your country and take your life, like two fangs of the same Semitic snake.
The core foundation of this aggressive and perverted Arabian culture was bound up in perceptions of “honor and shame.”
At all times, the Arab (it’s usually a male) must avoid having his face “blackened” by words or actions which are a slight upon, a challenge or affront to his status in the family or broader social/tribal group.
To be open, frank and forthright or to make self-damning admissions in his dealings, is to leave himself open and vulnerable to humiliating shame and to the subsequent disrespect from his peers.
Tongues will wag in the bazaar’s coffee shops and rumors will rapidly spread that so-and so has lost his “manliness” and status.
In short, while scratching his lice and trying to stay upwind of the stinky Arab next to him, he is no longer worthy of deferential respect.
To an Arab, not to be respected, is worse than death itself.
The higher one is placed in the Arab social order (or rather, on how important the individual perceives himself to be), the more imperative it becomes to strenuously avoid “loss of face.”
The male’s perceived loss of honor and status must be redressed and his face “whitened,” that is, his honor regained and restored, at any cost; even to the extent of (as in the “honor” killing of daughters) murdering the person “responsible” for causing the initial humiliation.
When taqiyya is used to avoid making an admission or concession, it is simply an essential means of ensuring that one’s honor and standing remain intact and untarnished.
Blood feuds and vendettas, caused by an ancient humiliation of a long dead ancestor, can persist for generations, fueled and propelled by shame and honor.
Muhammad, who is promoted as every Muslim’s exemplar, set the precedent for vengeful retaliation when he ordered the murder of those who mocked or satirized him and caused him loss of face. [588]
Like the Jews, the Muslims hate for you to laugh at their deranged idiocies.
If you laugh at them, they will kill you so that their honorable pride as noble thieves and murders is properly respected.
As a cultural norm, the Muslims tell lies but do not consider themselves to be liars.
This propensity makes even their history perilous to trust.
There is virtually no information about sixth and seventh century Arabia from Arab sources because those barbaric people were illiterate.
And because destroying anything that is not Muslim has been a basic technique for spreading their Devil’s Truth, what little history that could have been written by pagan authors in Arabia, was burned.
Thus, pre-Islamic Arabia produced virtually no narrative worthy of the name.
What remains is the work of ninth and tenth century Muslim authors writing in Arabic to provide us with a narrative history of the sixth and seventh century as they believed that history to have happened and chose to have their readers to also believe. [589]
In other words, the history of Islam is told to us by liars who had no records to base their stories upon.
So, they imagined things that promoted Islam (taqiyya), even when it wasn’t true, and called it “history.”
Real clowns, real Semitic clowns, those Muslim “historians.”
The Semitic penchant for telling stories because they sound good even if they are lies, is prevalent in Muslim “histories” almost as often as is found in Jewish history.
As Muhammad said:
“He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar.” (Hadith Bukhari, Vol 3: 857)
Beginning with the Quran, itself, as well as all Muslim histories thereafter – including the Hadiths and Siras – are found nothing but collections of tales by Muslims writing two to three hundred years after the events and inventing “good things” about Muhammad and about Islam that are nothing, but Muslim lies that made good stories and good information for Believers to believe.
Promoting what they call “the truth” by telling lies, is basic to Islam and was approved by Muhammad, the cleverest liar to ever slither out if Arabia. Like their Semitic cousins, the Jews, the Arabs also,
“invent good stories and say good things”
about God.
But archaeology proves the Muslims for what they are.
Jews, Muslims, and what other kinds of creatures tell lies about God, other than devils?
When you have Muslims writing “histories” about Islam and about Muhammad, two hundred years later with no original written source documents, and working under the Muslim system of taqiyya – telling lies to promote Islam – then what else can you have other than fictions posing as history?
Other than the Quran, all that is preserved from Muhammad’s time period are a few commemorative building inscriptions and assorted coins.
The earliest account of Muhammad’s life by Ibn Ishaq was written about a century after Muhammad died and all later narratives by Islamic biographers contain far more details and embellishments about events which are entirely lacking in Ibn Ishaq’s text. [590]
This is true both for what passes as “histories of early Islam” as well as what the stupid Muslims use as a basis of their religious teachings, the Hadiths.
The Hadiths were collections of little stories and anecdotes about Muhammad collected several hundred years later from whoever had a story to tell.
The earliest Hadith collections we have today, were written two centuries after the death of the Muhammad.
Out of the biography collections we have today, the first to be written was that of Bukhari who was born in the year 870 AD, almost 200 years after Muhammad.
So, how accurate can his fanciful stories be when they were based on word-of-mouth anecdotes nearly two centuries after the events?
It is also important to note that the authors of the other six Hadith collections, like Muslim and Abu Dawood, were all born after Bukhari. [591]
Two hundred years later, these Muslim “scholars” wrote their “histories” based upon no written records whatsoever but merely upon hearsay information passed down through eight or ten surviving liars.
And yet, the Muslims today brag about how their Quran and Hadiths are the very “word of God” upon which they build their criminal societies.
Such deluded fakers, all Muslims are!
You can get an idea of what these Hadith collections of stories about Muhammad are like, by asking yourself what you, yourself, would do if you wanted to collect stories about a famous person who lived two or three hundred years before you.
Go ahead and pick somebody.
Let’s say King George of 1700s England.
But you do not use any written records, books or monograms at all and rely solely upon stories and gossip that you gather from people who knew people, who knew people, who knew people, who knew people, who personally had ever seen or heard anything about King George.
How accurate would those stories be, told eight- or tenth hand over a span of two hundred years?
Well, that’s what the Hadiths are. And the Muslims rely upon these gossipy fables as a basis for their entire legal system of Sharia Law!
Now, please tell me that the Muslims are not really as stupid as they seem to be.
But you can’t, can you?
Modern people and especially modern city dwellers have absolutely no idea about the glory of the night sky with its billions of stars strewn across the Milky Way galaxy and the billions of galaxies spread across the sky, sparkling with meteorites, comets and lit up with silvery beauty by the full moon.
City lights and sky glow from electric lights, hide all of that.
But it was not at all hidden from the ancient people.
The clear views they had through clean air unpolluted with smog and electric haze, inspired them to try to explain it all through the workings of God.
Arabia had many gods, one of which was the Moon God who was called Al-Lah.
The Muslims can lie about it, but archaeology shows them for what they are.
As pointed out by Carleton S. Coon,
“Muslims are notoriously loath to preserve traditions of earlier paganism and like to garble what pre-Islamic history they permit to survive in anachronistic terms.”
Carleton Stevens Coon (June 23, 1904 – June 3, 1981) was an American anthropologist and professor at the University of Pennsylvania. He is best known for his scientific racist theories concerning the parallel evolution of human races, which were widely disputed in his lifetime and are considered pseudoscientific by modern science.
In other words, using taqiyya, the Muslims simply lie about pre Islamic Arabia.
Dr. Arthur Jeffery, who was one of the foremost Western Islamic scholars in modern times and Professor of Islamic and Middle East Studies at Columbia University, pointed out that,
“The name ‘Allah’, as the Quran itself is witness, was well known in Pre-Islamic Arabia.
Indeed, both it and its feminine form, Al-lat, are found not infrequently among the theophorous names in inscriptions from North Africa.”
The word “Allah” comes from the compound Arabic word, “al-ilah”.
The “al” is the definite article, “the,” and the word “ilah” is an Arabic word for “god.”
It is not a foreign word.
It was not even the Syriac word for God.
It is pure Arabic.
Neither is “Allah” a Hebrew or Greek word for God, as found in the Bible.
Allah is an Arabic term used in reference to an Arabian deity.
Modern people and especially modern Christians should understand this important point so that you are not deceived by the lying Muslims.
Hastings’ Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics states,
“‘Allah’ is a proper name, applicable only to their (Arab) peculiar God.”
According to the Encyclopedia of Religion,
“‘Allah’ is a pre-Islamic name corresponding to the Babylonian Bel … Allah is found in Arabic inscriptions prior to Islam.” (Encyclopedia Britannica)
“The Arabs, before the time of Mohammed, accepted and worshipped, after a fashion, a supreme god called Allah.” (The Encyplopedia of Islam, ed. Houtsma)
“Allah was known to pre-Islamic Arabs; he was one of the Meccan deities.” (Encyclopedia of Islam, ed. Gibb)
“The name Allah goes back before Muhammed.” (Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend)
“The origin of this (Allah) goes back to pre-Muslim times.
Allah is not a common name meaning ‘God’ (or a ‘god’), and the Muslim must use another word or form if he wishes to indicate any other than his own peculiar deity.” (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics)
Dr. Kenneth Cragg, who was the editor of the prestigious scholarly journal “Muslim World” and an outstanding modern Western Islamic scholar, whose works were generally published by Oxford University, comments,
“The name Allah is also evident in archeological and literary remains of pre-Islamic Arabia.”
Caesar Farah in his book on Islam concludes his discussion of the pre-Islamic meaning of Allah by saying,
“There is no reason, therefore, to accept the idea that Allah passed to the Muslims from the Christians and Jews.” [592]
Allah was an Arabian pagan god unconnected to either Christians or Jews.
In other words, Allah, Himself, proves that Muhammad was a deceiver and a liar.
In the 1940’s, the archeologists G. Caton Thompson and Carleton S. Coon made some amazing discoveries in Arabia.
Gertrude Caton Thompson FBA (1 February 1888 – 18 April 1985) was an English archaeologist at a time when participation by women in the discipline was uncommon. Much of her archaeological work was conducted in Egypt. However, she also worked on expeditions in Zimbabwe, Malta, and South Arabia.
During the 1950’s:
- Wendell Phillips
- W.F. Albright
- Richard Bower
and others excavated sites at Qataban, Timna, and Marib (the ancient capital of Sheba).
Thousands of inscriptions from walls and rocks in Northern Arabia have also been collected. Reliefs and votive bowls used in worship of the “daughters of Allah” have also been discovered.
The three daughters, al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat are sometimes depicted together with Allah the Moon God represented by a crescent moon above them.
The archaeological evidence demonstrates that the dominant religion of Arabia was the cult of the Moon God.
While they worshipped 360 gods at the Kaaba in Mecca, the Moon God was the chief deity.
This was later confirmed by other well-known archaeologists.
As Coon pointed out,
“The god Il or Ilah was originally a phase of the Moon God.”
The Moon-god was called al Ilah, “the god,” which was shortened to “Allah” in pre-Islamic times.
Prof. Coon goes on to say,
“Similarly, under Mohammed’s tutelage, the relatively anonymous Ilah, became Al-Ilah, The God, or Allah, the Supreme Being.”
Al-Kindi, one of the early Christian writers against Islam, pointed out that Islam and its god Allah did not come from the Bible but from the paganism of the Sabeans.
They did not worship the God of the Bible but the Moon God and his daughters al-Uzza, al-Lat and Manat.
“Islam proved itself to be a separate and antagonistic religion which had sprung up from idolatry.”
It was not passed along to the Arabs from the Christians and Jews.
Is it any wonder then that the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon?
That a crescent moon sits on top of their mosques and minarets?
That a crescent moon is found on the flags of Islamic nations?
That the Muslims practice their phony “fast” during the month which begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon in the sky?
In Arabian mythology, Allah was the Moon God who was married to the sun goddess and the stars were his daughters. [593]
Mecca was a major trade center on the caravan routes.
This entire oasis town was controlled by the tribe known as the Quaraysh.
As in every aspect of primitive Arabian Culture,
“might makes right.”
The largest and most aggressive tribes could force their way against the smaller tribes.
Since women do not conceive while they are nursing, to increase the numbers of children born to their wives, a system of wet nursing became standard in Arab society.
While a baby bandit was being nursed by a paid nanny, the mother could be impregnated yet again by the father.
Who the father was, would often be a mystery among the Arabs since some of the Arab women would have multiple partners and then claim whichever one she liked best to be the father.
By these various means, the Quaraysh became the largest tribe controlling the commerce of Mecca.
As a trade center, Mecca also developed into a pagan religious center because, like travelers worldwide, the Arab merchants would dismount from their stinky camels and thank their gods for a safe arrival.
And, before departing once again across the deserts, they would propitiate their gods, asking for a safe journey.
Offerings of food and coins of gold and silver were sometimes left before an idol as a religious bribe to their god.
Who else would pick up these free coins other than the keepers of the idols, the tribe of Quraysh?
As a special attraction for luring caravans to their dusty town, the Meccan guild of merchants built a central warehouse where all of the idols for the various tribes and religious sects in Arabia could be displayed and worshipped.
This was a cut-stone building named the Kaaba because of its cube shape, “kaaba” meaning “cube.”
It is such an eye-sore of primitive Arabian architecture that it can’t be improved with exterior decorations, so the Arabs simply hide its ugliness under a giant tarp.
(They hide their wives for the same reason.)
Among the images of the various gods and goddesses, the image of Allah was preserved alongside those of the female deities. [594]
One of the top idols in the Kaaba was Hubal.
Once one of its arms broke off and it was replaced by the Quraysh with one made of solid gold.
This indicates the wealth that the Quaraysh made from the pilgrimage trade. [595]
As an added attraction, Ladies and Gentlemen, this stone cube had a genuine, honest-to-goodness meteorite built into one wall!
Therefore, this Arabian tourist attraction had a special holiness that only a rock-that-falls-out-of-the-sky can give to a place for worshipping idols.
The merchants of Mecca didn’t want to put the Black Stone on display loose-and-free with the rest of the idols inside the Cube, but they built it into the wall so that their fellow Arabs couldn’t steal it.
This black stone was so holy that no Arab wanted to begin worshipping the idols inside the Kaaba until first he had kissed the holy black meteorite.
Modern Muslim “scholars” today claim that the black stone used to be white but that it turned black because of the sins of the children of Adam. [596]
Of course, only an Imam would know such fascinating facts as these.
The Muslims today kiss the holy meteorite with their nasty, lying lips and make it even blacker.
Since it was the best that these illiterate Arabs could imagine, the Kaaba with its holy meteorite sticking out of one wall, became the holiest place in all of unholy Arabia.
The Black Stone was advertised among the local yokels as the right hand of Allah on earth. [597]
Now, that’s something you just got to see.
With an idol on display inside the Kaaba for every god, goddess and demon worshipped by every tribe in the waterless hell hole of Arabia; and with its very own holy-rock-that-fell-out-of-the-sky securely cemented into the wall of the Kaaba, Mecca became the Disneyland of Arabia.
Of course, it was an Arabian Disneyland with only one attraction but with restroom facilities everywhere, just pick a spot.
Mecca boasted the world’s ugliest stone building with camel rides to get there, weird idols of the gods on the inside; and it was all surrounded by Meccan vendors’ stalls selling dates, dried goat-meat snacks which you could squat on the ground and eat with your fingers, dancing slave girls wiggling their bellies, genuine Arabian costumes for sale, incense, jewelry and hand-made curios, as well as pots of tar to kill the fleas on their camels – all offered at special discounts during the “Holy Season.”
There were no Mickey Mouse ear hats, but Mecca had everything else that an ignorant, seventh-century, low life Arab could desire.
To encourage the nomads of Arabia to travel there and spend their money, the pre-historic Meccan Trade Guild decreed that four months out of the year were “holy.”
During just those four months, it was against bandit “law” for the Arabians to murder each other, steal goods or women from each other and absolutely no armed robberies, ambushes, or vendettas were allowed – all of the things that the Arabs practiced during their normal hours of operation.
One month before to allow for travel time and one month after to allow for return travel time, the bandits and cut-throats infesting Arabia were encouraged to wipe the blood off their daggers and smile at one another in a holy manner – the same holy smile that you can see on the lips of the Muslims today during Ramadan.
And what a coincidence that it was during those “holy” months that merchandise was most abundant at Mecca!
They called it a “hajj,” that is, a “festival.”
Come to Mecca and be holy once a year and buy stuff!
Semites are just the world’s most amazing carnival barkers!
The leading tribe in Mecca was the tribe of Quraysh, all of whom owned tourist stalls, vendors shops and taverns surrounding the Kaaba.
The Quraysh also owned all of the cafes for servicing the holy Arabian cut-throats who needed to be fed for a month or two, all at reasonable rates with moneylending services and brothels and wine shops also provided.
The world’s ugliest stone building was then the “holy of holies” of paganism in Arabia and was securely protected against any attack against its authority or sanctity [598] by the one tribe that made the most profit from this holiness.
The Quraysh tribe also had the food monopoly for pilgrims to Mecca. [599]
So, what could be more holy than that in a hellhole like Arabia?
I am glad you asked.
In 570 AD, Muhammad (mhrh) was born to one of the Quraysh tribesmen.
Arabic personal names often contained the name of the Moon God, Allah, as an element.
It was the custom among the Arabs, in order to show their respect to their gods, to name their sons “the servant” or “the slave” of such and such deity.
Abd-Allah was Muhammad’s father who died before his son was born.
And Muhammad’s sickly mother died soon after he was born.
Thus, Muhammad was an orphan, born into a society of bandits and cut throats, the runt of the litter who became the leader of the gang.
So, when a Muslim brags that Muhammad was the “greatest,” that is exactly what he means – the greatest of all the
- thieves
- murderers
- liars
in Arabia.
As an orphan, Muhammad was not a desirable kid.
To increase the size of their tribes, the Arabs would hire wet nurses for their children while they were impregnating the mother yet again.
Since Arabia didn’t have any natural resources worth mentioning (oil was not discovered there for another 1300 years) the Bedouin women of the tribe of Banu Sad would go to Mecca to offer their wet nursing services for a fee.
They made money from the rich Meccans by renting out their tits and by raising the baby bandits.
But the prospect of an orphan childlike Muhammad did not attract them since they hoped to be well-rewarded by the father.
The infants of widows were not attractive to them at all.
Not one of them accepted Muhammad into her care, preferring the infants of the living and of the affluent.
Even the skinny and weak Halimah al-Sadiyyah refused Muhammad at first.
The women of Mecca didn’t want such a weak-looking wet nurse for their children, so she wasn’t hired by anybody.
Rather than return to her tribe with the social embarrassment of not being able to find a baby to suckle, she took the orphan baby Muhammad even though the prospects of getting anything from his relatives was poor.
But she took the chance because he was a Quraysh, and the Quraysh were all wealthy.
Halimah therefore took Muhammad and carried him with her to the desert.
In the desert, Halimah nursed Muhammad for two years.
How many times this frail and weak woman dropped baby Muhammad on his head, is anybody’s guess.
But at the completion of the two years, which was also the occasion of his weaning, Halimah still couldn’t find any of his Quraysh relatives to take back this orphan kid, so she took the child to the desert to grow up [600] and to give him a job of tending the sheep.
Once he had been circumcised at the age of five, these became two very important elements in Muhammad’s life:
(1) being a lonely orphan boy with no one to love him and
(2) having access to sheep.
Dear Reader, again I apologize for delving into nasty subjects but when you study:
- spiders
- snakes
- toads
and wasps, you must also study their fangs and stingers and warts because that is part of their physiology.
Likewise, when you study nasty, Semitic creatures such as Jews and Muslims, who make a pathological fetish out of their circumcised penises, then you must also study why all of them are such pricks.
Among the Arabs and the Muslims, even in modern times, bestiality with:
- dogs
- sheep
- camels
you-name-it, was (and is) a popular perversion as any Internet search-by-country proves.
There is a reason that is basic to Islam as to why the countries with the highest interest in “camel sex,” “dog sex,” “child sex,” “sheep sex,” etc., are all Muslim countries.
As a true Arab, Muhammad developed a passion for his sheep.
Female donkeys were not safe around Muhammad.
Bitches in heat ran away from hearing the very footsteps of Muhammad.
From childhood, alone in the desert with his herds of goats and sheep, Muhammad began to develop two things to an enormous degree – the size of his penis and the size of his ego.
The size of his penis, he attributed to the Moon God rather to his constant exercising of it at the backend of the:
- sheep
- goats
- dogs
- donkeys
and young camels.
Probably, it was not because his weak and skinny wet-nurse had dropped him on his head too many times when he was a baby but, rather, because of his animal lust that Muhammad began to consider himself to be the “chosen one of Allah.”
He believed that even the animals could recognize a certain holiness within him.
Why else would the animals in his care always honor him by standing up in his presence, facing him while lowering their heads with humility?
That was surely the sign that he was a holy saint!
But like so many other things that the Psychopath of Arabia misunderstood, was that the animals didn’t lower their heads with respect; they lowered their heads in shame when he hove into sight.
All the animals faced Muhammad not out of respect but simply because they were afraid to turn their backsides toward him.
Muhammad had raped a lot of sheep and dogs before he discovered the “pussy dance” of Arab women.
So, it makes perfect sense that the founder of the world’s most murderous cult was himself an enthusiastic practitioner of bestiality and pedophilia.
After all, Muhammad was an Arab and Arabs have sex with their sheep and goats and whatever women or little boys that they can catch.
This is a fact about Arabs and about Muslims.
The Muslims all claim that Muhammad was “the best of men.”
What the Arabs really mean is that Muhammad was the best of Arabs, but the Arabs were not men, rather they were (and are) primitive, disgusting and nasty perverts as can be surmised from what passes for Muslim “wisdom” such as this Muslim saying:
“The pilgrimage to Mecca is not complete without copulating with the camel.”
The Arabs and their Muslim spawn are nothing but disgusting animal molesters to this day.
However, it was not until 1923 AD that the Director of Health in the British Mandate government in Palestine sent out a questionnaire to his Principal Medical and Health Officers in the country, asking them to report on various sexual practices and attitudes among the Muslim Arab population.
As a result, the British belatedly discovered that the Muslim Arabs engaged in bestiality. [601]
So much for the romantic ideas about the “noble desert sheik,” riding his camel behind the nearest sand dune for a tryst.
An indication of how the Muslim Imams – those so-called “holy scholars” of Islam – deal with bestiality among the Muslims, is this news report:
In February 2006, in Sudan, a Muslim was caught screwing a neighbor’s goat but was not punished.
The goat’s owner, Mr. Alifi, said he caught the Negro screwing his goat and thereafter brought him before a council of the “scholarly” Imams.
Because the Imams speak with the voice of Allah, Himself, in their great Muslim wisdom, they ordered the Muslim to pay the goat’s owner a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) and marry the animal because he,
“used it as his wife.”
Satisfied with the dowry money, Mr Alifi said,
“We have given him the goat and as far as we know they are still together.” [602]
Morocco is an Islamic country with 98.7% of the population Muslims.
In rural Morocco, zoophilia is still very widespread and not considered blameworthy.
With masturbation, it constitutes an obligatory passage in the adolescent male’s apprenticeship into sexuality.
The operative phrase is:
“obligatory passage in the adolescent male’s apprenticeship into sexuality.”
It means in rural Morocco; Muslim males must have sexual intercourse with animals as part of their sexual apprenticeship [603] before they know what to do with those Muslim women hiding fearfully behind the full-body tarps that they wear.
The Muslims of Morocco believe that sexual intercourse with donkeys,
“makes the penis grow big and strong”
and masturbation is often scorned by them in favor of bestiality [604] because every Muslim wants to be like Muhammad.
Islam is a religion of punishments and rewards. [605]
According to Muhammad, he taught these things that are “permitted” by Allah, and he taught these things that are “forbidden” by Allah.
According to those narrow-minded little fakers, the “scholarly” Imams, to do what is “forbidden” is to go to Hellfire.
However, if it isn’t “forbidden” then it is “permitted.”
Searching through the Quran and the Hadiths, you will find that bestiality and sex with little boys and girls, are not forbidden because those were things that Muhammad, like every Arab, practiced, himself.
In his Quran, Muhammad did not forbid screwing little children or having sex with the sheep because he was an Arab and that’s what Arabs normally did.
Thus, bestiality and pedophilia are permitted to the Muslim maniacs and are commonplace among the Arabs and Muslims in the world today.
So, when you hear of the modern Muslims rioting in the western countries and demanding Sharia Law, know that what they are demanding is that you let them rape your:
- livestock
- children
- dogs
and women – in that order of preference.
As I have previously mentioned, there is no prohibition against bestiality to be found in Islam.
However there does exist a certain Hadith and commentary by the renowned Islamic “scholar” al Nawawi, which is of interest.
The following narration does not exist in the English translations of Sahih Muslim, but a similar (and sanitized version) appears in Sahih Muslim 3:684.
It is thoroughly disgusting and very similar to what the Jewish rabbis talk about in their own system of phony scholarship known as the Babylonian Talmud.
I am including it here so that you get an idea of how truly sick the Imams are and to what lengths those pea-brained morons wearing bed sheets, carry the delusion that they are actually “scholars.”
This is how the Muslim “scholars” think about sex with whatever hole is available to a Muslim’s circumcised pig penis.
If, however, you are easily disgusted, then you can skip reading all of the following fine print.
Hadith: “The prophet – peace be upon him – said, ‘If one sits between a woman’s four parts and then fatigues her, then it necessitates that he wash.’” Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on this Hadith:
The scholars have disagreed about the intended meaning.
Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus, or a man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old, whether it was done intentionally or absent-mindedly, whether it was done willfully or forcefully.
This also applies if the woman places the male member inside her while the man is asleep, whether the penis is erect or not, whether the penis is circumcised or uncircumcised.
All these situations require that the person committing the act and the one the act is committed on must wash themselves, unless the person committing the act or the person the act is committed on is a young male or female.
In that case it cannot be said that the person must wash, for they do not have the responsibility, rather it is said that this person is in a state of impurity.
If that person can discern (the sexual act) then his guardian can command him to wash just as he commands him to perform the ablution washing for prayers.
For if he prays without washing, his prayer has not been performed correctly; likewise, if he doesn’t wash after he reaches puberty he must be forced to wash.
If he washed as a youth and then reaches puberty, then he does not have to repeat the washing.
Our companions have said that intercourse occurs when a healthy male’s penile head completely penetrates (an orifice), as has been unanimously agreed.
Thus, when the penile head has completely disappeared (inside the orifice), then all the regulations concerning washing apply.
It is unanimously agreed that it is not necessary that the entire penile shaft penetrate to apply the regulations of washing.
If part of the penile head penetrates, then the regulations of washing are not imposed as is agreed, except by an odd few of our companions who said that even in this case all the regulations of washing apply.
However, this opinion is wrong, rejected and abandoned. If the male member was severed and what remained was less than the length of the penile head, then none of the washing regulations apply.
If the part remaining was equal in length to the penile head length, then that part must completely penetrate for the regulation of washing to apply.
If the part remaining was greater in length to the penile head length, then there are two famous opinions for our companions.
The most correct is that if the portion that penetrates is equal to the length of the penile head, then the regulations for washing apply.
The other opinion is that none of the regulations for washing apply until the entire remaining length of the penile shaft completely penetrates and Allah knows best.
If a man wraps a sheath around his male member and then ejaculates inside a woman’s vagina, then there are three opinions from our companions.
The most famous is that the man must wash.
The second is that he does not have to wash because he ejaculated inside the sheath.
The third is that if the sheath is thick and prevents climax and wetness (in the vagina) then washing is not necessary, otherwise it is necessary, and Allah knows best.
If a woman inserts (in her vagina) an animal’s penis she must wash, and if she inserts a detached penis (“a severed male member”) there are two opinions; the most correct is that she must wash. [606]
So, you see, Islam is like Judaism, nothing but a fake religion that depends on mere ritual.
In the above, you can see that neither moral nor spiritual reasons are attached to a Muslim sticking his nasty penis into
“a woman’s anus, or a man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus”
or committing sex acts upon
“a young male or female”
– even if they are dead bodies!
All that matters to a Muslim is that after raping and sodomizing both the young and the old, of both males and females, whether human or animal, alive or dead:
the one thing that makes him “holy” is washing afterwards.
Just like the Jews and their nasty Jewesses!
Muslim women are permitted to have intercourse with all of the barnyard animals and even use a dead man’s penis as a dildo as long as she stays 100%-pure-and-Muslim-holy by washing up afterwards.
And these sicko perverts demand that they be allowed to remain in Western countries without ropes around their necks, tying them to burning faggots!
How ridiculous of them!
Both Jews and Muslims are Semitic devils – real ones!
However, one might think that during their once-in-a-lifetime Muslim field trip to Mecca – the Hajj, one of the Pillars of Islam – that the Muslims who travel there from around the world would be thinking only of Allah.
But not so!
Like their Semitic cousins the Jews, Muslims are circumcised, so their penises are always urging them into sexual activity on whatever poor creature or woman is available.
But not to worry!
Those “Islamic scholars,” the Imams, have given their Muslim blessing to screwing the goats during Hajj.
Imam Abu Bakar al-Kashani (d. 1209 AD) records in his authoritative work “Badaye al-Sanae” Volume 2, page 216:
“If he had sexual intercourse with an animal, that will not make his Hajj void.”
And in Fatawa Qadhi Khan, page-820, the “learned scholar” Allamah Hassan bin Mansoor Qadhi Khan sets out those acts that do not invalidate one’s “fast” of Ramadan, and he includes:
“Sex with animals, dead people and masturbation, does not invalidate one’s fast provided ejaculation does not occur.”
So, when the Muslims are celebrating Ramadan, be sure to lock up your livestock and keep your children indoors – and also keep a shotgun handy.
Also, if your grandmother recently died, set a guard on the funeral home in case any sex-crazed Muslims try to get at her.
And that is just for the so called “moderate, ordinary, everyday” Muslims who are merely celebrating Ramadan by feasting at night and screwing their wives with Allah looking over their shoulders.
Those are the moderate, everyday, peaceable Muslims who just want to have sex with your family pet!
But for the really crazy ones, trying to murder you during jihad,
“sex with animals before jihad (holy war) is wide spread and many Imams have narrated that it is halal (permitted) but makrooh (disliked) to have sex with the the donkey or the sheep.
If you do so, you must admit this to the owner of the sheep and pay the owner.” [607]
That’s Sharia Law.
Who says that the Muslims are lawless maniacs and sex fiends?
Of course they have laws! [608]
Ritual laws that declare that they are holy even while continuing to be disgusting perverts, is the Sharia Law that they demand.
But people of the West, be happy!
As the Jews bring more and more of these Third World Murderous Sex Fiends into our countries, listen to the Muslim “promises” as they howl their werewolf blather from the loudspeakers on every mosque.
Listen to the caterwauling of Muhammad’s Mad Mind.
The Muslims are here to show us the way to the Moon God’s Paradise – but first you must prove that you are worthy of Allah and his Messenger by:
- raping
- murdering
- stealing
and by having sex with the entire barnyard just like a good Muslim.
And when you can do that, the Muslims promise not to kill you because then you will be one of them.
Therefore, through the teachings of Islam, you can understand why it was, through constant practice, that Muhammad developed his famous circumcised penis of donkey-dick proportions and limitless lust.
His sexual appetite would make him renowned among the other Arabs who believed Muhammad’s story that his sexual power came from Allah rather than from constantly practicing on sheep.
Muhammad’s sexual prowess was considered by the circumcised rapists and child molesters of Arabia to be a part of his “outstanding personality.”
He was supposed to have had the miraculous sexual vigor of forty men.
But the ordinary, modern Muslim is not expected to live up to Muhammad’s example [609] though they try and try with their dogs and sheep.
It’s hard to believe that they are so sick, but that’s just Muslim Culture which we in the West are expected to accept as part of their “freedom of religion” with all of their perversions protected under Sharia Law.
Hypocrisy and perverted lust are built into Islam just as solidly as it is built into Islam’s Semitic hunch-backed father, Judaism.
As an orphan, Muhammad learned at an early age the importance of getting along with the boys and men.
In Arab bandit society, those who did not have the protection of a tribal gang member became the target for harassment and attack.
So, Muhammad learned at an early age the fine art of Arab social fawning and flattery.
In a society that cherished deceit, and manipulative lies in its national culture of banditry and used-camel sales, Muhammad became the best.
No one could out-talk Muhammad.
With a winning smile on his lying lips, he became known as the “truthful” among the lying Arabs.
Among those Semites, telling lies was a basic attribute of being an Arab.
So, an Arab whose lies are the trickiest and most subtle and hard to refute, would naturally be called “the Truthful,” not because he was actually truthful, but simply because those Arabian half-wits couldn’t catch Muhammad in his clever lies.
One of Muhammad’s methods of “truthfulness” is explained by him when he said,
“By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.” [Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 67, Number 427]
He passed along his methods of lying to his next in command, Abu Bakr, the first Caliph.
“That her (Aisha’s) father (Abu Bakr) never broke his oath until Allah revealed the order of the legal expiation for oath.
Abu Bakr said,
‘If I ever take an oath to do something and later find that to do something else is better, then I accept Allah’s permission and do that which is better.’” [Hadith, Bukhari Vol 6: 138]
And this same lying method (among many, many others) is recommended by modern Imams as well.
Imam Abu Hamid Ghazali says:
“Speaking is a means to achieve objectives.
If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful (by Sharia Law) to accomplish it through lying because there is no need for it.
When it is only possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie.” [610]
Thus, throughout their entire history, the Muslims have been telling lies both about Islam as well as about Muhammad.
Lying is a corner stone of Islam, just as it is in Judaism.
All telling the Devil’s Truth – telling lies about God and murdering you if you don’t believe them!
In general, there is no such thing as honest businessmen simply because lies and deceit are so profitable that they cannot afford to be any less tricky than the worst among them.
Among the most successful bandits of Arabia, the Meccans became so adept in trade that nobody could compete with them.
But they didn’t get that way by being honest.
They were the biggest tribe and therefore the most powerful.
They became wealthy by being the trickiest among the tricky Arabs and by keeping a firm grip on their profitable religious monopoly centered on the Kaaba with its Arabian tourist attractions of weird idols and holy rock-that-fell-out-of-the-sky.
The caravans came to Mecca from all directions.
Meccan goods were exported in two big caravans in summer and winter.
Large caravans were better able to defend themselves from the other Arabs who got their wealth from banditry.
This business experience developed in the Meccans competence in business affairs as well as adeptness in the administration of the calendar and an interest in moneylending. [611]
The only tribes living in Arabia were Semitic tribes of thieves.
One of those tricky merchants of Mecca, was an enormous fat woman named Khadija bint Khuwaylid, a wealthy woman of the Quraysh tribe who invested her fortune in the trade caravans then flourishing in Mecca. [612]
She had been married twice before so she was well versed in the greed of the Arab males.
She was a wealthy widow and successful in business.
But being past her prime, she was wary of any suggestions to re-marry both because she wanted to keep her wealth and not give it to a husband, and also because her own huge pussy had already been disappointed by the ordinary penises of the average Arab.
She kept her money for herself by hiring the men of her tribe to work for her in the caravan trade.
Muhammad’s uncle got him a job working for Khadija on a caravan going to Syria.
She sent one of her slaves along with him to keep an eye on this new hireling.
Muhammad proved to be such an excellent salesman and con artist among the tricky merchants of Syria, that he made a huge profit for Khadija during the trip.
When the servant reported how clever Muhammad was and what a huge penis he had, Khadija offered to marry him.
She was forty and Muhammad was twenty-five when they married.
Like the incestuous Jews, all of the Quraysh tribe were interbred.
Muhammad was actually Khadija’s younger cousin. [613]
With plenty of free time on his hands and a huge, forty-year old woman who could take the entire length of his enormous camel cock and beg for more, Muhammad gave up sheep and donkeys entirely and became a happy Arab husband.
He fathered six children with Khadija but, as is common with incestuous couples, all of their children died except one defective daughter whom he married off to Ali.
He began spending a lot of time in a cave, contemplating life and death.
The Muslim claim that before Muhammad, the whole Arabian Peninsula was polytheistic and that he, for the first time, presented a new monotheistic religion in the region, is simply another Muslim taqiyya lie.
A few Sabian inscriptions of the fourth and fifth centuries, permit historians to conclude that Sabians believed in Allah as the supreme deity, calling him “compassionate” and “the lord of heaven and earth,” a title which is ubiquitously found in the Quran.
Thus, monotheistic tenets including those of both the Christians and Jews, were quite prevalent in Arabia at the time of Muhammad.
He did not present something unknown or extraordinary as a cult on the peninsula.
Like a standard-issue Semite, what Muhammad did was to steal other people’s gods, claim them for himself and then lie about it.
Besides the:
- Christian
- Jew
- Sabian
religious influences, Muhammad was also well aware of the beliefs of the Hanifs, monotheistic Arabs who rejected all of the other Arabian deities associated with the Moon God, Al-Lah.
The Hanifs believed in one supreme God, but they also practiced an ancient cult.
Among the features of this cult were regular pilgrimages to Mecca, slitting the throats of innocent animals for the Lord of the Kaaba, and a belief in doomsday and the hereafter.
It is very probable that Christianity and Judaism provided the necessary requirements and conditions for the development of such an Arabian sect.
The early history of Islam shows that there were at least four Hanifs among the relatives and close friends of Muhammad.
One, who had a great influence upon Muhammad before he started preaching his new religious hoax, was Zayd ibn Amr.
This Arab bandit eventually resided in the cave of Hira near Mecca.
Zayd died five years before Muhammad started hearing voices in his head.
It is a well-known legend that Muhammad was a regular visitor to that particular cave, and sometimes he would stay there for days, [614] praying to the Moon God, Al-Lah, and contemplating the stories that he had heard about the Jewish and Christian religions.
It was in the cave of Hira where Muhammad had his first epileptic seizure.
He would later call these seizures “revelations” and they were described by the amazed and flea-scratching Arabs standing around him as moments of revelation where Muhammad began to shake and twitch. [615]
It was too wonderful for a dirt-encrusted Arab to fathom.
But as explained by modern medical science,
“Epileptic seizures often happen without warning, although some people may have an aura at the start of a seizure.
Some seizures cause convulsions, but many do not.
Seizures are the only visible symptom of epilepsy.
There are different kinds of seizures, and symptoms of each type can affect people differently.
Seizures typically last from a few seconds to a few minutes.
The person may be alert during the seizure or lose consciousness.
The person may not remember what happened during the seizure or may not even realize they had a seizure.
Seizures that make the person fall to the ground or make the muscles stiffen or jerk out of control are easy to recognize.
But many seizures do not involve these reactions and may be harder to notice.
Some seizures make the person stare into space for a few seconds.
Others may consist only of a few muscle twitches, a turn of the head, or a strange smell or visual disturbance that only the person can sense or a feeling of confusion, anxiety, or fear – some people describe these sensations as an aura.” [616]
When asked about the experience of revelation Muhammad reported,
“Sometimes it is revealed like the ringing of a bell.
This form of inspiration is the hardest of them all and then it passes off after I have grasped what is inspired.
Sometimes the Angel comes in the form of a man and talks to me, and I grasp whatever he says….
Never once did I receive a revelation without thinking that my soul had been torn away from me.” [617]
TRANSMIGRATION: SOULS: The Jewish Soul VS. the Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
The bright lights of Muhammad’s visual disturbance induced voices in his head, and he began hearing Arabic gibberish which he put into words as a sort of werewolf howling which has become transmogrified into what is known today as the Quran.
If you listen to the Muslim “Call to Prayer” which they are fond of blasting out of loudspeakers as a military assault against the ears of normal people, you can hear within it the demonic wailing of the Muslim Imam.
Muslim screeching is really quite horrible.
But that’s how the devotees of the Arabian Moon God pray, howling like werewolves, bowing down toward Mecca and mooning the Moon God.
It is quite an odd way to honor their god, but what can one expect from:
- illiterate
- homicidal
- goat-molesters
from a hellhole like Arabia?
After his first seizure, in great fear, Muhammad ran home to his wife, Khadija, and exclaimed that he had seen an angel, and it had talked to him!
RELIGION: Truth About Angels – Library of Rickandria
Knowing her sex-obsessed husband well, she tested him with the very highest level of Arabian science, to see if his delusion was a real delusion or a fake delusion.
She lifted him up and sat him on one of her huge thighs and asked if he could still see the angel before his eyes.
Yes, Muhammad could still see the lights in his head.
Then she set him on her other huge thigh.
Yes, Muhammad could still see the lights in his head.
Then she set him on her lap.
Yes, Muhammad could still see the lights in his head.
She then took off all of her clothes and stood naked before him belly dancing in all of her corpulent glory.
The shock of seeing his hugely fat and naked wife undulating before him was such that the lights in Muhammad’s head vanished.
But the damage was too great, and he never fully recovered from the first seizure.
There were more to follow.
With such a scientific experiment as this, Khadija lost all doubt that the lights in Muhammad’s head were not the lights of a devil; she concluded that the lights in Muhammad’s head were really the lights of an angel like Muhammad had said.
Thus, Khadija became a Believer. [618]
And Muhammad could now walk forth among his fellow camel-jockeys with solid scientific, Arabian proof that the lights in his head were real lights.
The average Arab’s imagination is by nature vivid.
Living as he does under the vault of heaven and moving constantly in search of pasture, trade or plunder, and being constantly forced into the:
- excesses
- exaggerations
- lies
which the life of business and brigandage usually entails, the Arab is given to the exercise of his imagination and cultivates it at all times whether for good or for ill, for peace or for war. [619]
And that is what Islam is built upon, the imagination of an illiterate sex fiend and lying Arabian merchant, prone to epileptic fits and raving about a Jewish angel passing along secret messages directly from the Arabian Moon God.
That’s Islam.
And thus, another Semitic delusion began its wicked work upon Mankind.
Now, there were two of them – the Semitic Jews telling lies about God and the Semitic Muslims telling lies about God.
Neither of them had any actual idea of what knowledge of God is all about.
And both of them rejected the firsthand information passed along by Jesus and they both burnt down and tore up any hints from any of the True Religions of the real nature of God.
The basic difference between the twin Semitic evils of Judaism and Islam, is that while the Jews want to steal your money and then kill you, the Muslims are just the opposite – they want to kill you and then steal your money.
As Muhammad proves, all other differences are secondary to this basic foundation of these two Semitic hoaxes.
Between the parasitic Babylonian moneylenders of Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop and the ignorant camel jockeys of Arabia demanding your money or your life, Mankind was in for a very tough time during the following centuries.
As explained in previous chapters, modern archaeology frees modern people from the ancient superstitious lies of the Semites.
We no longer have to base our opinions on these people by comparing their belief against our belief, because we now have the archaeological facts to show where the truth is and where the lies are.
But there are other sciences, as well, that show what liars the Semites are.
After all, those frauds are forever claiming that,
“The God of the Jews told us this”
“The God of the Muslims told us that,”
but if God had actually told those Semitic con artists anything, then He would certainly have told them things that Man didn’t know but which only God would know.
If some flea-scratching mystic seeing “visions,” claims that God told him that the earth is flat, then that was good enough for the ancient people who already believed that the earth is flat.
COSMOS: EARTH: Flat Earth PSYOP – Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria
But if God actually told those people anything, then God would certainly tell them that the earth is a spheroid orbiting in space, right?
So, we need only compare what we know as facts with what the ancient religious charlatans claimed that God told them, to understand what deluded liars the Semites all are.
If Muhammad was telling the truth, then his message would have been true from the very beginning.
That he changed his message as circumstances arose, will be discussed later.
First, let’s look at the very first “message” that Muhammad, wailing in his Arabian werewolf howling, dictated directly from the voices in his head, this first verse of what later became known as the Quran.
In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created – created man out of a clot of blood:
And thy Lord is most bountiful – He who taught the use of the pen, Taught man that which he knew not.” (Quran, Sura 96: 1-5)
Although this is arranged as the 96th Sura (chapter) of the Quran, these first five verses of this sura are believed by nearly all sources, to be the very first verses of the Quran to be revealed to Muhammad in the cave of Hira by the Jewish angel, Gabriel.
Claiming that man was created out of a clot of blood would be the understanding of a sixth century Arab, but it is certainly not something that God would teach.
Even the Sumerians and Babylonians from 4,000 years previously, had a better understanding about where Man came from as the clay of the earth.
At this point, Muhammad had fathered six children, five of whom had died.
He had certainly seen the bloody beginnings of an infant.
And he had slaughtered his share of:
- goats
- sheep
- camels
so, the fetus stage of development was known to him.
But the spiritual side of life is entirely lacking in the Semitic perversion of religion that he taught, just as it is lacking in Judaism.
Like the charismatic lunatic who invented it, Islam is an overwhelmingly materialistic vision of the world.
Its field is not the heavens so much as terrestrial possessions and terrestrial supremacy and access to all kinds of plain worldly pleasures, including:
- treasures
- sex
- power
All of these desires embedded into Islam, are the desires of a poverty-stricken, sex-crazed orphan who had stumbled into wealth through a rich widow and had added to his wealth through sharp business practices at the bazaar.
Muhammad was an illiterate Arab.
If God could teach Man
“that which he knew not,”
then He would certainly not be teaching Man things that Muhammad had made up, himself.
This Psychopath of Arabia has caused the death of over a billion people simply because the Arabs were too stupid to see that someone who goes into convulsions which he calls a “revelation from Allah” [621] and then begins howling in banshee speak, was a sick puppy and not a prophet of God.
Never-the-less, with the certainty that the voices in his head were real, Muhammad marched into the Kaaba and started telling his fellow Meccans how to pray because the voices in his head claimed to be the Jewish angel Gabriel with a message directly from the Arabian Moon God, Allah.
Praying in a,
“way which they knew not”
by bowing down in the direction of Jerusalem and sticking his butt into the air to moon the Moon God, was the way Muhammad taught that Allah wanted everybody to pray.
So, of course, the Meccans could see that Muhammad was nuts.
Thus, the Biggest Lie Ever Told had snared an Arabian camel jockey this time, a really crazy one who had epileptic seizures, one who was there to teach the Meccans,
“that which they knew not”
– Muhammad’s own special blend of ass-backwards Jewish fables, Arabian taqqiya tales and the Devil’s Truth.
The Jews had been telling their Hebrew Bible lies in Arabia since Nabonidus (555-539 BC) had brought them trailing along behind his army as merchants and suppliers.
As you will remember, Nabonidus (Nabu-na’id) worshipped the Moon God, Sin.
He first established his capital in the oasis of Taima in Northern Arabia.
As he took over control of the trade routes in western Arabia by seizing the principal oasis settlements, he changed his capital to Yatrib (Medina) along the Western caravan route.
At that time, Mecca also was a large trade center where the major trade routes converged.
He stayed in Arabia for ten years, worshipping his Moon God, monopolizing trade to the advantage of Babylonia and, no doubt, impressing the local-yokel Arab bandits with the power of the Moon God since it was so much worshipped by the king of a great empire like Babylonia.
So, by the time of Muhammad, for over a thousand years the Jews had been lying to the lying Arabs with stories about their own god and with the fables that came thickly packed inside of the Hebrew Bible.
These stories of Abraham and Moses were mixed with the genealogical swindle of claiming that all of the Arabs were descended from Abraham and Ishmael.
Therefore, according to the Jews, the Arabs owed the Jews their fealty (“beyah”).
Jews are mentioned in Babylonian inscriptions of 555 to 539 BC in Taima and Yathrib (Medina).
An inscription of 355 BC in Dedan refers to a Jewish family, as does another inscription in al-Hijr.
By the time of Muhammad, many Jewish poets were known in Arabia, among them Samuel, King of Taima.
To feed their broods of little Jews, wherever there was money to be made through control of trade, Jews set up shop.
In other words, every dusty town in waterless Arabia that could be called a town, had its tribes of Jews.
From Maqna on the Gulf of Aquiba, through:
- Taima
- Khaybar
- Yathrib
- Mecca
to Aden, every oasis where the carvan routes passed through, were tribes of Jews trading in:
- dates
- gold
- slaves
- weapons
and myrrh [622] and buying stolen goods.
To an illiterate Arab, the Jewish stories from their scrolls of goat-skins – stories that could be read exactly the same way every time – were simply amazing because, since they were written down, there was no room to add any more lies.
So, the Hebrew Bible must be true!
Those were stories that the illiterate Muhammad could not have avoided hearing in his many years of business dealings with the Jews and their Christian competitors, because both religions were eagerly seeking converts.
He could not read the stories, himself, but would have had them told to him second- and third hand.
He knew that,
“only the Jews and their descendants”
were given a “Promise” by their god – the Jews certainly didn’t let anybody forget that!
He knew who the Jewish angel Gabriel was, and he knew that the Jews claimed that all of the Arabs had descended from Ishmael.
So, in his seething Semitic brain, Muhammad came to the conclusion that he was therefore descended from Abraham, too, [623] because the lying Jews had said that he was.
As a descendant of Abraham and Ishmael, Muhammad could claim to be an inheritor of the Jewish “Promise.”
Muhammad had been a shepherd when he was a boy, and Abraham had been a shepherd.
Since Abraham had been a prophet, that meant – using Semitic illogic – that Muhammad was also a prophet because they were both shepherds!
Maybe even better than Abraham!
Yes, why not?
Who would know?
Before his first seizure, Muhammad, himself, had helped to rebuild the Kaaba after it had been damaged in a flash flood.
Since there are no trees in Arabia, for building materials the Meccans bought from a Christian Byzantine trader, his ship that had washed ashore.
The trader, Pachomius by name, was also a carpenter.
The Quraysh not only bought the wood from his ship but hired him to come with them to Mecca, where they also hired another Coptic Christian living there, to help them in rebuilding of the Kaaba.
So, the wooden structure of the re-built Kaaba was supplied by and built by Christians.
The Kaaba first was leveled.
From the neighboring mountains, they carried stones of blue granite.
The Quraysh completed the building of the Kaaba, raising its walls to a height of eighteen cubits.
In order to make it more defensible in case other tribes wanted to steal the idols, they raised its entrance above ground level.
Inside the Kaaba, they erected two parallel rows of three pillars each to support the ceiling and built a stairway on its north side leading to the roof. [624]
The holy meteorite was placed in the wall near the entrance.
And all of the stone idols were placed back inside the Kaaba, each of which belonged to a different tribe as their tribal god.
With the Kaaba rebuild, the tribe of Quraysh and the merchants of Mecca were once again open for business.
The nomadic Arabs would travel each year to Mecca to pay homage to their clan’s deity.
The pilgrimage was traditionally made on the last month of the Arabian calendar.
The early nomads who visited the sanctuary each year would first walk around the structure (the rite is called tawaf) to pay tribute to the deities there.
This yearly celebration of thieving Arabs was timed when Meccan merchants had the most trade goods to sell.
They called it “The Festival” or in Arabic, the “Hajj”.
By agreement, they weren’t allowed to kill each other during the Hajj.
They were to come to Mecca only to:
- party
- trade
- worship the idols
that the Quraysh kept well dusted in the Kaaba.
In the month of Hajj, each pagan pilgrim brought his or her offering for a particular deity and sacrificed the innocent animals to please a particular god.
Upon arrival, these stupid pagan Arabs trotted around the Kaaba three times, stopping to kiss the holy meteorite set in the wall.
Then, run back and forth between the two hills called Safa and Marva where two great stones were believed to be the residences of a male and female deity.
All this while they avoided killing each other, using foul language or having sexual intercourse either with their nasty Arab women or with their innocent sheep since each of these practices is prohibited in the presence of the pagan gods of the Kaaba.
Then, throw rocks at a stone idol which was the traditional method of offering prayers to that Semitic god.
Then, kill a goat and pour out its blood.
Then, shave off all of their hair, including their pubic hair since Arabs, to this very day, consider themselves especially saintly without their pubic hair.
And they’re done.
All nice and holy.
And now, completely bald, having neither pubic hair nor lice, these Arabs would hop on their camels and ride away into the sunset until the effects wore off.
Then it was time to:
- waylay
- ambush
- rob
- murder
and rape until the next year’s Festival of Hajj.
Once Muhammad got control of the Hajj, the only change to the Hajj was suggested by (Rabbi) Abdullah ibn Salam who became a Muslim and an early advisor to Muhammad.
The teaching of the rabbis is, even today:
“He who casts a stone on Merculis (Mercury or Hermes) thereby worships it even if his intention was to bruise it.” [625]
This rabbi suggested that casting stones at the rock would not be offering prayers to that pagan god, but it would be casting stones at the Devil.
Thus, the Jews got the Muslims to give praise to the Devil during Hajj by throwing stones at a rock.
All of these ancient pagan rites survive in Islam today.
Each year Muslims from all over the world make pilgrimages to Mecca during the Arabian month of Dhu al-Hijjah, and they perform the same rituals that prevailed several centuries before Islam.
The Muslims today put on a special white robe, circumambulate the Kaaba, murder their animals while calling Allah’s name, stay away from sexual intercourse during the ceremonial period, abstain from profane language, run between the two distant hills of Safa and Marva, and throw pebbles at the abode of Satan, a rock believed to be the residence of the devil, thus giving praise to it.
Does this sound familiar to you Muslim Readers?
Did you know that all Muhammad did was to steal a pagan festival and put a Muslim stamp on it?
Or have you believed the lies of the Imams all of these years?
In fact, the pilgrimage ceremonies of Muslims today are in no way different from what Muhammad’s ancestors and other desert Arabs did hundreds of years before him.
Only the name is changed, and the pagan cult has become an Islamic rite.
There is only one difference:
in pre-Islamic days, everyone was allowed to go to Mecca for pilgrimage –
- pagans
- atheists
- polytheists
as well as monotheists.
Today, no one but Muslims are permitted in Mecca’s sanctuary.
And Muhammad’s Moon God became the deity of all of the tribes. [626]
But stepping into the tribe of Quraysh’s special monopoly of food sales; and stepping into all of the Meccans’ lucrative yearly Hajj where all of the tribes in Arabia would bring their gold and silver to Mecca; stepping into all of this carefully conceived method for the Quraysh to make money in the religious scam of Arabian paganism centered around the Kaaba, Muhammad stepped forward wild-eyed and babbling about meeting a Jewish angel who had given him a secret message from the Arabian Moon God and – the Devil’s Truth – if you didn’t believe him, he would kill you.
Everybody knew Muhammad, that Quraysh Arab who had married the fat rich woman.
He was the cleverest of merchants whom no one could catch in a lie.
Muhammad began telling his relatives of the Quraysh tribe that they would all go to hell if they didn’t give up all of their idols and pray to the Moon God exclusively.
They must destroy all of the idols that had brought them such wealth from the Arabian tourist trade during Hajj.
And they must do whatever Muhammad demanded because the Moon God had specially chosen him to be a prophet – the very representative of God Almighty on Earth!
The Jewish angel had said so!
The Moon God, Himself, had commanded everyone to obey Muhammad – according to Muhammad.
With inducements such as these, not many of the Quraysh joined Muhammad’s new religion.
They laughed at him and ridiculed him in the mocking poetry that was popular in the wine shops.
But ridiculing an Arab, was the greatest of insults because it was part of Arab culture to kill you with a stab in the back if you made fun of him.
The Arabs were all such a jovial people!
So, Muhammad had a big problem.
How could he devise a religion when all of his countrymen are:
- murderers
- thieves
- rapists
- dishonest merchants
and sheep diddlers living in an inferno while laughing at him?
Think about it, yourself.
Take another look at a typical photo of sun-burned Arabia. (See Figure 114 – Arabian desert)
What could you offer illiterate camel eaters, living in such a waterless wasteland, something that they would want?
Why, you offer them the same things that Muhammad promised them.
Offer them Paradise.
But not a paradise that a god would envision, but a paradise that a hot, thirsty Arab would envision.
First, offer them cooling shade and flowing streams and rivers.
All the water that they could ever want!
Offer them green trees filled with delicious fruit as big as a house; fruit so big that you can find shelter under its rind.
Offer these flea-bitten bandits living in tents, palaces made with gold bricks and silver bricks, with gardens filled with flowers and the very floors made of glass so that they can watch the water flowing in rivers beneath.
For these bands of sun-burned roving rapists and child molesters, offer them seventy-two virgins with luscious lips and ready thighs and little boys and little girls serving them from gold and silver trays heaped with fruits and steaming tureens of goat meat.
With such visions before your eyes, if you are now anxious to run off to become a Muslim, it gets even better than this.
You can enjoy all of the luxuries of incredible wealth forever!
And even better and better!
If you pray more and more, then you get even more of everything at a higher level in Paradise, maybe even in the exclusive neighborhood near Allah’s throne.
It is from beneath the Moon God’s throne where all the streams and rivers come from.
So, drink as much throne water as you want.
In Paradise, you can take a bath whenever you want to – not that Arabs would ever want to do such a thing, but just in case – and there is no camel dung anywhere!
And the favorite food in Paradise, according to Muhammad, is whale liver!
What Arab wouldn’t want such a rare delicacy!?
Are you ready to become a Muslim, now?
Well, the promises get even better than this!
But even with such promises, Muhammad didn’t find very many members of his tribe who believed him, just the stupid ones.
But even those few rarities, the intelligent Arabs, could not refute Muhammad’s delusional lies because nobody could prove otherwise.
Only in modern times with archaeology, have the religious fantasies of the Jews and Muslims been proven to be hoaxes.
Modern people can still believe in and know God without the fake belief systems of the Semites.
You have seen this in previous chapters, where I have shown that God never did any of the things that the lying Jews claim that he did for them.
The Jews are proven liars and frauds.
But Muhammad didn’t know that.
He believed the stories that the Jews told about themselves and then he embellished them in his own way.
Muhammad established the entire structure of Islam based upon the quicksand of Jewish lies, thereby pulling down into Hellfire every Muslim who ever believed anything that deluded Arabian psychopath ever taught.
Muhammad (mhrh) is responsible for the Muslims murdering over a billion people and then sending all of those believing Muslim murderers to hell for their crimes.
Islam is the Devil’s Blessing –
- murder
- rape
- steal
so that you will go to Paradise.
Does that make sense?
Muhammad took the Jewish lies and, with good Arab thievery, embellished them as his very own.
All of Muhammad’s stories were based vaguely on what he remembered the Jewish merchants telling him as they bragged about how holy they were.
But their Jewish fables came out of Muhammad all twisted and odd every time he had a seizure.
Because the lights and voices in his head claimed that they came from Allah, then every weird story and bizarre tale just had to be true.
Clever liar that he was, with no one at that time able to prove otherwise and being illiterate and unable to read the stories himself, Muhammad claimed that the stories in both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles were wrong and that only he knew the true tales.
With a used-camel-salesman’s ingenuity, Muhammad re-imagined the Biggest Lie Ever Told and called it Islam.
Muhammad could out-Jew the Jews.
Muhammad and the Quraysh had torn the Kaaba down to its foundation stones and rebuilt it.
But now, Muhammad claimed that the voices in his head were telling him that the Kaaba had actually been built by none other than Noah.
Whoops, wait a minute!
Another Message is coming in.
No, it was definitely built by Abraham and Ishmael.
Whoops, here’s a fresh Revelation!
The foundations of the Kaaba were definitely built by Adam. [627]
According to the Jewish angel whispering the “truth” in his ear, Abraham had wanted a place to abandon Hagar and Ishmael, so he left them at Mecca.
Abraham took time off from herding goats in the arid wastelands of Canaan to travel 1,230 kilometers (760 miles) through waterless deserts by donkey and on foot just to do them the favor of abandoning them both in a desert that had even less water.
And why?
According to Muhammad, so that Abraham, the Jew, could establish Muslim prayer and because, also according to Muhammad, Mecca is the holiest place on earth since that is where the Kaaba is.
Mecca, where the Kaaba was built by Noah and Abraham and Ishmael and Adam, was sacred since the world was created. [628]
That’s why the pagan idol worshippers liked it so much!
But according to Muhammad, the pagans got it all wrong, they were really not running back and forth between the two hills of Safa and Marva to honor pagan gods, they were really doing that because that’s what Hagar did desperately looking for water.
During Hajj, the stupid Muslims run up and down the hills around Mecca
“to follow the footsteps of Ishmael’s mother.”
And the water source in Mecca, the spring of Zamzam, wasn’t a naturally occurring spring after all.
Allah made it appear so that Hagar and Ishmael wouldn’t die of thirst.
Muhammad taught that Abraham and Ishmael were really not Jews but were actually Muslims; and Abraham’s family was the origin of Islam!
In fact, all of the prophets in the Hebrew Bible were Muslims!
And to make sure that his own tribe got the spotlight, he claimed that the Quraysh were the one tribe descended from Ishmael who stayed in Mecca; that’s why they controlled the Kaaba.
Because Ishmael was the forefather of the Arabs, all Arabs started out as Muslims since Ishmael was their prophet. [629]
But even with such manipulative stories, the shrewd Quraysh tribesmen knew that Muhammad was insane.
At most, the Kaaba dates back to the second century AD.
Thus, contrary to the text of the Quran and the lying Muslim Imams, it could not have been made by Abraham, let alone by the Babylonian Noah (see Volume One) or by Adam.
The Old Testament makes no mention of Abraham traveling to Arabia, much less building a sanctuary in Mecca!
Abraham found it hard enough to stack up a pile of rocks for an altar!
More importantly, there is no chronological or archeological evidence to prove that Mecca, itself, is older than the first century AD.
Abraham, if he really existed, probably lived around 1500 BC.
The story was fabricated by Muhammad to attract the support of the rich Jewish Arabs [630], to make a claim of legitimacy as a Jewish prophet and to use the old Jewish genealogical swindle to inveigle the Arabs into his hoax.
Muhammad wanted to cement the pagan Arabs into the structure of Islam by claiming that they were all Muslims already, but that they just didn’t know it.
Muhammad was the cleverest liar to ever come out of Arabia.
His lies worked on the idiotic Arabs, but there is no reason why they should work on modern people.
Even modern Muslims, who want to prove that they are insane by blowing themselves up into tiny fragments, can learn a lot from the science of archaeology.
Besides claiming that the pagan Arabian Moon God was the same god worshipped by the Jews and Christians, Muhammad – good Arabian land pirate that he was – also stole all of the Jewish stories that he could remember by rebranding them with Muslim name tags.
This is one of the attributes of Semitic lies, both Jewish and Muslim, in that they steal the meanings of words by giving them their own definitions.
Muhammad re-named Christian and Jewish characters as being Muslim.
Muhammad claimed that all of the patriarchs of Judaism as well as Jesus were actually Muslims.
A blatant lie, of course, but that’s how taqiyya works, telling lies to promote Islam.
But before getting any deeper into the mummified skein of Muslim lies, let’s first understand what a Muslim is by their own definition.
Know this definition well and you will not be confused by those demonic charlatans.
To become a Muslim, all that is required is that you repeat the following slogan:
“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.”
You are now a Muslim!
All that is required now is that you go to the Friday prayers, bow down to Mecca while following the other Muslim monkeys going through their ritual of washing their hands and feet and blowing the boogers out of their noses, then standing with their cupped hands behind their ears, then bowing to Mecca a few times with their butts in the air.
Repeat this five times a day for the rest of the week.
And of course, you will be required to pay money into the Muslim bank.
And that’s about it.
If you ask the hypocritical, beady-eyed Imam some questions about Islam, that will make you one of the gang – guaranteed a place in Paradise as long as you are willing to kill as many non-Muslims as possible before you die.
But don’t think that you can change your mind and leave Islam whenever you want to because, like every other organized criminal organization, you will not get out alive.
Once you are in, you are in; but if you want to leave, the Muslims will kill you.
That’s what Muhammad taught.
Welcome to Muslim Paradise!
You only get into such an insane paradise by first:
- killing
- raping
- stealing
and destroying all non-Muslims in the entire world.
Now, ask yourself, what kind of light did Muhammad see in his head?
Was it an angel or a demon or just the lights inside the head of a raving, though charismatic, lunatic?
- murder
- rape
- steal
and arson, and then you will go to heaven.
From the waterless deserts where the sand blowing wind hides all trails and tracks, the smelly tribes of camel thieves’ main source of wealth had always been stealing from each other.
The larger tribes had advantage over the smaller tribes; and all of the nomadic tribes had advantage over the settled oasis towns.
So, for the smaller tribes to gain booty and women before running away to safety in the desolate tracts, the tactics of tricky
- subterfuge
- assassination
- ambush
- deception
the quick raid and fast retreat, all became standard to the Arabian Culture and to the mindset of the Arabian denizens.
Every skinny, dried up, little Arabian savage who could ride a camel, gained the fame and admiration of his entire tribe of twenty or thirty inbred relatives, every time he could sneak up and steal something or lie in wait to murder and rob from someone from another tribe.
His cunning became part of his children’s and grandchildren’s asl.
He was so proud!
The Meccans were quite adept in trade. Indeed, they were so expert at it that it was said of them that they could change the sand of the desert into gold through trade and clever deals. [631]
Muhammad was the most skilled in dealing with these cleverest of all Arabian camel-traders.
Deceit and telling lies, is hard-wired into the Semitic character.
Thus, telling lies for the sake of Islam, became second nature for the Muslims.
It was this talent for criminality that Muhammad tapped, to create the world’s second most-evil religious hoax.
It is no coincidence that both religious hoaxes are Semitic in origin – one using the abracadabra of Judaism, the other using the taqqiya of Islam.
But the majority of Quraysh were not fooled by Muhammad.
They knew that he had only achieved social prominence because his wife was wealthy.
Other than that, Muhammad had no social status. He was an orphan, a lowly nobody in the pecking order of Arabian tribal culture.
With no Jewish television to tell them what to think and no Jewish radio stations to brainwash them with lies like modern people, what else could the Arabs do but sit around:
- making up their own stories
- drinking wine
- smoking hash
- gossiping
telling lies and reciting poetry in the wine shops and bazaars?
Poetry has many varieties in every culture.
An example of a European poetic technique might be,
“Mangy, malevolent, murdering, Muslim, maniacs.”
This is a poem using alliteration, that is, the same sound at the beginning of the words.
Just because it doesn’t rhyme, doesn’t mean that it isn’t poetry.
Among the Arabs, poetry took the shape of howling and screeching in Arabic, often accompanied with the pinnacle of Arabian musical genius, the world famous, one-piece, Arabian philharmonic orchestra – a tambourine.
And while the Arab poet was howling through his nose and the tambourine was keeping rhythm to his monotonous cacophony of Arabian screeching, perhaps a slave girl prostitute would be dancing the great Arabia ballet known as the “belly dance.”
Like everything else in the Semitic cultures, they lie to us.
It is not a “belly dance” that the Arab women perform, it’s actually a pussy dance – wiggling their:
- vulvas
- bellies
- breasts
- butts
and hips in an attempt to lure the males into having sex with them so that they can produce a bumper crop of little bandits who will enrich the tribe with booty and hot camels.
That’s all a “belly dance” really is.
Remember, in Arab culture, the women often had up to ten males as studs and then chose whichever one they liked best as the father of the little brown nugget.
So, doing a belly dance was the female Arab’s way of getting a lot of hot dates.
Miles Williams Mathis: Saturday Night “Jive” – Library of Rickandria
This is not a pun.
The Arabs often paid their prostitutes in dates off of the palm tree or with raisins instead of silver or gold.
It was a cheap lay, paying a whore with dates and raisins.
But after all, cheap lays are what all Muslim women are.
Muhammad turned all Muslim women into slaves and whores, battered women wearing veils to hide their bruises and black eyes, split lips, missing teeth and broken noses.
Arab women had freedom before Muhammad began hearing voices in his head.
Muslim women are protected by the Muslim males not because Muslim males have any particular love for Muslim females but because Islam wants to keep its women as cheap whores who service the Muslim circumcised penis on command.
Muslim women are reduced to the same level as the:
- goats
- sheep
- donkeys
and dogs that the Muslim males actually prefer.
By Muslim Law even into modern times, Muslim women are killed if they so much as look at a non-Muslim man.
The circumcised sex fiends of Islam, want to keep all those Muslim pussies for themselves and still be able to rape non-Muslim women when they can.
Raping non-Muslim women is permitted by Sharia Law.
Read the Sharia Laws, if you don’t believe this statement.
Rape is a standard in Semitic cultures shared by the Jews.
Read the Babylonian Talmud if you don’t believe this statement.
The Babylonian Talmud – Chabad.org
Into this Arabian Culture of:
- murderers
- thieves
- rapists
- child molesters
- sheep-diddlers
and deceivers, all of them caterwauling in Arabic poetry, Muhammad recited his own version of howling and yowling in rhythmic suras.
To the ears of a people whose only music came out of a tambourine, Muhammad’s fulminating sounded like a Godsend.
His poetry wailed and blustered the message that they were all going to hellfire unless they bowed down to the Moon God and followed Muhammad’s commands because a Jewish angel had told him so during an epileptic fit.
His wailing recitations warned them that Muhammad was not just an orphan with a big cock but that he was a Prophet of Allah with a big cock whom everyone was supposed to honor and bless.
This is how Muhammad recommended for everyone to treat him:
“Allah and His Angels, send blessings on the Prophet: O you who believe!
Send your blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.” (Quran: 33:56)
This is why whenever his name is mentioned, the Muslims today always append the phrase,
“May Peace Be Upon Him” or “pbuh” for short, after Muhammad’s name.
This is not just a demonic device to urge the victims of Islam to continue to bless a devil.
It is a stolen Jewish method for deceiving the lame-brained Muslim morons that they are actually holy, themselves, through the self-deception of pretending to be qualified to bless anything.
To counter this Semitic curse of (pbuh) to bless a devil, people should correct this fraud with (mhrh).
Thus, when you write or mention Muhammad (mhrh) to a Muslim audience, you are putting Muhammad (mhrh) where he actually belongs. (mhrh = may he rot in hell) Muhammad was determined to prove to his tribe of Quraysh that he was not just a nobody who had married a rich woman, but that he was a somebody who was honored even by the angels.
Muhammad woke up one morning in 621 AD and announced that he had just flown 800 miles to Jerusalem on a magical flying beast and back again, all in one night, in his sleep.
And during the flight, he had talked to a variety of prophets and angels and had actually taken a side trip to Paradise and talked to God and gotten advice from Moses.
And he was able to bargain with God and get a reduction in the number of prayers for Muslims down to only five per day.
This is celebrated by the Muslims today as “Al Isra” when Muhammad flew to heaven. [632]
Modern people might find such stories odd and crazy if anyone told them such tales.
But modern Muslims are, of course, not modern people; they are retards with a seventh century Bedouin mentality and believe every word of Muhammad’s delirium – that’s what makes them “Believers.”
However, Muhammad’s own tribe, the Quraysh who knew him only too well, and the other feudal people of Mecca who believed in many gods, looked at Muhammad like he had stood in the sun too long.
Some of the Muslims who had actually been to Jerusalem on caravan business, when they heard Muhammad’s description of that place, apostatized and returned to being pagans since they realized then without doubt (because there were no bulls in Arabia) that Muhammad was full of camel dung.
Because Muhammad used Arab poetry to promote his ideas of being a “Chosen One” and “Messenger of the Moon God” and a “Prophet,” some Arabs thought it would be funny to refute Muhammad’s poetry with poetry of their own.
But they didn’t really know what an evil and vindictive, predatory brigand Muhammad really was.
He was an Arab who remembered insults and therefore bided his time in repaying them.
Muhammad preached “peace” but he kept his hatred for the Quraysh tribal aristocracy well concealed.
He would show them what a “nobody,” an illiterate orphan, could do with a sly scam.
Abu Lahab and Abu Sufyan, leaders of Quraysh and lords of its commerce and entertainment, began to feel the threat which the caterwauling of Muhammad presented. (Abu Sufyan would eventually get his Semitic revenge on Muhammad’s entire blood line.)
The caravan trade alone was big business.
Some caravans consisted of two thousand camels or more and carried a load whose value amounted to fifty thousand Dinars. (1 gold Dinar = 65 grains)
The annual exports of Mecca amounted to 250,000 Dinars (1.2 tons of gold). [633]
And every grain of that gold passed through the hands of the Jews at the oasis towns along the caravan routes.
Whatever prosperity the oasis Arabs enjoyed depended wholly upon trade between Yemen and Palestine. [634]
Any interference with that trade meant that the Meccans would have to lower themselves to the level of all of the other Arabs and get their wealth by plundering each other through banditry instead of swindling each other through business.
And what of the pilgrimage business?
If Muhammad ruined their yearly Hajj when all of the tribes of Arabia converged on Mecca to pray at the Kaaba and to party around town, to trade in the bazaar and buy things from the shops and food vendors, then he would bring disaster to their businesses.
Why would the Arabs come to Mecca just to pray to the Moon God when all of the tribes of Arabia prayed to hundreds of different gods and the Kaaba housed an idol for each one of them as well as an idol of Allah?
They therefore decided to ridicule Muhammad in poetry. [635]
It was such fun lampooning Muhammad and his lunatic followers in poetry that a number of local poets gained fame in the wine shops with their humorous satire of the local Moon God devotee and his Jewish angel.
Little did these witty poets know that the Psychopath of Arabia had gang members who would kill them in exchange for nothing other than a mere promise of Paradise.
After all, living in a hellhole like Arabia, even a promise of green trees and all the water they could drink, had its appeal.
Anywhere sounded better than Arabia.
The Jews had deceived the people of the entire world with their Hebrew Bible hoaxes.
From them, Muhammad had learned what people will do if they are given nothing but fancy promises.
Muhammad built an entire religion out of the demonic promise that you will go to Paradise by first:
- murdering
- raping
- stealing
and enslaving the non-Muslims.
Turn the world into a bloody hell and then you will go to paradise – that is the message of Islam, delivered via the werewolf howling of demon poetry.
In seventh-century Arabia, poetry was taken very seriously; poetry contests were held with declared winners.
It was a powerful way to communicate a message [636] and for an illiterate people, a way of memorizing long passages of boring drivel.
But saying anything derogatory or humorous about Allah or Muhammad or about Muslims, even today, is a death sentence decreed by the beady-eyed, narrow minded Muslim swine who are known as Imams, those demonic Islamic half-wits who call themselves “scholars.”
They are no more “scholars” than are the fraudulent rabbis, all of them basing their so-called “scholarship” in total rubbish that they make up, themselves.
Before Muhammad had to run for his life from Mecca to Medina in 622 to avoid being murdered, he used to sit in the assembly at Mecca howling his delusional half-nasal Arabic doggeral, the suras of the Quran, warning them of God’s punishment for mocking God’s prophet – namely, himself.
An Arab poet named Al-Nadr bin al-Harith would then recite his own poetry and speak about heroes and kings of Persia, saying,
“By God, Muhammad cannot tell a better story than I, and his talk is only of old fables which he has copied just as I have.”
Al-Nadr was honest about where he got the ideas for his poems while Muhammad was telling everybody that the Moon God and a Jewish angel were giving him messages from heaven.
Al-Nadr told stories and opaque histories about Arabs of long ago and Bible stories about such figures as:
- Noah
- Abraham
- Moses
and Jesus, stories which Muhammad confused with his own inaccurate and vaguely remembered versions.
Muhammad never forgot nor forgave al-Nadir for making light of his werewolf howling.
At the Battle of Badr in AD 624, Al-Nadr was captured and on Muhammad’s return journey back to Medina, Muhammad ordered him to be beheaded instead of offering him for ransom.
Al-Nadr was one of two prisoners who were executed and not allowed to be ransomed by their clans – all because both of them wrote poems and told stories critiquing Muhammad. [637]
Modern Muslims follow Muhammad’s example and likewise murder anyone who shows them to be the sick clowns that they really are, or they murder anyone who even draws a humorous cartoon of Muhammad.
Like the Jews, the Muslims tell the Devil’s Truth – believe our lies or we will kill you.
The other poet captured at the Battle of Badr was Uqba ibn Abi Mu’ayt.
He too mocked Muhammad in Mecca and wrote derogatory verses about him.
Muhammad ordered him to be executed.
“But who will look after my children, O Muhammad?”
Uqba cried with anguish.
retorted Muhammad coldly.
Then the sword of one of his followers chopped off Uqba’s head to the cheers of Allahu Akbar – “God is Great” – from the gang of murdering Muslims newly enriched with the booty they had just stolen. [638]
Asma bint Marwan was a poetess who belonged to a tribe of Medina pagans.
In 624, she composed a poem that Muhammad didn’t like.
So, he asked,
“Who will rid me of Marwan’s daughter?”
A member of her husband’s own tribe volunteered and sneaked into her house that night.
She had five children and the youngest was sleeping at her breast.
The assassin gently removed the child, drew his sword, and plunged it into her, killing her in her sleep. [639]
The Muslims love repeating these stories to their own children, teaching them how to be good Muslims and murder anyone who makes fun of the Psychopath of Arabia or his half-witted followers.
Abu Afak, a centenarian elder of Medina, wrote a derogatory poem about Muhammad, showing how Muhammad had divided two large Medinan tribes with religious commands like “permitted” and “forbidden.”
That is, the poet was referring to Muhammad’s legal decrees about things that are forbidden (e.g. pork chops and cheap whiskey) and permitted (e.g. burglary, rape and murder).
Before the Battle of Badr, Muhammad let him live.
But after the battle, Muhammad changed his mind and asked,
“Who will deal with this rascal for me?” [640]
That night, Salim ibn Umayr sneaked up on him while he was asleep in his own yard and killed him. [641]
Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf was a Jew of mixed ancestry.
His father was an Arab, but his mother was a Jewess from the powerful al-Nadr tribe in Medina.
He lived as a member of his mother’s tribe.
He heard about the Muslim victory at the Battle of Badr, and he was disgusted.
In 624, he wrote a widely circulated poem, a hostile lament, over the dead caused by Muhammad’s sneak attack at Badr.
Angered by the poems, Muhammad asked,
“Who would rid me of Kab?”
Five Muslims volunteered, one of whom was Kab’s own foster-brother named Abu Nailah.
They informed him,
“O apostle of God [Muhammad], we shall have to tell lies.”
Muhammad gave them permission to tell lies and answered,
“Say what you like, for you are free in the matter.”
Then, he sent them off with this wish:
“Go in Allah’s name; O Allah, help them.”
They set upon a clever plan.
As his foster brother, Abu Nailah won Kab’s confidence by complaining about the hardships Muhammad had brought upon their community, thus reassuring Kab of their sincerity.
To cover their stench, Arabs even to this day are fond of smearing themselves with women’s perfume.
From time-to-time Abu Nailah would touch the hair of Kab and exclaim,
“I have never smelled such perfume in my life!”
Then, after gaining Kab’s complete trust, Abu Nailah, this foster-brother who was secretly a Muslim, leaned over to smell his perfume and seized him by the hair, pulled him down to the ground, and said to his companions,
“Kill the enemy of Allah!”
They struck him with their swords. [642]
One of the conspirators stabbed Kab in the belly and then bore it down until it reached Kab’s genitals, disemboweling him.
Then, the five Muslim thugs severed Kab’s head and brought it to Muhammad.
Their attack on Kab sent shock waves into the Jewish community, so that,
“there was no Jew in Medina who did not fear for his life.” [643]
Think about it, when even your dearest relatives are bitten with the werewolf promises of Islam, and are willing to murder you so that they can get seventy-two virgins, a solid gold palace and a bowl of fruit after they die, who can you trust when murdering maniacs like that are allowed to roam around without wearing their straight jackets?
With the success of the five conspirators, Muhammad said,
“Kill any Jew that falls into your power.”
Shortly afterwards, Muhayyisa ibn Masud leapt upon and killed a Jewish merchant, Ibn Sunayna, with whom he had been on friendly terms doing business. [644]
In Medina, it was becoming ever more dangerous not to join the Muslim gangsters and to offer your fealty to Muhammad and his Moon God.
Islam is basically a protection racket where the smiling gangsters say,
“We offer you the gift of Islam.
Join us.
Become a Muslim and we won’t murder you or steal your property.”
A deal that you can’t refuse!
In revenge for an ambush on some Muslim propagandists, in 625 AD Muhammad sent Amr bin Umayyah al-Damri and a companion to assassinate Abu Sufyan, a leader of the Meccans and lifelong opponent of Muhammad.
Umayyah failed in his attempt, and he had to flee under pursuit, murdering a man along the way, then hiding in a cave.
As the pursuit was dying down, a one-eyed, unnamed Bedouin entered the cave, driving some sheep.
Umayyah and the Bedouin introduced each other.
After they settled down, this simple shepherd sang a little two-line ditty in defiance of Muslims and Islam:
“I won’t be a Muslim as long as I live, Nor heed to their religion give.”
Unfortunately for this Bedouin, he was in the cave with a demonic Muslim, who said,
“You will soon see!”
The Bedouin fell asleep, snoring.
Umayyah recounts what he did.
“I went to him and killed him in the most dreadful way that anybody has ever been killed.
I leaned over him, stuck the end of my bow into his good eye, and thrust it down until it came out of the back of his neck.”
He fled back to Muhammad, who said,
“Well done!”
Umayyah ends his account, saying,
“The prophet prayed for me to be blessed.” [645]
Muhammad plucked out the eyes and cut off the arms and legs of some Bedouins who had pretended to be Muslims so that they could steal camels. [646]
He didn’t do this because they were stealing camels since all Arabs stole camels.
He murdered them with torture because they pretended to be Muslims.
This, from the “prophet” who proclaimed himself to be even better than Jesus!
The Muslims lie about it with their taqiyya but Islam is not a religion of peace.
It never began as a religion of peace, and it has never been a religion of peace.
A religion of:
- lies
- murder
- rape
and theft, but not one of peace.
As Muhammad said,
“Realize that Paradise is under the shade of swords.” [647]
For ridiculing him, the vindictive Psychopath of Arabia sanctioned assassination of his opponents.
Assassinations have an honored place among the murdering Muslims.
It is a favorite Muslim method for applying the treachery and deceit of Islam against whoever they claim to be their enemies.
A stab in the back is preferred to using a brute force frontal attack.
As a Muslim rationalization, this means saving the blood of the followers by killing the leaders; and then through their fear of being murdered, forcing those followers into Islam.
In Islam, assassins are known as
“blessed men from a blessed family.”
Attacking non-Muslims without warning or from ambush is acceptable to Muslims as is any sneaky subterfuge to gain victory over non-Muslims.
In the gangster Muslim culture, Muslims must always have the upper hand over non-Muslims. [648]
Like that other Semitic hoax of Judaism, the Muslims are hypocrites and:
- deceivers
- liars
- murderers
And like the Jews, they pretend not to be devils.
The penalty under Muslim Sharia Law (the law that the Muslims want you to agree to follow) decrees death for anyone who talks against Islam or Muhammad.
Singing a little song and being funny about those:
- mangy
- malevolent
- maniacal
Muslim morons are not allowed by their laws for you.
Even chatting and amusing yourself about God, the Quran, and Muhammad is not allowed in Islam nor is pretending to be a Muslim so you can get free stuff from Muslims.
As the Ayatollah Khomeini said in 1980, shortly after he gained power in Iran,
“There is no room for play in Islam; it is deadly serious about everything.” [649]
Miles Williams Mathis: Iran’s Jewish Rulers – Library of Rickandria
Remember that the next time you hear a tambourine because if you go to Muslim paradise, that is the only musical instrument that is ever allowed to accompany your own, personal troop of seventy-two virgins doing the Arabian Pussy Dance.
For those readers who are beginning to understand what demonic cretins the Muslims really are, this tidbit from the Quran should be inspected:
“Those who annoy Allah and His Apostle – Allah has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment.
And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly, bear on themselves a calumny and a glaring sin.” (Quran, Sura 33: 57-58)
The footnote #3758 of Yusif Ali’s translation explains the Arabic word “annoy” (ata) as equally meaning,
“to vex, to cause hurt or injury, to insult, to ill-treat by slander or unseemly conduct, or to hurt the feelings of someone.”
So, according to the Muslims who are:
- raping
- murdering
- assaulting
and forcing their way into the white Christian countries of:
- Europe
- America
- Australia
and into the black pagan countries of Africa, and into the brown Hindu, Buddhist and pagan countries of the world, if you,
“hurt their feelings”
by their law and by their definition, they will kill you.
Murdering maniacs that they are, the Muslims are only in second place as the world’s most deadly clowns, killing you to defend any alleged “annoyance” either to the Psychopath of Arabia or to his Moon God.
By their own definition, Islam is only a religion of peace after all of the non-Muslims in the entire world are dead and plundered.
So, do you really want to allow even one Muslim into your neighborhood or into your town or into your country?
If you don’t kill them as a preventative of Muslim violence then by the rules of their religion, they are here only to kill you or else turn you into one of them, howling at the Moon God.
This philosophy of:
“murder, rape and pillage for the sake of Allah”
is nothing more than the Arabian tribal culture of banditry re-targeted from scrawny little tribes of Arabian thieves stealing from each other to scrawny little tribes of Arabian thieves stealing from everybody on earth.
Muhammad gave the Arabs a wider vision by teaching them that they didn’t have to murder and steal from their equally poor fellow Arabs for the sake of their equally poor tribes, because under Islam they could murder and steal from the rich countries of the world for the sake of Allah.
And that was much better and much more profitable.
Muhammad did not make the Arabs into a better people – they remained the:
- lying
- murdering
- thieving
rapists and child molesters and sheep-seducers that they had always been – he merely organized them into a more efficient focus group of gangsters operating under the Crescent Moon banner of Islam.
Without even considering Muhammad’s epileptic seizures, tinnitus and demonic delusions – from its basic beginnings, Islam is (and always has been) a demonic hoax.
Muhammad’s devilish lies are written into stone for everyone to see in what is known as “the Five Pillars of Islam.”
The Five Pillars of Islam are the mandatory, five basic tenants in Islam, and are the foundation of Muslim faith.
But the foundation of Islam is lies, leading every Muslim into Hell while destroying the world.
The First Pillar of Islam is a lie.
The “Shahadah,” the declaration of the faith that every Muslim takes is this:
“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.”
This statement is a lie for four reasons.
As you have seen, the Arabian god “al-Lah” was the Moon God, one god among many Arabian gods.
Originally, the Jewish god was named Yahweh and Jesus’ Hebrew name, named after his Hebrew god, was Yah-Shuah (“Yah-Saves”).
RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: YHVH: The Truth About “Yahweh/Jehovah” – Library of Rickandria
Yes, both Allah and Yahweh were moon gods but were heads of separate pantheons of gods, goddesses and child gods.
There is absolutely no relationship between the two gods either by name or by their relationship in any pantheon.
Yes, there were other moon gods other than Allah.
But the Jews had not even mentioned the name of Yahweh for over a thousand years before Muhammad, so it was not a name that he would know.
All Muhammad did was to claim that the Arabian Moon God was also the god of the Jews speaking to him in Arabic.
He took an unrelated Arabian god, Al-Lah, and claimed that it was actually the god of the Jews, Yahweh!
Muhammad could not invent bigger lies than the Jews who were well-practiced in the art, so Muhammad merely stole the Jews’ Biblical fables and made them his own.
The second reason the Shahadah is a lie, is because it is impossible for Muhammad to have been anything other than a false prophet by the definitions of the Muslims, themselves.
According to the Muslims, Muhammad was infallible, which is their “proof” that he was an actual prophet.
They base their “proof” on none other than the word of Muhammad, himself, who channeled the voice of the Jewish angel Gabriel and said:
“By the star when it goes down – your companion is neither astray nor being mislead.
Nor does he say aught of his own desire.
It is no less than inspiration sent down to him.
He was taught by one mighty in Power….
The Prophet’s mind and heart in no way falsified that which he saw….” (Quran 53, 1-11)
Yes, Muhammad was moving his lips when he said that, but he claimed that it was really Allah doing the talking through the Jewish angel, Gabriel.
How could anyone prove otherwise?
If this was an angel of the Jewish god, then it must be telling the truth because Jewish angels and Muhammad never lie.
Yet, in this very same Sura, after bragging about himself, this slippery-tongued Arabian con man goes on to spout what is known as the Satanic Verses:
“Have ye seen Lat and Uzza, and another, the third goddess Manat?
What, for you the male sex and for Him, the female?
Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair.” (Quran 53:19-22)
Muhammad actually claimed that he was deceived by Satan during this “infallible” prophesy of speaking of gods other than Allah.
These are known as the Satanic Verses.
In Sura Hajj 22:52-53, never at a loss for words, Muhammad slandered all other prophets by claiming that they were also fooled by the devil, just like he was when he recited the Satanic Verses.
Being illiterate, Muhammad could only rely upon his memory of stories he had heard from the Jewish merchants.
Simple things from the Biggest Lie Ever Told such as the world being created in six days, Muhammad could remember and repeat.
“Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then settled Himself firmly on the Throne.” (Quran 7:54)
But the more complicated stories, illiterate Muhammad totally bungled.
According to Muhammad, all of the Jewish prophets had actually been Muslims.
Even Jesus was a Muslim!
And when he flubbed the telling of a Jewish fable and was caught at it, he made the excuse that he was speaking with the voice of Allah and Allah could not be wrong.
Therefore, Muhammad could not be wrong.
Circular reasoning – Wikipedia
Therefore, it was the Bible stories that were wrong!
According to the “infallible” Muhammad, the Bible was corrupted!
As shown in previous chapters, the Hebrew Bible is the Biggest Lie Ever Told and a provable hoax.
But the stories were not “corrupted” because the original frauds had been carefully copied by hand for centuries.
The lying Jews had invented a masterpiece of deceit, and they didn’t want to mess it up by corrupting it with shoddy scribal work.
When Muhammad was preaching his delusions, the science of archaeology did not exist.
So, the people of the world could only trust whether or not the various religious charlatans were genuine saints or devils in disguise.
Both archaeology and history prove that Muhammad was a devil or, at the very least, a deluded psychopath.
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has confirmed the fact that the Hebrew Bible was reliably transcribed, and that there is no so-called “corruption” of the text.
Also, fragments of the New Testament were found, and another fragment found elsewhere has been reliably dated around 50 AD, as well as entire texts of the New Testament which have been found in ancient sites among other ancient copies.
There is no evidence of “corruption” in the New Testament either.
RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Exposing the New Testament – Library of Rickandria
The Muslims repeat the lies of Muhammad against the Bible, not understanding that the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other ancient discoveries in the Middle East, confirm that the entire Bible has been reliably copied down to the present time, and that there is no “corruption” of the Bible.
Yes, the Hebrew Bible is a hoax, but it is a carefully copied hoax without corrupted scribal work.
The truth is that Muhammad made up this false charge in order to cover for himself when he couldn’t keep his facts straight about all the different Bible stories he had heard from the Jews and Christians.
Muhammad claimed that Jesus never died on the cross and was never resurrected because a volunteer took his place and was crucified instead.
The stupid Imams teach that Christians and Jews
“accept the Bible with blind faith but we Muslims are better because we only study what the very word of God says and what the true Hadiths say.
So, we have a science behind what we believe, and the Christians do not.” [650]
And this is what Arabian “science” produces: half-wits who believe the ravings of a psychopath as recorded in the Quran and the anecdotes of two hundred to four hundred year-old, tenth-hand gossip as recorded in the Hadiths.
That is Arabian “science”!
With this kind of Semitic “logic,” it is no wonder that Arabia never invented anything other than the Belly Dance, the tambourine and Islam.
Many statements of Muhammed have been disproved:
- by science
- by archaeology
- by history
- by medicine
and by the reliably translated Bible.
Yet the Muslims assert the reason why they know that Mohammed was the true prophet of Allah is because he never made an error in any statement he ever made for the Muslim faith.
His “infallibility” in all statements is what “proves” he was a genuine prophet.
The lying Muslims, who all tell the Devil’s Truth, will violently riot against and murder anyone who begins to check out whether or not the many claims of Mohammed match the known facts. [651]
Islam, the Devil’s Truth, is very Jewish; killing those who question its lies in order to uphold its self-appointed position as the “word” of God.
All of the following stories can be verified in the Quran and Hadiths, which means that they are “true” because Muhammad, or a Muslim who lived two or three hundred years after Muhammad, said so.
Some of Muhammad’s claims seem quite odd unless you are a stupid Muslim who would believe any lie as long as Muhammad was telling it.
Muhammad said that he went past the grave of Moses,
“and I saw him praying in his grave.”
Of course, Muslims believe Muhammad because they also believe what Muhammad taught about death.
That is, Muslims don’t go to Paradise right away because they first have to “live” in their graves praying to Allah until Judgment Day.
And while they are in their graves, a window opens up so they can look down into Hell and another window opens up so they can look up into Paradise.
When Muhammad wasn’t listening to the voices in his head, he would talk to the dead and buried bodies of his enemies.
Revisiting the battle field at Badr, he spoke to the dead enemies in their graves such words as,
“I told you so.
Allah said I would win.
How do you like the hell fire?”
When his friends asked why he was talking to dead and rotted corpses, he said,
“They can hear me better than you.” [652]
Because he was claiming to be a prophet and a lineage holder of the Jewish fables and Christian Scriptures – only much-much better, of course – Muhammad said,
“Don’t speak about the stories of the Jews and Christians.”
Later he said,
“Learn the stories but do not believe them.”
The Jews were the liars, according to the illiterate Muhammad who couldn’t read the Biblical stories, himself, but who could tell better lies than anybody in Arabia.
The Jews had changed the scriptures, so Muhammad gave the “true” stories because during his epileptic fits, the voices in his head gave him the “Truth.”
The Jewish angel whispering in his ear, had better stories to tell – everything about Islam is better according to the betrayed and deceived Muslims.
For example, contrary to the stories of the Jews, the Temple was not built by Solomon (it was really a musjid or mosque and not a temple).
It was Jacob who built the Temple not Solomon, Solomon only expanded it. [653]
Muhammad told of a time when:
“A Shafan (demon) came to interfere with my salat (prayer).
I pushed him away.
He came back. I pushed him away.
He came back. I pushed him away a third time.
He came back.
So, I grabbed him by the neck and choked him.
I could feel his saliva dripping on my beard.
And I was about to tie him to a pillar in the musjid so that the kids could play with him.
But I didn’t do it because I remembered a prayer of my brother Solomon who said,
‘O Allah, give me a kingdom that will occur to no one else.’
Only Solomon had control of the wind and jinn (demons) and could speak the language of birds and ants.”
So, Muhammad let the demon go because Muhammad was so humble that he didn’t want to upstage Solomon. [654]
And the Muslim kids were undoubtedly as disappointed as the Muslim adults at not being able to see some actual proof of Muhammad’s truthfulness – an actual, kicking, spitting demon who was not a Jew.
Muhammad wanted to out-Jew the Jews.
He claimed that,
“Moses belongs more to us Muslims than he does to you Jews because Moosa (Moses) was a Believer.”
Pharaoh and his army drowned, when the Red Sea closed over them, and just before he died, Pharaoh said,
“I believe in Allah,”
but it was too late for him to be saved.
Gabriel (who had been there at the time) told Muhammad that when Pharaoh tried to pray to Allah, Gabriel started stuffing mud in his mouth so he couldn’t pray and be saved.
So, mercy would not come to Pharaoh.
And Gabriel came out of his human form and filled the horizon and picked up the people of Sodom and Gomorrah with the tip of his wings and turned them upside down and crushed them with stones.
Ishmael grew up in Mecca speaking Arabic.
This is the lineage claimed by Muhammad:
Abraham to Ishmael to the Quraysh tribe to Muhammad. [655]
Thus, the genealogical swindle of the Jews and all their myths was stolen by Muhammad.
Even though the hypocritical Muslims murder tens of thousands and sometimes millions of Christians every year, they claim that they have more love for Jesus than the Christians have.
They only murder Christians because Christians are not properly honoring Jesus and Allah by believing their “corrupted Scriptures” and by not praying as Muslims pray.
It was Gabriel who blew into Mary’s vagina, thus, and she became pregnant by an angel not by Allah.
Muhammad claimed:
“There is no prophet between me and Jesus.
We are the closest together.”
That is, Muhammad claimed to be equal to or greater than Jesus since he claimed to be the last prophet and the capstone on the Jewish hoax.
Muslims claim Muhammad is greater than Jesus even though Jesus is coming back again.
They explain this by claiming that Jesus was lifted up to heaven without dying because one of his disciples volunteered to be crucified in his place.
“Allah is the best of plotters.”
Allah said,
“O Jesus, I will take you in full without any injury.”
So Allah took Jesus’ body and soul altogether.
“And I will elevate you to me and purify you from those who disbelieve.”
Allah made the seas split for Moses.
Allah made the diseases vanish for Jesus.
Allah made the moon split in half for Muhammad.
Allah made the fire cool for Abraham.
The disbelievers were going to burn Abraham to death.
But they built a giant fire so big that no one could get near it.
So, they had to throw Abraham in with a catapult.
But since fire is a servant of Allah, Allah ordered the fire to be cool and safe for Abraham. [656]
Muhammad could get away with such lies because the stupid Arabs didn’t know that there were no catapults during Abraham’s time.
And if they didn’t want to have their heads chopped off as un-Believers, then they had better Believe in Muhammad’s delusion.
According to Muhammad, Jesus spoke like an adult while he was still a baby in the cradle and said:
“I am the servant of Allah, He has given me the Book and made me a Prophet.” (Quran 23:50)
So, according to the Muslims, this proves that Jesus was a Muslim.
And the first word that Jesus will say when he returns will be:
“I am the servant of Allah.” [657]
Jesus as a young boy making birds out of clay, breathing into them, and causing them to fly away.
These were all stories incorporated into the “flawless” and “inerrant” (Quran 19:29-34 and 3:49).
From the above, you can see that Islam is full of errors and fabrications passing themselves off as “truth.”
All of Muhammad’s fictions are usually outlandish miracles that only illiterate, stupid Arabs would invent and believe.
So, by accepting the Shahadah as your basis in Life, you are accepting lies.
But even if you reject the above reasons and claim that you are a Muslim who follows the Shadadah, then Islam itself makes you into a liar.
And why?
The third reason the Shahadah is a lie, is because Islam, itself, makes everybody who follows the Shahadah into a hypocritical liar since the Shahaddah, itself, is a demonic trap.
And what could be more demonic that to kill Believers?
That is what Muhammad and the Muslims do, they kill those who believe in God and who worship God.
Like the devils that they are, the Muslims actually torture and kill believers!!!
Even if you accept the lie that the Allah-god is the same god as the Yahweh-god and you feel safe and comfortable in praying to either one of them; and even if you believe that Jesus prayed to the Allah-god and you therefore feel comfortable in asking Jesus to intercede for you with Allah, even so, no matter how holy and prayerful you are and no matter how devoted to God that you are, the Muslims will kill you anyway!!!
If you are a Christian or a Jew and thus within the tradition of “the Book,” the Muslims will give you three choices: namely, to become a Muslim, or become humiliated with extra taxes and laws, or have your head chopped off.
But what if you live a holy and humble life and pray to God whom you know as Krishna or Vishnu or Buddha or the Maha Guru or the Tao, in that case, you only get two choices: namely, become a Muslim or have your head chopped off.
You see, it doesn’t matter to a Muslim if you are a believer in God or not.
What matters to a Muslim is found in the Shahadah declaration of Muslim faith:
“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.”
The conjunction, “and”, makes the Shadahah into a demonic lie because it connects a belief in God with a belief that Muhammad was an actual prophet of God.
Thus, no matter how high your belief is in God, the Muslims will kill you if you don’t also believe that the:
- illiterate
- stinking
- epileptic
used-camel-salesman from Arabia was a prophet of God.
Believing in God is not enough, according to Muhammad, you must also believe in Muhammad who abrogated to himself the voice of God.
And if you don’t believe that Muhammad is the voice of God, then his deluded gang of:
- murderers
- rapists
- extortionists
- sheep-molesters
and thieves will scream “Allah Akbar” and murder you.
That’s Islam, descended from lying Jewish thieves and magnified by lying Arabian thieves into the world biggest cult of murder and mayhem.
Even so, the Muslims are still in second place behind the Jews as being the world’s biggest frauds, killing the saints and the good people of the world and stealing their property.
And the fourth reason the Muslim declaration of faith, the “Shahadah,” is a lie is because it is based upon Judaism.
As shown in previous chapters, Judaism is the Biggest Lie Ever Told.
Islam, which is entirely based upon Judaism, can therefore be nothing but another Semitic hoax.
RELIGION: Jews Promote Christianity & Islam – Library of Rickandria
Muhammad taught this:
“Say, ‘We believe in Allah and what has been sent down to us and what was sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac) and Yaqub (Jacob) and the Tribes, and what Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus) and all the Prophets were given by their Lord.
We do not differentiate between any of them.
We are Muslims submitted to Him.’” (Quran 3:84)
Thus, Islam is quite obviously nothing more than an extension of Judaism.
Abraham is mentioned in the Quran 73 times in 25 places.
“Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaaba”
claims the Quran.
Moses is mentioned 124 times, while Dawud (David) and Suliman (Solomon) play big parts in Islam as being prophets, themselves, almost as good as Muhammad.
While this was good enough for the foolish followers of Muhammad, none of Muhammad’s lies hold up against modern archaeology.
Make note!
This is not a matter of belief or faith; this is a matter of perceiving what is true and what is false with actual evidence.
We can all believe whatever we want to believe.
But if our belief can be proven to be false, then why cling to lies?
Why continue to be deluded with lies?
In religion, this is ultimately fatal. Because Muhammad had been deceived by the lies of the Jews and their Hebrew Bible hoax, he taught these same lies as the basis of Islam, sprinkled with stories that he imagined while under the “inspiration” of his epileptic fits.
Modern archaeological excavations by the National Geographic Society gives the conclusion that:
“While the Bible says David and Solomon built the kingdom of Israel into a powerful and prestigious empire stretching from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River, from Damascus to the Negev, there’s a slight problem – namely, that despite decades of searching, archaeologists have found no solid evidence that David or Solomon ever built anything.
During David’s time, Jerusalem was little more than a ‘hill-country village,’ David himself a raggedy upstart akin to Pancho Villa, and his legion of followers more like ‘500 people with sticks in their hands shouting and cursing and spitting’ – not the stuff of great armies of chariots described in the text.
Since the dawn of biblical archaeology, scholars have sought in vain to verify that there really was an Abraham, a Moses, an Exodus, a conquest of Jericho, etc.” [658]
After 150 years of digging, just one single word has been found in the entire country at one single place (the Tel Dan stela), reading, “House of David”, but it was made a century after Solomon’s time, and it may not even refer to the Biblical David.
“David” is, after all, a common name no different than:
- Harry
- John
- Ralph
Solomon’s existence, whose kingdom was allegedly much greater than David’s, remains wholly unverified, zero, zip, nothing found at all – and yet Muhammad told tales about a magical king Solomon that would make a used-car salesman blush.
The only evidence that any of the Hebrew Bible stories ever occurred at all, is,
“the word of the Jews”
who just happen to be the only ones who benefit from the hoax.
Such a miracle!
So, of what are Muslims composed and of what is Islam built upon, other than the:
- lies
- forgeries
- fictions
and plagiarisms of the Hebrew Bible?
And standing in furious fire upon the entire fraudulent mess, babbling and howling his delusions of grandeur, is a psychopathic, mass murderer from louse-infested Arabia.
Islam is just another Semitic lie taught by a deluded, slippery-tongued, charismatic maniac who suffered from demonic hallucinations.
Islam, itself, proves the truth of this statement by its own history of:
- murder
- rape
- thievery
and mayhem.
Who, other than a devil, could invent a so-called “religion” whose goal is to please its god through murder and theft?
The Thugees of Old India did it for their demon goddess, Kali.
But other than that, it is a Semitic trait also practiced in Judaism.
In Islam, Satan is spoken of as often as Allah. [659]
So, all in all, in every way that you can consider it, the Shahadah, itself, the very basis of Islam, is a lie.
The Second Pillar of Islam is Salat, or ritual prayer five times per day. Amazingly, even salat is another lie of Islam.
The Semites – both the Jews and Muslims – think that substituting ritual for substance, makes them holy.
With salat, the Muslims can practice evil but ritual prayer makes it all go away.
However, with the rituals of salat, there actually is method to Muhammad’s madness.
For example, the ritual of the Muslim prayer rug has much to recommend it to the sincere devotee of the Arabian Moon God.
A Muslim prayer rug has a front and a back end.
It is extremely important, extremely important in Islam to always pray with the same end of the rug pointing toward Mecca.
You can even buy these rugs with a little compass glued on so that you can point the front of the rug in the direction of Mecca as you align your rug according to the longitude and latitude listed for your geographic location in the little booklet of operating instructions that comes with the rug and its compass.
It is exceedingly important in Islam to know which end of the prayer carpet to point toward Mecca and which end to sit upon and not get confused about it.
However, most prayer rugs don’t have a built-in compass, but they do have designs that are asymmetrical.
That way, even without a compass you know which end to point toward Mecca and which end to sit upon.
This Muslim secret knowledge is important because when you stick your butt into the air to moon the Moon God and plant your face onto the rug in the direction of Mecca you don’t want to be pressing your nose down on the very same stinky spot where your butt had previously been sitting.
The musjids and mosques have lines built into their carpets for this same special reason.
One cannot be too careful about observing this Muslim protocol.
If there is one all-important secret of Islam, this is it.
Every Muslim must know this and not plant his face on a spot where another Muslim had previously planted his butt
This is why Muslims pray shoulder to shoulder all in ordered rows, both so that when they bow down, they aren’t sniffing each other’s brown spots on the carpet and because salat is part of the Muslim military training system for teaching them shoulder-to-shoulder brotherly love before they go out and murder non-Muslims.
Of course, to go along with your prayer rug and compass, you will also want to buy an Arabian wristwatch with its five-times-per-day alarm clock built in.
That way, if you are following the Muslim tradition of having sex with a sheep or a dog, you will know that it is time to quit in time to wash up and begin to pray.
For a holy Muslim, prayer always comes first; the sheep can wait until afterwards.
“Praising God but doing evil”
is the Muslim way because the sins of a Muslim should be concealed and not made public. Allah loves the sins of the Muslims to be concealed.
Sins are exposed only if there are benefits from exposing them.
No matter what evil a Muslim does, his fellow Muslims should conceal it.
The Quran teaches that Muslims have the right to:
- lie
- cheat
- deceive
and murder in order to advance Islam.
Allah is All-Forgiving to the Muslims, so no matter what they do, five times per day, they are forgiven during salat. [660]
Now, before you practice salat, you have to wash your hands and feet and clean the boogers out of your nose in the ritual toilet room which is a part of every mosque.
To start the prayer ritual, what you do is stand up and cup your palms behind your ears.
That way, Allah (who is All-Knowing) can know that you are listening.
The actual prayer gets a bit complicated but not to worry, Muhammad has shown everyone exactly what Allah likes to see – Muslim robots all in military order with the holiest ones dressed like Arabs on holiday.
First, be sure to elbow your way to the front rows and squeeze together with your fellow Muslims shoulder-to-shoulder.
This puts you ritually closer to Mecca and Allah’s house inside the Kaaba while it gives you the feeling of brotherly love toward your fellow Muslims, shoulder-to-shoulder all in a row with military precision, preparing to pray to the Moon God before you go out and murder a non-Muslim while shouting,
“Allah akbar – God is Great.”
Or if you are the average lonely Muslim who is forbidden to look at women, this shoulder-to-shoulder man-crush allows the Muslim queers to cozy up for later trysts with their circumcised penises.
Allah loves sinners who keep their sins hidden and who repent later.
One tip to keep in mind, if you can get close to the beady-eyed twit known as the Imam, then Allah will give you special blessings and more credits in Paradise.
So, try to get a place in the front row next to the Imam whom you should love next-best to Muhammad, himself.
The closer you are to the Imam during prayer, the closer you will be to Allah in Paradise.
For this reason, you love your Imam so much, you would rather be thrown in fire rather than give him up. [661]
Such sly and devious devils as the Ayatollah Khomeini (see Figure 127 – Ayatollah Khomeini) and the beady-eyed, murdering twit Imam Anwar al-Awlaki (see Figure 116 – Imam Anwar al-Awlaki) are good examples of the demons whom the Muslims follow.
As Jesus taught, you can tell what kinds of devils they are by the darkness in their eyes.
After finding a place in the row, next come the rituals of repeating prayers in Arabic.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand Arabic.
The important thing in Islam is rote memorization of the prayers in the Quraysh dialect of seventh century Arabia.
Then you will get in good with Allah since his holy prophet came from the greatest tribe on earth, the flea-scratching Quraysh camel-eaters of Mecca who owned the concession stands around the Kaaba, open for business between sunrise and sunset every day but Friday.
Prayer rugs and camel jerky, ten percent discount on most days, make an offer.
After you have bowed down to Mecca the required number of times and mumbled the ritual prayers in Arabic, the Imam or his assistant will howl some banshee suras from the Quran and then it’s all over until next time.
You go through this five times a day.
If you really want to be holy, you can lounge around with some of the mosque-rats, smearing women’s perfume on each other as a little advanced sniff of Paradise and gossip about Muslim stuff.
Or you can leave as soon as possible and never go back.
Thus, salat, the ritual prayer of the Muslims, is just another Muslim lie to hide the evils that they do on all other occasions.
Like their Semitic cousins the Jews, the hypocritical Muslims commit the most heinous evils behind closed doors, but they believe that their all-forgiving demon Moon God forgives them so that they can repeat their evils upon Mankind continuously throughout the centuries.
As the Imams teach, Allah loves sinners who repent so much that He creates temptations so that Muslims sin, just so that they will repent.
That’s the stupidity of Islam!
The Third Pillar of Islam is yet another lie by the world’s second most ridiculous clowns.
Here’s what the Con Man of Arabia had to say about the bogus Third Pillar of Islam which the Muslims actually have the gall to call “fasting.” Pretending that God was talking out of his mouth, Muhammad said:
“O ye who believe!
Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may learn self-restraint….
Ramadan is the month in which was sent down the Quran as a guide….
Permitted to you on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives.
They are your garments and ye are their garments… so now associate with them and eat and drink until the white thread of dawn appears to you… then complete your fast until the night appears but do not associate with your wives while you are in retreat in the mosques.
Those are limits set by God. …
Thus does Allah make clear his signs to men that they may learn self-restraint. (Quran, 2: 183-187)
Thus, the Muslims turn fasting into another of their hoaxes.
Modern people hear the Muslim lies all the time about “the Fast of Ramadan.”
What the Muslims don’t tell you, is that they are liars who really don’t fast at all but just say that they do!
Muhammad was trying to gather as many Arabs to his banner as he could, so he made it as easy as possible to become a Muslim.
The skinny, camel-eating Arabs weren’t interested in eating less, every one of them wanted to eat more.
Who would join Muhammad if he wanted the skinny Arabs to starve themselves during a fast?
Where actual fasting is a part of most religions, the Muslims make fasting into a laughable joke.
Where fasting helps to attain a clearer mind and a concentrated spirit in real religions, in the bogus religion of Islam, it is merely a way of partying and having sex.
The Muslims don’t actually “fast,” they merely change the times when they eat from daytime to nighttime.
Instead of eating in the day and sleeping at night, the Muslims sleep in the day and eat, party and have sex at night which they call Ramadan.
It’s the same old, pagan, Arabian orgies of Hajj during the months of Ramadan, only now it’s performed at night under the crescent of the shining Moon God, the banner of Allah.
So much for their “self-control.”
That is all that the “fast” of Ramadan is, just another Muslim lie.
The Fourth Pillar of Islam is Zakat or paying taxes.
And like everything else in Islam, it’s a cheat and a fraud.
Like any government, the Muslim government is very serious that you pay the taxes that they impose – or else you are murdered.
Over the thirteen-year period when Muhammad was preaching his hallucinations in Mecca, he gained about 100 followers, mainly friends and family.
So, paying taxes to him was not a big part of his commandments because all of them were relatively poor compared to the rest of the town.
Because Arabian tribal society recognized power as coming from tribal numbers, Muhammad did not then have the power to force his religion down everybody’s throat as he did later.
So, he preached a “religion of peace.”
It was during this Meccan period that the often quoted “revelation” appeared out of one of his fits:
“Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (Quran, 2:256)
You hear this same quote often in modern times as the lying Muslims try to deceive you about their intentions before they put a knife in your back.
But Muhammad’s “religion of peace” quickly evaporated once he ran away to Medina to keep from being murdered in Mecca.
Upon Muhammad’s arrival in Medina in 622 AD, one of the first people he met was Rabbi Abd Allah ibn Salam who chanted the Shahadah and – Abracadabra! – became a Muslim.
This rabbi, whose name Muhammad changed to Abdullah ibn Salam, became deeply attached, leech-like, to Muhammad and was constantly in his company, [662] teaching Muhammad the fables of the Jews while feeding Muslim military intelligence into the international Kehillah spy system of the Jewish:
- merchants
- moneylenders
- rabbis
– all connected by camel caravan trade route, sailing ships and the extensive Roman and Persian highways.
Miles Williams Mathis: ROME – Library of Rickandria
When Muhammad first entered Medina, the Jews were quick to betray the Christians of Medina by giving Muhammad a good welcome in the hope of winning him over to their side to bolster their opposition to Christianity. [663]
But after Rabbi Abd Allah ibn Salam infiltrated Islam, the Jews began to understand that although Islam considered both Jews and Christians to be of the same tradition and equally taxable, Muhammad’s actual ambition was not to offer a choice and to live side-by-side with the:
- Christians
- Jews
- pagans
but to replace both Judaism and Christianity in religious, economic and political power and to stand supreme above them both while wiping out the pagans entirely.
So, the Jews of Medina outwardly showed welcome but secretly began plotting to betray Muhammad to his enemies in Mecca.
Their “Jewish Loyalty” was as sincere as they offered all non-Jews.
In Medina, after befriending him and pledging their “Jewish loyalty,” they began to oppose and plot against him.
In fact, no sooner had Muhammad settled down in Medina and the prospects of Islam had begun to improve, than the Jews, for their part, began their undeclared war against him.
Typically for Jews, their opposition and hostility were never open.
Above all, they feared lest any harm might befall their businesses; and, although they had fanned and fueled the fires of civil war in the past, they adeptly avoided every possible involvement, themselves.
The Jews benefited from wars but didn’t want to fight in them.
Although their covenant with Muhammad at least prevented them from any open opposition; they recoursed to every hidden way to instigate enmity and hostility so as to revive the old hatreds among Muhammad’s followers and among the Arab pagans of Medina. [664]
The Jews are experts at creating conflict, class warfare and racial hatreds between people while pretending to be entirely neutral, themselves.
While pledging their “Jewish Loyalty” to Muhammad in Medina, the Jews really outdid themselves in treason this time.
They were not content merely to betray the Christians of Medina to the Muslims, nor were they content to betray Muhammad to his pagan Arab enemies in both Medina and Mecca, but the Jews actually betrayed Judaism to the pagans!
When asked by the pagans of Mecca which was better, the monotheism of Islam or the polytheism of the pagans, the Jews sided with the pagans against their own god by claiming that polytheism is better than monotheism!
With credits such as these, the Jews are undoubtedly the supreme betrayers of Mankind, even betraying their own religion to the pagans so as to protect their businesses and moneylending swindles.
Such pious Jews!
Always ready to protect the holy gold of the Temple!
At this time, the Jews had trade routes, monopolies and synagogues throughout the known world with interconnecting communications via land and sea.
Having Jewish:
- moneylenders
- merchants
- advisors
connected to every king’s court and communicating through their Kehillah spy system, the Nasi in Babylonia knew that both Rome and Persia were exhausted from their centuries of warfare against one another.
The Jewish “sacred envoys” regularly brought the “sacred gold” to the Nasi at his yeshiva academy along with the concealed questions from the Arabian rabbis concerning Talmudic Law.
As they began arriving in Babylonia with updates on the situation in Arabia, it was a simple matter for the Nasi by return messages to inform the Jews of Arabia that Rome and Persia were ripe for plunder.
This was undoubtedly passed along to Muhammad by (Rabbi) Abdullah ibn Salam.
How else could an Arabian camel-molester see the situation over the horizon and simultaneously attract the two greatest empires in the world?
The Moon God certainly didn’t tell him.
In this way, the Jews betrayed both Rome and Persia to the Muslims at the earliest possible opportunity.
With such information, Muhammad felt confident enough to send letters to the emperors of Rome and Persia inviting them to become Muslims or to be murdered by the demonic army of insane werewolves that he was then building.
The Jews of both Rome and Persia could profit from such a war because they didn’t have to fight for any of the three sides and could practice the Sumerian Swindle to both Rome and Persia while offering their “Jewish Loyalty” to Islam.
It was a Jewish dream come true!
One of the secrets of Judaism, taught to him by (Rabbi) Abdullah ibn Salam, is the use of taxes (such as tithes, temple tax, sacred donations, etc.) to support and promote Jewish finance and as a means of subversion of the people among whom they are allowed to live.
Muhammad immediately began to use this same taxation method for the benefit of Islam.
Once he was safely in Medina, not only did Muhammad’s epileptic “prophesies” increase the emphasis on paying taxes (zakat) as a religious duty but he became ever more militant and murderous.
Assassination of rival poets and opposing leaders as well as raids on caravans, became the new calling card of Islam beginning after 622.
Muhammad’s ragtag army went into the Battle of Badr with one camel for every three Arabs, each taking turns riding the camel. [665]
He left Badr with many camels and plenty of booty for everyone, pausing only long enough to go into an epileptic fit and proclaim the “revelation” that Allah wanted him to have 20% of all booty with the other 80% going to the Muslims.
With his successful raids on the caravan town of Badr and the booty he carried off, he began to gain more, skinny, starving Arabian bandits who professed Islam with the gleam of gold in their eyes and the promise of enslaved women and little girls and boys servicing their lusts.
Using these hungry camel-eaters clinking the gold in their purses and screaming
“Allah’s Snack Bar,”
Muhammad began amassing an army big enough to conquer all of Arabia.
Those who submitted to Islam, were spared their lives and allowed to keep their goods.
But they were immediately recruited into the army and commanded to fight.
In this way, the Muslim army grew with every conquest.
People who knew absolutely nothing about Islam or its teachings were assured that they would be allowed to keep their heads if only they would say,
“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.”
These confused and terrified victims of Islam, who found that saving their own lives was easy to do with just this one statement, quickly became fresh Muslims.
And then they were immediately forced into the Muslim army to go to war with the next tribe across the desert.
In this way, the Muslim army grew very quickly.
The new recruits were given an equal share in all booty including captured women whom they could rape to their heart’s content.
Very quickly those Arabs became convinced that Islam was a great way to become wealthy through robbery and murder while being guaranteed a place in paradise.
What flea-bitten Arab could resist such a wonderful religion, especially since refusing the “invitation” to Islam meant that you would be executed?
Once he had obtained the power to do so, Muhammad began forcing Islam down the throats of his victims or else chopping off their heads if they refused.
This has been a tactic of Islam from the beginning, claiming to be a “religion of peace” while they are weak in numbers and in power, but:
- killing
- raping
- pillaging
once they had attained sufficient numbers and enough power to force Islam upon their unwilling victims.
Part of the force of Islam is derived from its Jewish system of taxation.
The lying Muslim Imams claim that zakat is a “poor tax” for giving 2.5% of your income or one-tenth of your farm produce to the poor and needy.
They use that term most frequently so as to give the false impression that the Imams are concerned about the poor and needy.
It can be argued, of course, that once the Muslims paid the zakat, the Imams would not be poor and needy anymore.
The zakat goes to the Imams who use it as they will.
After all, they speak for Allah so who is there who can stand up to such illustrious charlatans?
The Quran talks about the zakat in more than 30 different verses, mainly in the Medina suras when Muhammad was under the tutelage of (Rabbi) Abdullah ibn Salam.
The specified ways in which this tax can be spent are,
- On the Imams who collect and distribute zakat.
- On those whom Muslims hope to win over and convert to Islam (bribes).
- On travelers.
- On the ransom of captives
- To relieve those who are burdened with debts.
- On the cause of Allah such as for arms and ammunition.
Oh yes, and also (7) for the poor and the needy.
Thus, like that other Semitic malignancy known as Judaism, the Muslims spend their taxes on Muslims.
In modern times, the growth of Islam is accelerated through this use of zakat money to bribe poor non-Muslims into joining their demon sect by paying off their debts to the Jewish credit card companies and car loans and freeing them from the Jewish banking system.
Once their debts are paid off, their car loans are paid off, their housing loans are paid off and they are given a comfortable amount of money, these fresh Muslim troops are no longer enslaved to the Jewish financial swindles, but they become enslaved to Allah and the Muslim goons.
Poor Negroes of the Western countries are a special target of the Muslims since they are so easily bribed and lured into violence through the pie-in-the-sky promises of Islam.
The Shahadah is simple enough for the dumbest Negro to remember, just as it was simple enough for the dumbest Arabian sheep diddler to remember.
The Muslims make no distinction among their sheep, screwing both the white and the black ones.
And once the new recruits become Muslims, they begin paying back at 2.5%, all of their income as zakat into the Muslim treasury for the rest of their lives.
Zakat is the tax that Muslims must pay.
The zakat tax, as a Pillar of Islam, is equated with prayer.
After Muhammad died, there were some tribes of Muslims who refused to pay the zakat tax.
They were Muslims in every way except paying the zakat.
As Abu Bakr, the first Caliph following Muhammad, said,
“I was instructed to fight the people until they swear there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.
If they do, then they have protected themselves and their wealth.
I will fight against anyone who does not equate prayer with the tax.”
He sent his Muslim armies to fight the Muslim tax-evaders until they were subdued.
Being subdued to Islam, also means paying a tax to the Muslims.
When Muslims are in power, you pay a tax to them if you are a Muslim and a much higher tax if you are not a Muslim.
So, do not think, O Western Man, that the Muslims are here to make your life better.
The tax that non-Muslims are required to pay is known as the “head tax” or the “neck tax” because if you don’t pay it, the Muslims chop off your head or slit your throat.
This tax is the jizya tax.
Under Sharia Law, jizya is a per capita tax levied on non-Muslims.
Jizya is a material proof of the non-Muslims’ submission to Islam and to Sharia Laws. (Islam is all about you being submissive to them.)
In return, Christians and Jews are permitted to practice their faith as long as they don’t ring any church bells or have religious festivals in public.
They are allowed a measure of communal autonomy as long as they keep their heads bowed and step aside before the Muslims.
They are entitled to the Muslim state’s protection from outside aggression as long as they don’t object to being beaten up, robbed or raped from time to time by the Muslims within the state.
The jizya tax had to be paid by each non-Muslim male in person; by presenting himself; arriving on foot not horseback; by hand and on bended knee; in order to confirm that he lowers himself to being a subjected one; accepts humiliation of having been conquered; willingly pays in gratitude for not being tortured to death or his head cut off, his wife, daughters and sons being raped and his property not burned down.
Submitting to Islam is a form of enslavement.
However, (Rabbi) Abdullah ibn Salam convinced Muhammad that non-Muslims (especially Jews) who paid the jizya tax should be exempted from military service.
The logic used was that the Muslim wars against Mankind were for the sake of Allah.
So, the non-Muslims could not be expected to fight enthusiastically in such wars.
So, it better served Allah by allowing the non-Muslims to pay the higher tax in exchange for being exempted from fighting in those wars. In this way, with a rabbi infiltrating Islam, the Jews were able to once again profit from war while avoiding combat, themselves.
The Christians who were allowed to remain alive in Muslims lands, paid the tax and avoided combat, too.
But they didn’t profit from war as did the Jews.
They didn’t profit from moneylending and trade as did the Jews.
They were therefore always at a disadvantage economically while living in Muslim-conquered countries as compared to the resident Jews.
The Jews always allied themselves with the Muslims against the Christians at every opportunity.
Under Sharia Law, the tax rates and amounts for non-Muslims were fixed and strictly implemented.
The rate of jizya exceeded 20% of all estimated assets and any business profits – payable by the new moon, of course.
A land tax, the kharaj tax, was 80% of all annual farm produce.
Jizya was used to build mosques, buy freedom for Muslim prisoners of war in non-Muslim states, fund Islamic charities meant to help Muslims, fund enlargement of armies, and pay for the wars of expansion.
Non-Muslims and slaves owned by Muslims had no right to expenditures or grants from any collected jizya or other taxes. Jizya and associated taxes also ended up in “private” treasuries kept by the Imams and Caliphs and their underlings.
Like its foundation of Judaism, Islam has always been a demonic religion based on fraud and extortion.
Under Sharia Law, there is also enforced on non-Muslims, the fay tax.
This is a tax on non-Muslim property seized by a Muslim official.
You can get your property back merely by paying the Muslims 100% of assessed value of the seized property.
What could be fairer that that?
Allah is Most Fair and Compassionate – to those who Believe the Devil’s Truth of Islam.
Under Sharia Law, there is also the ushur tax, payable when people entered or exited the borders of an Islamic state.
Islamic taxes – Wikipedia
Non-Muslims paid twice the rate that Muslims paid on assessed value of property in possession of the transiting person.
This was in addition to the jizya.
If someone had agreed to pay jizya, leaving Muslim territory for non-Muslim land was punishable by enslavement if they were ever captured.
Under Sharia Law, non-payment of jizya (neck tax) or the associated kharaj (land tax) by any non-Muslim was punished by his family’s arrest and enslavement.
These ancient laws are applicable in modern times.
The women and girls of an enslaved family would become property of a Muslim master and serve as houseworkers and female sex slaves.
The boys would be used as manual laborers, servants and catamites. [666]
Perhaps you understand just one of the reasons that the modern Muslims in every non-Muslim country agitate and demand Sharia Law.
It is not just because every Muslim gains a significant monetary payout from the Muslim treasury, but because Sharia Law is a means of subjugating non-Muslim people to the Muslims by using taxes and humiliation.
Sharia Law is not just a law for the Muslims to follow as those liars all tell the people of the world; it is also a Muslim law for the non-Muslims to follow under Muslim domination.
Clever, those Muslim devils, aren’t they?
They want to make it legal by your laws for them to use their laws to:
- rape
- defraud
- murder
you. Accepting Sharia Law into your country means accepting the legitimacy of the murderous Arabian gangster cult of Islam.
Sharia Law means accepting the Devil’s Truth.
By converting to Islam, a non-Muslim can avoid paying the jizya (20%) tax at any time because jizya is a punishment for not accepting Islam.
He is constantly reminded of this because Islam always welcomes more gang members.
Once he chants the Shahadah and joins the gang, his taxes immediately drop to 2.5%.
But even so, a Christian or Buddhist or Hindu or any other person who becomes a Muslim because of the burdensome strain of taxes and discrimination, is never allowed to recant upon penalty of death.
Their children must also be raised Muslim; and if they are not, then it is a sign of apostasy – subject to death.
In such ways as these, the terrorist cult of Islam spread worldwide like another Semitic malignant carcinoma throughout the body of Mankind.
Islam is, basically, a protection racket by Muslim gangsters.
For these reasons, taxes, the Fourth Pillar of Islam is a lie because it is a criminal oppression to further this Semitic Arabian cult of murder and pillage.
The Fifth Pillar of Islam is Hajj or the “Festival” which is also one of the lies of Islam.
As indicated earlier, it is nothing other than a pagan Arab festival taken over by Muhammad and renamed as a Muslim festival.
It was the monopoly of Muhammad’s tribe, the Quraysh, and it was central to the mercantile caravan system of Arabia centering all worship on the pagan Kaaba while holding a commercial festival.
One of the ways to tell that the Quran is another Semitic hoax and Muhammad a slick Arabian fraud not much different than the lying rabbinic gangsters to the north, is simply by the Muslim claim that the Quran is the exact word of God dictated by Muhammad.
That this claim is false, can be seen, not just in its repetitious vagueness that uses a lot of words to say nothing, not just in the Biblical stories that are bizarrely twisted and incorrectly repeated, but also in Muhammad’s forgetfulness and his self-serving hypocrisy.
If the words of the Quran came from God, then why would it contain so many wrong teachings and false information and complete fantasies?
That the Charismatic Psychopath of Arabia invented lies that no one at the time could refute, allowed him to lead millions of people into:
- suffering
- death
- damnation
Muhammad (mhrh) was a false prophet and betrayer of all that is holy.
Like a rabbi, he substituted ritual for actual knowledge.
And if he didn’t get what he wanted, he would go into a kind of childish tantrum, holding his breath and straining his guts as if wanting to defecate, sweating and pushing hard to get some sort of “inspiration,” and then howling some werewolf verses to ease his dilemma, verses that were sometimes at odds with his previous “teachings of Allah”.
Aisha, the little six-year old girl whom Muhammad had married and raped, noted this whenever Muhammad wanted another woman or needed to escape a dilemma.
At such times – Abracadabra! – Muhammad would come up with some Arabic yowling which he claimed was Allah talking to him, giving him permission to get whatever it was he wanted at the time.
Aisha, who was not yet eighteen years old when Muhammad died in his sixties, wrote the fourth largest number of Hadiths.
She often observed, whenever such verses were “revealed” for rescuing Muhammad that,
“Verily, your lord is ever quick to fulfill your whims and desires.” [667]
Muhammad was a pathological liar who couldn’t even remember his own lies, there were so many!
Thus, the Official Muslim Technique to cover for Muhammad’s lapses of memory or his blatant exchanging of one lie for another is called “abrogation.”
That way, all of Muhammad’s lies become “true” even when they are saying different things!
In the study of Islam, it does well to understand how these primitive, Semitic assholes can tell two different lies and then jump up and down insisting that both of them are true.
Ever quick with his lips, Muhammad explained in a sura how he accomplished such prestidigitation.
His trick is really quite simple, since he spoke with the authority of Allah, everything Muhammad said was true because Allah is true.
Even if Muhammad says two different things, then both of them are true because Allah is true.
Get it?
This system of Muslim deceit is called “abrogation,” that is, abolishing or annulling by the authority of Allah.
To cover his lies, Muhammad was “inspired” by one of his fits to have the Moon God say:
“Whenever We abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We bring one better than it or equal to it.
Do you not know that Allah has power over all things? (Quran 2:106)
So, when Muhammad forgot a sura in the Quran and replaced it with something that served his purposes better, then he claimed that this was the will of Allah who had made him forget, not the forgetfulness of a scheming Arabian con artist posing as a prophet of God.
An analysis of the Quran shows that it has two distinct divisions – the early Quran written in Mecca and the later Quran written in Medina.
If it truly was a revelation of God – especially an All-Knowing and All Wise and All-Powerful god like Allah was supposed to be – then Muhammad’s “Message” would be consistent.
But the Medina Quran contradicts the Mecca Quran.
This contradiction is thus resolved by the Quran’s stated principle of “abrogation.”
Abrogation means that the later verse is stronger than the earlier verse.
But since both verses come from Allah, both verses are still true since Allah is perfect. [668]
The Quran is the world’s most repetitiously boring religious book.
It was dictated by an illiterate psychopath and sex fiend whose only goal was to obtain for himself ultimate power over his neighbors and ultimate sexual gratification of his lusts.
Muhammad’s sexual greed is easily seen in his demonic methods for the subjugation of women.
There is a no more lowly state of existence for any woman in the world than that of a Muslim woman.
By the laws of the Quran, she is freely beaten and degraded by her husband and father.
- Humiliated
- debased
- assaulted
and oppressed, these brainwashed and abused women of Islam are taught from childhood that God wants them to accept their place in Life as mere animals for the pleasure of Muslim males and as breeding stock for devils.
If they refuse to submit to being degraded, they will go to hell and burn forever.
Islam means submission.
When they are trained from childhood to be submissive or else to be:
- beaten
- raped
- mutilate
and killed, then those Muslim women become very submissive to Islam or, more accurately, submissive to the will of the Psychopath of Arabia.
In Islam, a woman is reduced to the same level as a sheep or a dog simply because the overwhelming numbers of Muslim males have sex with sheep and dogs before they have sex with Muslim women.
Many Muslim males of the Cult (I would not call them “men”) actually prefer to sexually rape an animal because in the twisted teachings of Islam, women might seduce them away from loving Allah and Muhammad and thus lead them into Hellfire.
Since Muslim males want to go to Muslim paradise, they screw the sheep and goats, instead.
That’s Islam!
Telling the Devil’s Truth and vying with Judaism as the world’s biggest clowns and sick frauds.
- Without considering the Muslim child-molesters (who are not considered to be homosexuals in Islam for screwing little boys), in Old Arabia there were four types of heterosexual relations: Single wives.
- Brothels where slave women were kept.
- One Arab woman signaling her ripeness by performing a Belly Dance with tambourine and then sleeping with ten men either one at a time or all of them jumping on her at once like dogs; and then, when pregnant, picking one as the father.
- One low-life Arab lets his wife sleep with a “nobleman” so he could get some “noble” lineage in his asl. However, before Muhammad, there were no harems in Arabia. Harems were introduced as a result of Muslim warfare and the lusts of Muhammad (mhrh).
There can be no doubt whatsoever that in addition to his other demonic qualities, Muhammad was a sex fiend.
From both the Quran and the Hadiths, it is shown that Muhammad had had sexual relations with at least 66 women.
According to Sirat Al-Halabi, Muhammad can have a woman no matter what, even against her will; and if Muhammad desired a married woman, her husband would have to divorce her.
According to Ibn Sa’ad, who wrote another biographical account of Muhammad,
“The prophet did not die until all women were permitted him.” [669]
Maria the Copt, a famously beautiful Caucasian, was given as a gift from Egypt to the Prophet.
He had intercourse with her as a concubine, and she bore him a son, Ibrahim, who died in infancy.
Muhammad – the turd-colored, black-eyed Arabian charlatan with two front teeth knocked out during some early banditry, who dyed his beard red with henna and slathered himself with women’s perfume – had such a desire for Maria that it led him to violate another of his phony ideals.
That is, a male Muslim should be fair in his dealings with his wives and keep strictly to the rotation schedule, each wife getting screwed on a different day like clockwork, and not to have intercourse with a wife, even if he so desired, if it was not her day to be molested.
How forgetful of Muhammad when his camel cock stood at attention, pointing upward toward the Moon God.
Maria’s power over the Prophet is best described in Aisha’s words:
“I never was as jealous as I was of Maria.
That is because she was a very beautiful, curly haired woman.
The Prophet was very attracted to her.
In the beginning, she was living near us and the Prophet spent entire days and nights with her until we protested, and she became frightened.”
Muhammad then decided to transfer Maria to a more secure dwelling far from his legitimate wives and kept seeing her in spite of their objections.
One of his wives, Hafsa, went to visit her father.
Halfway there, she realized that following the rotation schedule among the harem, it was “her day” for Muhammad to screw her.
Running back home, however, she caught him having intercourse with Maria in Hafsa’s room on Hafsa’s day.
“O Prophet of God, in my room and on my day!”
fulminated Hafsa angrily.
Afraid of the anger of his other wives, and especially of his most beloved Aisha, he promised Hafsa never to touch Maria again if she would keep the incident secret.
But she spoke out to the other wives.
Muhammad’s wives revolted against his incessant philandering.
But when things got critical, Muhammad decided to drop a “new revelation” on them.
He went into a shaking, red-faced fit and disgorged upon them Sura al-Tahrim (Quran 66: 1-11), wherein Allah supposedly chastises Muhammad for trying to please his wives by not sleeping around and threatens the wives to be happy with Muhammad unless the prophet divorces them, and they all go to hell.
The ploy worked and Muhammad got his way yet again.
Although many of his marriages were motivated by religious and political considerations such as the need for tribal alliances, many of them were motivated solely by the woman’s beauty and the desires of Muhammad’s enormous donkey dick.
His marriage to the Jewish woman, Safiyya bint Huyayy, for example, could not possibly have been motivated by the need for an alliance, the Jews being his defeated enemies at the time.
Moreover, when Safiya was captured by Muslim soldiers after the defeat of the Jews, it was not evident that she, as part of the booty, would fall to Muhammad since booty was shared according to the customary democratic rules of Arab banditry.
One report mentions that Safiya was allotted to a soldier called Dahia but that when the Prophet heard of her “incomparable beauty” he sent for Dahia, paid him Safiya’s price, and freed her before marrying her.
His marriage to another Jewish woman, Rayhana Bint Zayd, could not have been motivated by alliance either.
Like Safiya, she belonged to a Jewish tribe, was captured after the Jews’ defeat, and was known to be “a beautiful woman.”
But unlike Safiya, her marital status is contested; some reports say that she was kept as a sex slave concubine and never became an official wife of Muhammad.
Another woman Muhammad married for her beauty (although in this case alliance was a motive as well) was Juwayriya bint al-Harith who was, according to Aisha’s description,
“So beautiful that whoever caught a glimpse of her fell in love with her….
The Prophet was in my room when Juwariya came to ask him about a contract.
By God, I hated her when I saw her coming towards him.
I knew that he was going to see what I saw.”
According to Aisha, the main motive of Muhammad’s marriage to Juwariya was physical attraction.
But the most significant example of women’s irresistible attraction of Muhammad is probably his sudden (and scandalous, by Arab standards) passion for Zaynab bint Jahsh, the wife of his adopted son Zaid.
In Muhammad’s Arabia, the link created by adoption was considered identical to blood-ties.
Moreover, Zaynab was Muhammad’s own cousin and Muhammad, himself, had arranged her marriage with his adopted son.
One morning Muhammad went to his adopted son’s house to ask after him.
When he saw Zaynab, who was half-naked, he felt an irresistible passion for her.
She had hurried to the door to let Muhammad know that her husband was not in.
She was surprised when he declined her invitation to come in, and instead ran off, holding his crotch and mumbling prayers.
When she reported the incident to her husband, he went to his adopted father to say that he was prepared to divorce Zaynab if the Prophet wanted to marry her.
The Prophet refused Zaid’s proposition until the voices in his head “revealed” his order to Muhammad to marry Zaynab.
Again, Aisha noted that it seemed a bit odd that whatever Muhammad wanted, was granted by the voices in his head in the form of a so-called “Revelation.”
She is quoted in her famous Hadith as saying:
“Verily, your lord is ever quick to fulfill your whims and desires.”
Aisha was not yet eighteen years old when the Arab sex fiend died in his sixties.
There are no less than thirty-two different references in Islam’s books wherein Muhammad often laid in bed dressed in women’s clothes, specifically his child-bride Aisha’s.
A Hadith from Sahih Bukhari (2/911) records Muhammad saying,
“Revelations never come to me when I’m dressed in women’s clothing – except when I’m dressed in Aisha’s.”
This implies that it was something of a habit for Muhammad to dress in female clothing.
In Hadith Faid al-Qabir (3/371), Muhammad is on record saying,
“My greatest loves are women and perfume: the hungry is satisfied after eating, but I never have enough of women.”
Another Hadith:
“I can hold back from food and drink – but not from women.”
Other sources such as al-Nisa’i, wherein Muhammad in a single night used to “visit” all his women, without washing in between.
But this does not necessarily mean that Muhammad had intercourse with them but something else.
That “something else” is found in a number of hadiths affirming that Muhammad freely had sex with menstruating women, including from Sahih Bukhari (v.5, p. 350), which says that if Muhammad desired a menstruating woman, he placed a sheet around her and proceeded with his business.
Quotes from al-Suyuti relates that Aisha claimed that Muhammad said to her “Come here,” to which she replied,
“But I am menstruating, O prophet of God.”
So, he said
“Expose your thighs,”
she did so and
“he proceeded to lay his cheek and chest on her thighs.”
This is repeated in a Sahih Bukhari Hadith (v.6, p.2744) where Aisha said that, while menstruating, this fake prophet used to lay his head on her thighs and recite the Quran.
To use the modern vulgar street language, what these Hadiths are claiming is that Muhammad liked to “eat pussy” or “lick vulvas.”
But most any kind of sexual urge was practiced by the Psychopath of Arabia.
There are no less that twenty Islamic sources – such as the Hadiths of Ahmad bin Hanbal – claiming that Muhammad used to suck on the tongues of boys and girls.
And this is the alleged “prophet” who claimed to be better than Jesus!
This does not speak well for the Arabs who claimed that he was the “best” of Arabs because if Muhammad was the best, that only shows what low-level scum they all were (and are today) since they all want to be like Muhammad.
However, getting even an Arab woman to be a sex slave to Muslim perverts, was not accomplished merely through the voices in Muhammad’s head.
Brute force was required.
For this, the Quran commands the Muslim males to beat women into submission.
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more strength than the other and because they support them from their means.
Therefore, the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in the husband’s absence what Allah would have them guard.
As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds, beat them; but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means of annoyance for Allah is most high and Great.” (Quran 4:34 )
In the Kash-shaf of al-Zamkhshari (Vol. 1, p. 525), is found this Hadith:
“On the authority of Muhammad, he said:
‘Hang up your scourge in a place where your wife (or wives) can see it.’”
Also, on the authority of Asma’a the daughter of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq:
“I was the fourth wife (among four) of al-Zabayr Ibn al-Awwam.
Whenever he became angry at one of us, he struck us with a hook rod until it was broken.”
In the book, You Ask and Islam Answers (page-94), Abdul-latif Mushtahiri says,
“If admonishing and sexual desertion fail to bring forth results and the woman is of a cold and stubborn type, the Quran bestows on man the right to straighten her out by way of punishment and beating, provided he does not break her bones nor shed blood.
Many a wife belongs to this querulous type and requires this sort of punishment to bring her to her senses!”
Is it any wonder that upon the death of Muhammad in June 632, twenty women in Yemen celebrated the death of Muhammad by dancing and singing and playing on the tambourine, dying their hands with henna and celebrating their freedom once again?
The Muslims claim that they were harlots.
But Muslim historian Ibn Habib al-Baghdadi identifies twelve of them.
Two were grandmothers, one a mother, and seven were young girls.
Three of the twelve belonged to the noble class and four to the tribe of Kinda, a royal tribe which provided Yemen with its kings.
As punishment for celebrating the death of Muhammad, the first Caliph, Abu Bakr, ordered that the hands of these twenty women to be cut off with a sword
“like the wings of a gnat.” [670]
Yet, even with such a brutal and bloody history, Islam is attractive to some modern and stupid women who find that they are not getting mates in the Jewified and subverted Western societies.
These stupid women are attracted to Islam because in Islam, no woman is allowed to be a virgin.
All must be married or else raped.
Rape is actually recommended by the Imams for non-Muslim women to make them submissive to Islam.
By Sharia Law, if a Muslim woman is raped, she must have at least four witnesses to the crime before she can seek justice from those demonic, beetle eyed morons known as Imams.
Of course, finding even one witness to a rape, is rare.
But to find four, is nearly impossible.
So, Muslim males find rape to be sometimes better than screwing the local dogs and goats which they so much admire.
By Sharia Law they are allowed to do both.
There is one case where a woman was raped, and three witnesses stepped forward to testify with what they had seen.
But the Imams ordered the woman as well as the three witnesses to be beaten, because four witnesses are necessary by Sharia law – and they had broken the Law by not having four!
That is called the “Justice of Islam.”
And if a woman goes to the Muslim police to complain that she was raped, the Muslim police will throw her in jail and rape her in the jail cell as punishment for daring to impugn the “virtue” of a Muslim male who has a right to rape any woman as long as there are not four witnesses present.
In Islam, all must be married.
No celibates are allowed. Muhammad’s way was the way of marriage and divorce.
Anyone who doesn’t marry cannot be Muslims. [671]
Thus, Muhammad made it impossible for Muslims to find God through actual prayer and meditation and abstinence from worldly lusts in monastic retreats.
Muhammad removed all spiritual possibilities out of Islam and made it into what it has always been – a religion of:
- bandits
- murderers
- sexual deviants
and liars.
It is a Muslim tradition that in Paradise, Muhammad will have sex with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Ashia, the Egyptian foster mother of Moses. [672]
Thus, by Muslim tradition, even Mary, the mother of Jesus, cannot escape the circumcised camel cock of pussy-licking Muhammad – even by running all the way to heaven!
Probably the most outstanding instance of rebellion against polygamy is that of Amina, Muhammad’s great-granddaughter.
The hypocritical Muslims pretend to be morally upright – upright by the ideals of a seventh century Arabian goat-molester – but promiscuity is built into Islam through both instant divorce and “temporary marriages.”
Whenever Amina contracted a marriage (since divorce and remarriage is typical to Islam), she insisted on keeping total control.
Before marrying Zayd ibn Umar, she set these conditions:
“He will not touch another woman.
He will not prevent her from spending his money and will not oppose any decision she might make.
Otherwise, she will leave him.”
Amina recognized that Arab women were much happier before Muhammad’s time. [673]
Before Muhammad, there were no harems and women were not brutalized slaves of their husbands as they are after the Psychopath of Arabia had had his epileptic delusions followed by the Devil’s Truth – believe our lies or we will kill you.
These seventh century Arabian:
- child molesters
- animal rapists
- bandits
forcefully imposed upon the people around them a sick and disgusting system of demonic oppression that they called “the religion of peace” by forcing it on everyone through:
- warfare
- assassination
- rape
and arson.
And all of it was the invention of a single charismatic charlatan suffering from epilepsy getting his Semitic revenge for being socially slighted as an orphan.
Although the Quran is the most boring and simplistic religious text ever written, here are a few of the more coherent teachings found therein:
● Men are superior to women. (Surah 2:228)
● Women have half the rights of men, in court witness (Surah 2:282) and in inheritance. (Surah 4:11)
● A man may beat his wife. (Surah 4:34)
● A man may marry up to four wives at the same time. (Surah 4:3)
● Muslims must fight until their opponents submit to Islam (Surah 9:5) or else are murdered or enslaved.
● Muslims must not take Jews or Christians for friends. (Surah 5:54)
● A Muslim who becomes a Christian or any other religion must be killed. (Surah 9:12)
● Stealing is punished by the amputation of the hands (Surah 5:41), although stealing the wealth of entire peoples is approved by calling it “holy war” or jihad.
● Adultery is punished by public flogging (Surah 4:2) but it’s okay to hypocritically divorce a wife in one minute, marry another “wife” the next minute and, after having sex with her, divorcing her and “marrying” another, ad infinitum. Also, sodomizing animals and little children is approved by Islam.
● No separation between Church and State (Surah 2:193) because there is only Islam.
● In Muslim-dominated countries, there are no opposition parties allowed (Surah 4:59) so there can be no democracy or freedom of choice in politics. The Imams become the dictators.
● Even in modern times, the civil and criminal punishments in Islam are by having your head chopped off, crucifixion, cutting off of the hands and feet, or exile from the land. (Sura 5:36)
● Muslims should be patient and courteous with the people of the Book (Christians and Jews) when the Muslims are weak. But once they are strong, then they may act as described in Sura 2:191, which tells them to
“Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out.”
These Sharia Laws are “eternal” and so apply in modern times.
One of the methods that supports the lies of Islam, is the Semitic technique for changing the definition of words to suit their subversive purposes.
The Jews do this, and so do the Muslims.
For example, the word “freedom” is used by every political and revolutionary group.
But what the Muslims claim as the true definition of “freedom” is being a Muslim, being a slave of Allah because if you are not a slave of Allah, you will be a slave of something else such as money, or your desires, or some king.
But the only way to be free is to be a slave and to serve Allah and the ideas promoted by the Psychopath of Arabia, Allah’s Messenger.
You know, the sex fiend who heard voices in his head proclaiming himself to be the voice of God and king of the entire earth.
This is Muhammad’s message.
“Whoever obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys Allah.” (Qur’an 4:80)
So, unless you want to go to hell, you had better do what Muhammad tells you to do.
And what do the voices in Muhammad’s head want everybody to know?
“You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle” (Bukhari, 53:392)
The Double Lie of Islam is telling a truth but attaching a lie.
Everyone can agree that the world belongs to God.
But here is this fulminating Arabian con artist claiming that since the world belongs to God and since Muhammad is the messenger of God, then the world also belongs to Muhammad.
The Imams take this swindling lie a step further in that since the Imams speak with the words of Allah via Muhammad, then everyone should obey the Imams because the earth belongs to Allah and his Imams.
But the Muslims are all frauds, every one of them.
Allah is the Moon God of Arabia.
Like the Jews, the Muslims twist the definition of the word for “sin” which most people take as meaning,
“the deliberate transgression of a religious or moral law.”
But to a Muslim, the only “sin” in the world is transgressing Muslim laws which are, in fact, the social taboos of seventh century Arabia and the sex fiend who invented Islam.
Most people in the world condemn bestiality and pederasty as disgusting sins, likewise murder, rape and warfare are condemned.
However, for a Muslim, such things are perfectly normal and not at all sinful.
Thus, these Semitic Arabian devils impose their lusts and perversions upon Mankind and call it “religion.”
Islam is the Devils’ Truth – if you don’t believe their lies, they will kill you.
Islam is not a religion of missionaries promoting their faith through persuasion, it is a system of national and social subversion using every low trick, lie, bribe and force to enforce the Devil’s Truth upon Mankind.
A Muslim is forbidden to live in a non-Muslim country unless he is propagating Islam.
Otherwise, Muslims “accumulate sins” by default. Visiting non-Muslim countries for business or education is okay, but the Muslim cannot stay permanently unless he is also propagating Islam.
While Muslims are urged by the Imams to run away from sins, this only means avoiding Muslim sins.
But, twisting the meaning of words, to murder non-Muslims and commit rape and steal from non-Muslims is not a sin, that is a Muslim “virtue.”
Thus, while the Muslims are murdering and burning down, they proclaim to the world how “virtuous and good” that they are.
In every country, the Muslims will not compromise and live peacefully with any other people because there is no compromise of Islam with other religio-political systems.
Those lying, hypocritical criminals known as Imams, proclaim that Islam is supreme.
Therefore, there is no compromise.
It’s the Way of Allah’s fake religion or nothing, nothing short of that and no compromise. [674]
Now, one may ask, who are the Imams and clerics who control Islam?
Like the Jewish rabbis, they falsely proclaim themselves to be “scholars.”
And like the rabbis, they are liars.
The rabbis use abracadabra and the Imams use taqqiya.
The only so-called “scholarship” that they have is a narrow-minded, pea brained, rote memorization of the werewolf ravings in the Quran and the tenth-hand stories of the Hadiths which they reconstitute into whatever words come out of their lying mouths.
The Imams claim that only what is in the Quran is a lesson for us.
And anything not found in Quran is not a worthy study for us.
Like the rabbis, the Imams claim to be the voice of God.
What these fake “scholars” call “knowledge” is only memorizing the Quran and the Hadiths.
Once they do that, then, like Muhammad, they claim to “speak with the voice of Allah,” because all of the fake Quran and Hadiths are claimed to be from Allah.
“Imam” means “leader” and they claim to be leaders of Mankind whom people are supposed to follow.
The Imams position themselves in Muslim society as the authorities who give orders that others obey.
Islam is an organized, hierarchical, military system of Imams and clerics who control the jihad maniacs who all follow the template established by Muhammad – that is,
“Do what Allah tells you in the Quran and Hadiths but don’t ask too many questions.”
They base this lame advice on the voices in Muhammad’s head, of course.
“O ye who believe!
Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.
When the Quran is being revealed, they will be made plain to you.
God will forgive those: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing.
Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account, lost their faith.” (Quran, Sura 5: 104-105)
In other words, idiots make the best Muslims.
Don’t ask questions because the Devil’s Truth cannot bear questions – just believe their lies or they will kill you.
As you know, the Jewish rabbis are paid from the Jewish ten percent religious tax, so they are constantly scheming of ways for the Jewish merchants and moneylenders to make more money by swindling the goyim.
The more money the Jewish bankers and merchants make, the more money the rabbis make.
So, the rabbis are actually at the root of the world’s Jewish Problem.
Concurrently, the Imams are at the root of the world’s Muslim Problem.
The Muslim Imams are paid from the 2.5% zakat religious tax plus the 20% tax on non-Muslims (the jizya tax) plus the 20% of all war booty.
So, besides their addiction to Power that they get as the unquestioned mouthpiece of Allah, the Imams make more money when Islam is at war and enslaving non-Muslims than at any other time.
Small wonder these demon clerics are always preaching jihad “holy war.”
In Islam, the second most important office after the Caliph or king is the treasurer.
Both Semitic religious frauds are operated by charlatans claiming to be both “scholars” and “holy men.”
“Scholars,” that you are so over-awed by the title that you don’t dare question the sophistic fool behind the title; and “holy men” so that you assume only the best of motives for such devils.
In non-Muslim countries, full time, paid, Islamic workers are busy controlling dialog and subverting the nation.
In foreign countries, they teach the Black Speech of Arabic, pretending that this nasty Semitic tongue has special secrets about God in the Quran which only they know, as they promote the hoaxes of Islam.
Part of this linguistic fraud of Islam comes from the fact that while they claim that Allah only spoke in what they call “Pure Arabic,” the fact is that they are referring only to the Quraysh dialect of Muhammad’s tribe.
There was no such thing as “pure” Arabic because that dialect was merely one of many.
And all Arabic, like it’s fiendish Semitic Hebrew cousin, was written in an ABC shorthand style.
There were no vowels in the original Quran.
These didn’t come into use for another two hundred years after Muhammad (mhrh).
So, it is impossible for even the Muslim Imams to know exactly what Muhammad was gibbering about, based solely upon that deceptive book.
Add to this the fact that no human language is immune to accurate translation by language experts.
The Black Speech of Arabic is no exception.
Especially is this true of an elementary book like the Quran with a message so simplistic than even an idiot camel jockey can understand it.
So, again, the Muslims are liars.
Islam is a communal religion.
It is not for people to freely pray to God in their own way.
A Muslim has to go through the ritual motions that the lunatic of Arabia decreed, ritual ablutions and ritual ways of bowing and ritual repetitions of the same prayers.
It’s a religion for half-wits.
And it demands a leader whose word is not argued about but whose word is final.
That is the Imams and clerics.
Thus, like the Jewish rabbis, it is just another Semitic dictatorship of lawyers dressed as Imams and clerics who invent laws based solely upon bull-stuff backed up with armed enforcement.
Islam is the Devil’s Truth which teaches that “love” in Islam is to follow the ways of the original Arabs which includes killing anyone who does not believe in the Moon God.
And one must also believe that Muhammad was a prophet and not a devil.
Oh yes and be sure to be a good and holy Muslim and sodomize your camel during the Hajj.
The Muslim hypocrisy mentioned earlier, known as “abrogation,” should again be considered here.
Muhammad would make contradictory statements and then claim that both of them were true because Allah had been speaking out of both sides of Muhammad’s mouth.
So, how could Allah tell a lie?
The cleverest liar in all of Arabia got around this problem simply by claiming that his earlier ranting was not as “strong” as his later ranting.
Both rants were true because the voices in his head could not possibly be false.
But the later rant supplanted the earlier rant – simple Semitic sophistry and perfectly acceptable to any seventh century camel thief howling at the moon.
The classic example of this forked-tongue teaching of Islam, are the verses in the Quran when Muhammad was militarily weak and had only a few followers in Mecca, compared to when he was strong with thousands of followers after he had captured Mecca.
This is the statement in the Quran used today as the Muslims infiltrate and subvert the civilizations of the West with their lies.
“There should be no coercion in religion.
The truth stands out clearly from error.” (Quran 2:256)
It sounds very nice and reasonable except for the fact that they are all lying Arabian werewolves talking out of both sides of their muzzles at once and intent upon killing you.
Here is the verse that the Muslims actually practice and follow:
“When the sacred months [Ramadan] are passed, kill the non-Muslims wherever you find them.
Take them as captives, besiege them, and ambush them with every kind of stratagem of war.
If they submit to Islam, observe prayer, and pay the zakat, then let them go their way if they convert to Islam.” (Quran 9:5)
This is the verse that the lying Muslims actually follow because it came last and thus “abrogates” the more tolerant verse.
Both verses are “true” because the voices in Muhammad’s head claimed to be the voices of God, so of course they were both true.
But the last verse, is the one that Muhammad used to “abrogate” and replace the first, more tolerant, verse.
But to deceive you into lowering your guard, the Muslims will claim that they are a “religion of peace” that follows the first verse.
Finally, when it came near the time for Muhammad to be dragged down into hell for all of the evil he had foisted upon the world, he made his famous last pilgrimage to Mecca to perform the official Muslim ritual charade of Hajj.
In the year 632 AD, the Sociopath of Arabia left Medina and set forth toward Mecca accompanied by all of his wives, each riding her own stolen camel.
He was followed by between 90,000 and 114,000 Muslims who believed that they had been blessed by the advent of this illiterate faker, the best liar Arabia had ever produced.
When the procession reached Sarif, midway between Mecca and Medina, Muhammad said to his companions:
“Those of you who do not have any sacrificial animals with them may perform the lesser pilgrimage.
But those who do, must perform the complete ritual.”
By this statement recorded in the Muslim Hadiths, you can see that the whole show was like everything else in Islam, merely a ritual to demonstrate to the All-Wise, All-Powerful, All Knowing Moon God – through pantomime – that you are a sincere Muslim because without making a ritual pantomime of being sincere, the All-Knowing Moon God wouldn’t know if you were a sincere Muslim or not and He just might send you to Hellfire by mistake.
Also, the Hajj ritual perpetuated the economic power of his own tribe, the Quraysh, who were still in the business of selling sacrificial animals and ritual garlands and lodging and food to the pilgrims.
Muhammad was just a hometown boy making good and throwing a sop to his tribesmen.
The procession continued and upon arrival in Mecca, Muhammad, followed by the Muslims, hastened to the Kaaba.
There, Muhammad kissed the holy meteorite.
Then he circumambulated the warehouse of pagan idols seven times, the first three of which he did at a trotting pace, but being sixty-two years old under the hot sun was too much so he slowed to a weary walk.
Then, he proceeded to the Meccan Chamber of Commerce tourist site named “the Sanctuary of Ibrahim.”
If there had been any of them at the time, its location would have been on all of the tourist brochures except for the fact that the Arabs couldn’t read or write.
There, he performed the official Muslim prayer of Mooning the Moon God with his butt in the air.
Then, returning back to the holy meteorite, he kissed it once more and then left for the Mount of al-Safa.
There, he performed the,
“Oh-Say Can-You-See-Any-Water”
ritual between that mount and the mount of Marwah by running back and forth between the two mountains like Hagar going crazy because she couldn’t find any water.
Water runs downhill, so of course, to a Muslim, it makes perfect sense to check uphill for water.
And when you don’t find any there, then run to another mountain top and if you can’t find any up on top of that mountain, then run back to the first mountain to make sure you didn’t miss any.
Then run back and forth between the two mountains seven times from mountain top to mountain top just to make sure that some didn’t magically appear while you weren’t looking.
Such Arabian logic is irrefutable.
Muhammad did it and since the voices in his head were real, then doing what Muhammad did must mean something.
So, all of the stupid Muslims mimicked Muhammad who claimed that the voices in his head told him that that was what Hagar did.
And if Hagar did it, and then the Muslims did it, then that must mean that the Muslims were descended from Ishmael and Abraham, just like the Biggest Lie Ever Told claimed.
They were murdering sheep-rapers in their day job, but the Hajj ritual made them just as holy as any thieving Jew.
Muhammad then announced to the pilgrims that whoever did not have an animal to murder, then they should now make themselves normal and bring their pilgrimage ritual to a close.
Some pilgrims hesitated, and this angered Muhammad.
He repeated his command.
When he entered his tent, the anger visible on his face, Aisha inquired about it.
He answered,
“How can I be otherwise when my commands are not obeyed?”
As a visiting companion inquired again, he added,
“Whoever angers the Prophet of God will taste of the fire. Is it not strange that I command the people and find them hesitant to obey?
If it were permissible to come to pilgrimage without animals to sacrifice, I, too, would have been content to perform the lesser pilgrimage and desacralize at this moment.” [675]
And so, this nobody, this orphan without friends, this poor sheep-molester with a big dick and the ability to fool even the cleverest Arab bandit as his only real attributes, throws a tantrum.
Obeying Muhammad and the voices in his head was of the highest importance to him.
Only those people who had brought sacrificial animals with them kept themselves in the hyper state of Muslim mania, cutting the throats of goats and sheep as if Allah needed all that blood to feel good about Himself.
As for the People of the Book, whether Jews or Christians, the following verses from Surah “Al Tawbah,” read by Ali on that historic occasion became Muhammad’s curse upon Mankind.
That is, if the people of the world didn’t accept him as a prophet of God, then they should all be killed.
“Fight, therefore, those ‘People of the Book’ who do not believe either in Allah or in the Day of Judgment, who do not forbid that which Allah and His Prophet have forbidden, nor follow the religion of truth until they pay the jizyah and acknowledge their subjection.
O Men who believe, many of the rabbis, priests and monks devour the wealth of the people by false means and turn men away from the true path of Allah.
Many of them hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the cause of Allah.
To such as these will belong painful and strict punishment.
Their punishment shall be a scorching fire, a fire branding their foreheads, sides and backs, and they will be told that such punishment is the reward for what they have hoarded, a taste of what they themselves have treasured.” (Quran 9:29, 34-35)
From that day of Hajj until today, the Islamic state was established.
Quran 9 “abrogates” all previous assertions of Islamic “peace” and contains the basic foundation principles of the Islamic State and how Muslims should treat the non-Muslims around them – fight them until they are subdued.
Muslims are commanded to fight unbelievers until they are either dead, converted to Islam, or in a permanent state of subjugation under Muslim domination. Islam is a classic sadomasochistic pathology.
And as an allurement to the thieving bandits of Arabia, Muhammad claimed that all the priests hoard gold and silver and do not spend it for the sake of Allah.
Of course, every flea-encrusted bandit in Arabia just knew deep down inside his heart that he would spend that Christian gold for the sake of Allah, once he could get his hands on it.
Allowing people of other faiths to live and worship independently of Islamic rule is not an option.
These verses from Quran 9 bring the whole Quranic delusion to an end and thus “abrogate” everything that came before.
In the eyes of the thieving rapists and sheep molesters of Arabia, these verses put the People of the Book (both Jews and Christians) on the same level as the pagans and ready for pillage – the entire world was targeted for Muslim rape and pillage.
Originally, Muhammad declared that his Moon God was the same as the god of the Jews and Christians.
“They say, ‘Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided to salvation’ Say thou:
‘Nay! I would rather the religion of Abraham the True.
And he joined not gods with god.’ Say ye:
‘We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to all prophets from their Lord.
We make no difference between one and another of them.
And we bow to Allah.’” (Quran, 2: 135-136)
Muhammad put himself on a level with all of the Biblical characters – with no difference between himself and them.
But once he had military power, he declared that Christianity and Judaism must be either destroyed or enslaved with only Islam allowed in the entire world.
After first achieving victory over paganism with the assistance of both the Jews and the Christians, Muhammad turned his insanity against the Jews who had opposed him.
He fought them until they evacuated the entire Peninsula.
During this time, Muhammad pretended friendship with the Christians and recited verses which praised their genuine faith and friendliness, such as:
“You will find the Jews and the associationists more hostile to those who believe.
You will find those who say,
‘We are Christians’ the friendliest to those who believe, for many of them are monks and priests, and they are humble.” (Quran 5:82)
But now during the last Hajj, and the reciting of Sura 9, all of that is “abrogated” and nullified.
Once he had achieved ultimate power in Arabia, Muhammad turned his demonic wrath against Christianity and sought to destroy its adherents as he did those of Judaism before.
When he was being hounded out of Mecca, Christians (not Jews) had protected his followers when they took refuge in Abyssinia.
While he was weak, Muhammad had approved of the religion of the people of Najran, and other Arab Christians and he had allowed them to follow their rituals of worship.
But now he turned on the Christians like the devil that he was.
The next morning of the Hajj, Muhammad first visited the sanctuary of al-Mashar (not to be confused with Al-the-Masher, the Arab arrested for child molestation and sex with his neighbor’s pet poodle).
Next, he went to Mina on the road to which he threw pebbles against the symbol of Satan as the Jews had taught him to do in order to offer his worship. When he reached his tent, he cut the throat of sixty-three camels, one for each year of his evil life. Ali cut the throats of the rest of the animals which the Prophet had brought with him from Medina.
After all, what better way for a Semite with lots of money to flaunt his wealth than by killing a bunch of defenseless animals who trusted him?
The Arabian lunatic then shaved all the hair off of his head and shaved off all of his pubic hair, which made him as holy as a Muslim can get – and also to scrape off any lingering lice.
He then declared his pilgrimage completed. [676]
What a guy!
Lice free at last, bald as an ostrich egg, grinning with his two front teeth missing and ready to hump all of his wives before going to heaven where seventy-two additional women were waiting for him.
Every Muslim wants to be as holy as Muhammad.
The relationships between Muslims themselves and between the people of all other nations has always been based on terror and it still is.
“…Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies….
Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.” (Surah 8:60)
Of course, the “repayment” is just as good as the “promise.” Right?
Muhammad makes the promise, but Allah gets stuck with the bill.
That is, spend your wealth on warfare and promoting Islam and you will get repaid after you die.
Just wait and see!
Such a deal – for Muhammad!
In addition to such early uses of assassination of his opponents, Muhammad used to send letters to the kings and leaders of the surrounding countries and tribes, inviting them to surrender to his authority and to believe in him as the messenger of Allah.
He always ended his letters with the following two words: “Aslim, Taslam!”
The sentence means,
“surrender and you will be safe,”
or in other words,
“surrender or face death.”
So where is the meaning of “Peace” in such a religion that threatens to kill other people if they don’t submit to it? [677]
Islam is nothing more than the Devil’s Truth – believe what we say, or we will murder you.
As a precursor to his future and final destination, Muhammad came down with a terrible fever of such intensity of heat that he could hardly stand it.
Once Muhammad had died and gone to Hellfire, many of the Arabian tribes who had been forced into Islam against their will, revolted and refused to pay the zakat tax to the Muslim treasury.
In response to this revolution, the first Caliph, Abu-Bakr, ordered his army to fight these Arabian apostates.
It took him almost two years of fighting to force the tribes back into the bloody, iron claws of Islam.
Those wars were not ordered only by the first Caliph, but they were also instructed by Muhammad.
In the Quran it states clearly that those who become Muslims and then opt out of the gang, are to be punished by death:
“But if they turn renegades seize them and slay them wherever ye find them and in any case take no friends or helpers from their ranks.” (Quran 4:89)
Thus, like any organized criminal gang such as the Mafia or Judaism, once you’re in, you’re in; but you can’t get out alive.
Try to leave and they will kill you.
You already know what happened to those twenty women who danced and sang and dyed their hands with henna at the news of Muhammad’s death.
Abu Bakr ordered that their hands be chopped off.
How dare they want to leave the religion of peace!
After Muhammad died and Abu Bakr became the first Caliph, what were the Muslims going to do now that they had discovered how to enrich themselves through robbery and murder with a guaranteed ticket into Paradise?
Should they willingly give up:
- robbery
- rape
- murder
- assassination
- arson
- cattle rustling
and claim jumping in favor of praying to the Moon God and living lives worthy of saints or should they just continue to be Muslims?
We all know the answer to that!
As history has shown, the Muslims are not saints.
Even though he had died and gone to Hell, Muhammad’s enemies weren’t through with Muhammad, yet.
After the Muslims had killed their loved ones, both the Quraysh leader Abu Sufyan and his wife, Hind, vowed revenge.
Typically for Arabs, this revenge began with a vow.
At first Abu Sufyan vowed not to take a bath until he had killed Muhammad.
And Hind vowed not to eat fat or use perfume or sleep with her husband until Muhammad was dead. [678]
But their revenge was to be a long time in coming.
So, not sleeping together was an easy vow to keep for those two extremely smelly Arabs.
However, Muhammad won his battles against the Quraysh.
When the rather wretched and stinky Abu Sufyan went to seek peace with Muhammad, he was ordered instead to embrace Islam.
The exact words Muhammad spoke to him were,
“Submit and testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the apostle of Allah before you lose your head.” [679]
Abu Sufyan swore that he was a Muslim and so kept his head.
But Semitic vengeance is never ending. It was Abu Sufyan’s own children who brought their Semitic vengeance down upon Muhammad’s children.
Abu Sufyan’s son, Muawiyah, inherited the empire after defeating Muhammad’s adopted son, Ali.
He also poisoned Hasan, one of the prophet’s two favorite grandsons.
Abu Sufyan’s grandson, Yazid, became the next Caliph and promptly had the head of Muhammad’s other favorite grandson, Hussein, brought to him on a platter. [680]
Such are the joys of the Religion of Peace inherited by all of Islam! By blending all the Arabian tribes together under Islam and uniting them as a single umma, or Muslim Brotherhood,
Muhammad merely extended the Arabian tribal system from numerous little tribes of thieves into one giant tribe of thieves.
The responsibility system within the Muslim Brotherhood, or umma, was identical to the tribal principles of blood-feud and lex talionis.
For the military prestige of the umma, it was essential that a Muslim should never go unavenged.
Modern Readers should understand that if you kill one of those Muslim devils, you will have to kill them all to keep the others from coming to get you with a knife in your back.
The vindictive Jews and Muslims are all alike in this respect.
The basic rule for both is:
Don’t let any of them escape or they will make you regret it later.
The Muslim Brotherhood, or umma, steered the Arab tribes’ bellicosity, usually channeled into tribal feuding and murder, larceny and woman stealing into a brand-new direction – holy war for the sake of murder, grand larceny and woman stealing.
Now the skinny Arabs didn’t have to steal from each other for a few coins, under Islam they could steal from the entire world for tons of coins – and go to heaven as an added bonus.
The old allegiance to the tribe was replaced by an allegiance to a more abstract concept – kill people, loot their property and rape their women so that you can go to Paradise.
It doesn’t make sense at all.
But the idea caught on among the sheep-diddling bandits of Arabia.
In less than a few decades, all of the nomadic tribes, which were a great obstacle to Arabia’s thriving trade routes and its oasis trade slums, were persuaded to give in to the Muslim Brotherhood (the Umma), which required unconditional surrender to the will of Allah as promised by Muhammad.
Consequently, the Arab covetousness for booty was deflected from internal attacks within Arabia and channeled into holy war against the entire world.
As the greedy and lust inflamed Muslims boiled out of the hellhole of Arabia, screaming
“Allah Akbar, the Moon God is great,”
the wealthy but war-weary Byzantine and Persian empires fell to the Arabs before they were even fully aware of the existence of Islam.
Persia was conquered in 642, twenty years after the hijra; the first siege of Constantinople took place in 670. [681]
The first Caliph, Abu Bakr – that skinny scumbag who had pimped his six-year old daughter to Muhammad – pressed Jihad aggressively in foreign territory against people who did not want war and were of no threat.
In a letter sent to the Persians, the Caliph bluntly stated,
“You should convert to Islam, and then you will be safe, for if you don’t, you should know that I have come to you with an army of men that love death, as you love life.”
In this case, he was telling the truth because the Muslim maniacs actually wanted to die while killing people so that they could collect on Muhammad’s promises.
It was a clever system that Muhammad had devised, making use of Promises of a future Great Reward in Paradise, promises which didn’t need to be fulfilled by Muhammad because the Moon God would get stuck with making good on Muhammad’s promises.
Islam is a clever method for tricking a billion stupid people into going to hell by promising that if they do demonic evil, they will be rewarded with godly blessings.
Offering captured soldiers, the choice of having their heads cut off or to join the Muslim army as Muslims who were allegedly “fighting for God,” garnered entire legions of recruits.
After all, what religious person does not want to be on the side of God?
All of the people the Muslims:
- murdered
- raped
- burglarized
were religious people.
Second only to Judaism, Islam was the Devil’s Greatest Hoax – get religious people to murder other religious people and promise that they would go to heaven afterwards!
It was a real joke!
But the victims of Islam weren’t laughing.
Unlike all other armies that were reduced in numbers during a battle, the Muslim armies grew in size with every conquest by biting them on the neck and turning the conquered soldiers into Muslim werewolves.
Whenever someone became a Muslim, they were immediately sent into the army to fight.
They didn’t get any religious training other than becoming a Muslim by declaring
“Okay, okay.
‘There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’
So, now please don’t chop off my head.”
The new recruits were immediately brainwashed by lining them up for Muslim prayer rituals, shoulder to-shoulder with their former foes and bowing them down towards Mecca, allegedly praying to God.
The new recruits were treated with the Devil’s Truth of Muhammad’s Quranic howlings embellished by Hadiths and anecdotes such as the stories of the Battle of Badr where Muhammad claimed that he saw the Muslims who were killed:
“lifted up on golden thrones”
and that
“Allah had given Jafar, instead of the two arms he had lost in battle, two wings with which to fly to Paradise.” [682]
These new recruits were given as equal a share of the booty as the stinking Arabs they had previously been fighting against.
And soon, with prayers five times per day, equal shares in the booty, lots of women to rape, and their own heads still attached to their necks, these Persian and Byzantine soldiers began killing people and stealing their stuff just as good as any other Muslim.
Muhammad had always made good use of spies.
Abu Bakr followed his lead.
The best spies were the Jews who had trade relations with every country and had wormed their way into the administrative society around every king, both as advisors and as jovial, grinning merchants bearing gifts.
Thus, the rapid spread of Islam had absolutely nothing to do with any alleged “virtue” of that demonic Arabian cult but had everything to do with the espionage information indicating where the Persians and Byzantines were weakest.
And nobody knew where the Persians and Byzantines were weakest better than the Jews who made it an essential part of their business plan to find out – even into modern times where the Mossad spies on everybody.
Just when Rome had finally reached a stalemate with Persia, the werewolves of Arabia, howling to the Moon God, launched a surprise attack.
To get their horses across the desert and to evade the Byzantine garrisons and forts, the cruel Arabs kept their camels thirsty so that when they finally gave them water, the camels filled themselves to the maximum.
Then they cut off the camel’s lips so they couldn’t eat any shrubs or thorn bushes.
After five days crossing the desert, they slaughtered the camels and gave the horses the water in the camels’ stomachs.
In this way, they were able to evade the Roman outposts by traveling through the deserts to attack the Roman army in Palestine, riding out of the desert sand storms with the wind at their backs and the sand and their arrows in the eyes of the Romans. [683]
Once again, the Jews betrayed the Romans.
In Hebron and Caesarea, the Muslims were able to penetrate Roman defenses with the aid of Jewish collaborators. [684]
Knowledge of the weakness of both Byzantium and Persia was supplied to the Arabs by the rabbis via their Kehillah spy system.
The Jews, dancing and singing, welcomed the Muslims as “saviors.” And after offering them their “Jewish Loyalty,” the Jews pointed out the Christian leaders who should be killed by their new Muslim friends.
Although the Arabs were tricky and treacherous, they were not attacking strong opponents.
They knew this from the information supplied by the Jews.
Persia at the eve of the Arab attacks was an empire in which a wealthy elite, “the Haves,” had amassed a disproportionate amount of the Empire’s wealth.
The Persian king is reported to have had:
- 50,000 horses, mules, and onagers
- 12,000 white camels
- 1,000 elephants
- 3,000 concubines
and 12,000 servants. [685]
And in the Roman camp, Constantinople, itself, was an immense treasure city of Roman design with even greater wealth accumulated through monopoly trade, warfare and the Sumerian Swindle.
But wealth, itself, is not strength.
Both Byzantium and Sassanian Persia were in a state of military exhaustion.
Both had been greatly weakened by the many wars between them – the last of which had dragged on from 602 to 628 AD.
Both had suffered from internal political and religious strife [686] which was well-known by the Jewish merchant-moneylenders who did business in both empires.
Warring against each other, the Byzantines and the Sassanian Persians had lost well over 400,000 first-rate fighting troops between them.
This resulted in a dangerous military vacuum that was ripe for exploitation by the Arabs.
This severe weakening of Byzantium and Sassanian Persia was well noted by Caliph Omar (581-644 AD) and the Arab commanders in Medina.
Indeed, the Arabs struck at both Byzantium and Sassanian Persia just ten years after the armistice had been signed between these exhausted empires. [687]
While the battered Sassanian Persian army made a valiant but doomed effort at resisting the Arabs, the people of Iran had no spirit to resist.
Miles Williams Mathis: Iran’s Jewish Rulers – Library of Rickandria
The sectarian conflicts and social problems in Iran had a devastating impact on the morale of the Sassanian army.
The situation was characterized by widespread:
- chaos
- hopelessness
- dereliction of duty
and lack of discipline.
The fact that the bulk of the top-ranking professional officers and veteran warriors were either dead or incapacitated by the catastrophic Persian-Roman wars further undermined the army’s ability to reconstitute itself adequately.
While a plentiful supply of weapons was available in the army’s depots throughout the Empire, the numbers of professionally trained warriors were dangerously low.
The fact remained that the Persian army was but a shadow of its former self.
The Empire needed years to reorganize its armies and to replenish its professional warrior force.
Given Persia’s chronic manpower shortage, recovery would take at least a generation, time that they didn’t have.
And Byzantium was also militarily exhausted.[688]
Like a pack of dogs jumping onto a lion too exhausted to fight, the rabid and skinny Arabs overwhelmed those two super-powers.
The illiterate, camel-eating, sheep-screwing, maniac Arabs finally broke into Ctesiphon on the Tigris in 638.
For the first time, the Arabs witnessed the:
- riches
- luxuries
- arts
- architecture
and sophistication of one of the world’s great empires.
Looting reached epic proportions.
One-fifth of the looted goods were sent from Ctesiphon to Caliph Omar at Medina.
So great was the haul of booty that every Arab soldier was able to appropriate 12,000 dirhams worth of goods, roughly the equivalent value of 111 kilos (245 pounds) of gold.
Nearly 40,000 captured Sassanian noblewomen were taken to Arabia and sold as slaves – and every single one of them were raped by the turd-colored Arabs.
The gigantic Royal Carpet of Persia measuring 100ft x 100ft (30m x 30m), which featured:
- rare jewels
- gold
- silver
in its weavings, was sent to Caliph Omar in Medina who tore the carpet into pieces and distributed them among to the stinking Arabs living in tents.
The Arabs knew exactly how and where to fatally strike the Sassanians on the battlefield, thanks to the ex-Sassanian soldiers who were allowed to keep their heads on their necks by fighting in the Muslim ranks [689] as well as to the “Jewish Loyalty” and spy work offered by their new friends wearing sidelocks and beanies.
With such incredible booty, the entire Arabian Peninsula, every camel-jockey and goat-molester, became wildly enthusiastic about spreading even more of the “blessings of Islam” by:
- attacking
- killing
- raping
and stealing everything that the:
- Romans
- Persians
- Egyptians
- North Africans
and Europeans had, then biting them on the necks and turning them into Muslim werewolves.
“Allah’s Snack Bar”
became the rallying cry before the closed gates of every Christian city.
As a result of those attacks, the two leading world powers, the Byzantine and Persian Sassanian empires, lost the majority of their territories.
In fact, the Persian Empire, which had played a dominant role in western Asia for a thousand years, collapsed entirely.
So great was the trauma that Persian, for all intents and purposes, disappeared as a written language for the next three centuries.
With the exception of the Iranian Plateau and Armenia, all of these newly conquered provinces were to become the very heartlands of the expanded Arab world. [690]
In 638, the Muslims began repaying the Jews for their “Jewish loyalty” by allowing them to return to Jerusalem.
This was something that the Byzantine Romans had disallowed because, as a result of their betrayals over the centuries, they rightly considered the Jews to be a Fifth Column.
Of course, according to the Jews, they were the innocent victims of Roman bigotry.
That they had betrayed the Romans on countless occasions and had swindled and subverted the Empire, had absolutely no relevance to the Jews since they considered any infringement of their “right” to betray or to swindle as blatant prejudice against “God’s Holy Chosen Demons.”
Chinese history sources provide valuable information on the fate of the last Sassanians.
When Yazdegerd III was killed in 651, the Muslims gave one of his daughters to the Jewish Exilarch, Bustanay, in appreciation for the Jews’ help in destroying the Sassanian Persian Empire.
His son, Peroz, who succeeded him, was still a boy.
He and the surviving Sassanian nobles fled the Arabs by the 660s, making an arduous journey across the Pamir mountains and into China.
Peroz’s sister had already been married to the Chinese emperor, who welcomed the Sassanian refugees and settled them near the imperial palace.
China had already been settled by Iranians, which helped the arriving Sassanian nobles gain acceptance.
Peroz himself is said by Chinese tradition to have learned Kung Fu and was hoping to lead a major army into his homeland to expel the Arabs.
No invasion of Arab-occupied Persia occurred, however, and the Sassanians in China intermarried with Chinese nobility.
The green- and blue-eyed Iranian settlers were to exert a profound influence on China as well as on Japan. [691]
The only profound influence that the Muslims had on everybody was death and destruction.
Typically, the Semites (both Jews and Muslims) never invented anything, but stole everything and claimed it as their own.
The Arab maniacs, jumping on spear points and diving off of walls into chopping swords so that they could get killed and see Muhammad’s Promise of Paradise for themselves, were able to capture these large territories.
But cunning as they were, the Arabs were far too stupid to administer them.
What they call “Muslim Lands” today, are nothing more than the lands of other people that they stole yesterday.
And what they call “Islamic Scholarship” is nothing more than rote memorization of Quran verses and Hadith anecdotes invented by idiots.
The so-called “Islamic Learning” or “Arab sciences” is completely indebted to Sassanian Persia (Caucasian-Aryan-Persians), a fact aptly acknowledged by the 14th-century historian Ibn Khaldun, known as “The Herodotus of the Arabs,” who wrote:
“It is a remarkable fact that, with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars have been non-Arabs, all of them were of Persian descent.
They invented rules of Arabic grammar.
The great jurists were Persians.
Only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing scholarly works.
The intellectual sciences were the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them, as was the case with all crafts.” [692]
Remember this, the next time some Muslim liar wants to tell you how great Islam’s achievements are.
Like the Jews, the Muslims never owned anything that they didn’t steal or lie about, including the stories in the Quran.
In this, these two Semitic frauds are identical, except that while the Muslims steal your property outright, the Jews prefer to swindle it with subtle arts and interest-bearing loans.
The Jews and Muslims are like two fangs of a Semitic viper, different but the same.
With the Semitic Arabs under Islam, the Jews had found a kindred spirit of Semitic brotherhood – two peoples addicted to robbery and mayhem.
This was much different than what they had experienced from the Christians who expected the Jews to be honest and full of God’s love and to actually follow the teachings of the Ten Commandments.
You know, like God’s Chosen Ones are supposed to be, not like the Jews actually are.
Back home in Arabia, every Muslim got a salary from the Islamic treasury.
Abu Bakr gave every Muslim in Arabia 10 dinars each (~1.5 ounces of gold).
NEW WORLD ORDER: GLOBAL BANKING: GOLD: For Humans & Others… – Library of Rickandria
Then after the first year, so much booty came in that he raised the stipend to 20 dinars each. (Even today, the entire population of the oil rich Muslim countries receive a share in the profits.)
Financial payment is made to every Muslim.
So, in the Islamic system of theft, booty is distributed to every Muslim, even in the rear guard and backlines away from combat.
Do you still wonder why the modern Muslims are so adamant about spreading their poison to the West?
It’s because they all benefit from what they steal. [693]
That Muslim woman standing on a Paris street corner dressed with a bag over her head, peering out of the slits in her Muslim uniform, gets just as much from the Muslim treasury as the jihad soldier who murders your children, rapes your wife and steals your property.
All Muslims are considered to be jihad soldiers in the Muslim military machine. “Jihad” means “struggle” or “exert effort” in the cause of Allah.
In the twisted, Semitic, Devil’s Truth of Islam, Muslims don’t call murder and bloodshed “war” if they are murdering you for the sake of Allah.
So, they are not at war with you, they are merely waging “jihad,” which is “struggle for Allah,” not war.
Do you see the difference?
And to a Muslim, it is not wrong to kill non-Muslims because Muslims are servants of Allah who do what pleases Allah.
Since Allah is a Semitic god who wants all people on earth dead except for Muslims, then killing you isn’t really murder, it’s obeying Allah.
After all, if you are not a Muslim, then you are an enemy of Allah.
And since you are an enemy of Allah, you hate Allah, and you hate those who are the servants of Allah.
Therefore, you hate Muslims because Muslims are good people who kill the enemies of Allah.
And when you are an enemy of the Muslims, then that means that you are an enemy of Allah.
So, killing the enemies of Allah is not bad at all; it is really a good deed.
Therefore, Muslims are good people because they serve Allah and do the holy things that Allah likes – such as murdering you and stealing your stuff.
Does that make sense?
Of course not!
But that’s what has driven the Muslims to murder over a billion people since 622 AD.
Islam preaches the Devil’s Truth – if you don’t believe them, they will kill you.
So, remember this, the next time you see a Muslim woman holding a sign reading,
“We Demand Sharia Law”
or any other such Muslim slogan: that woman is not a woman, she is an enemy soldier dressed in civilian clothes, working towards your murder and the destruction of your country.
And as a Muslim, she shares in the booty.
So putting a bullet in her head is a good deed because it sends her to Muslim Paradise and saves your loved ones and your country from destruction.
Why should not the Muslims and Jews take their own medicine?
There is no such thing as an army that survives on its own.
A regular army requires backline supporters and rear flank suppliers of war material.
Even a guerilla army gets its supplies from someone else, even from its enemy.
The Muslim army is no different except that every Muslim is regarded as either a jihad fighter or a backlines supplier to the fighters.
It’s built into Islam as much as is the zakat tax used to buy armaments.
In one of the Hadiths, Muhammad said,
“Standing in the ranks of the army is better than worshipping Allah for 60 years.”
“Realize that Paradise is under the shade of swords.”
Another Hadith:
“The Prophet said, ‘War is deceit.’” [694]
So, when a Muslim claims that Islam is,
“a religion of peace,”
he is trying to deceive you with Muslim lies, taqqiya, because he is at war with you.
But he doesn’t want you to know it and be on your guard until you feel his knife in your back from ambush.
That is Islam.
Terrorism has always been basic to Islam.
Making the enemy afraid so their low moral makes them easier to kill, or afraid so that they run away, gives an easy victory.
Both the Quran and the Hadiths teach that Allah casts fear into their hearts.
So, fear has always been a major weapon of Muslims because that is what Allah does when he fights for the Muslims.
It doesn’t matter what weapons an enemy has, if you can terrorize them, they will run away.
For example, the Romans offered the Arabs 10 dinars and clothing to each Arab to go back to Arabia.
But the leader of the Muslims said:
“That is not why we have come.
We are a people who likes to drink blood, and we have heard that the best tasting blood is the blood of the Romans.” [695]
Thus, trying to make the Romans afraid of them.
With Muhammad’s “Promises of Paradise” in exchange for murder and mayhem, the Muslims gladly jumped into hell like the idiots that they still are today.
Broiling under a hot desert sun, any place other than Arabia sounded good to them.
“But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We shall soon admit to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath – their eternal home: therein shall they have Companions pure and holy, We shall admit them to shades, cool and ever deepening.” (Quran, Sura 4: 57)
But for Muhammad, “Muhammad’s Promises” are even better than this because he never had to make good on any of his promises.
All Muhammad had to do was convince the Muslims to give him their “beyah” or Arabian fealty, treat him like a wonderful saint, do his every bidding and follow his every command, go out and kill and rob, give him twenty percent of the loot, and then get themselves killed.
That way, Muhammad didn’t owe them anything because Allah would give them their reward.
Islam was the perfect Semitic scam, second only to Judaism in its blatant swindling hypocrisy and deceit.
It was second to Judaism because Islam is based upon the lies of Judaism for its very existence.
This is what Imam Anwar al-Awlaki [see Figure_116 – Imam Anwar al-Awlaki] says about war:
“Jihad is the natural law of Islam.
Only with jihad is a Muslim honorable.
During the time of Abu Bakr, the national policy was jihad.
Getting yourself killed in battle through martyrdom is the highest status of a Muslim where Allah brings them closer to him.
For those Muslims who think Islam is a free ride, that all you have to do is be a Muslim.
O fools!
Do you think Allah will allow you to enter Paradise when you have not fought jihad in his cause?
You are going to have to go through jihad if you want to go to Paradise.
Islam is not a mystic religion where you merely pray and be good, no!
Allah will test you in the field of battle.
He has serious demands of you because he is giving you Paradise.
You are not going to get it for free.
You are going to have to fight for it and work for it.
Being a Muslim without fighting is hypocrisy.
One cannot enjoy the worldly benefits of Islam without fighting for them.
Islam is all or nothing, no half measures.
The battlefield is the greatest test of Muslim faith and commitment.
What separates between the Believers and the Hypocrites, is the battlefield.” [696]
This is what the preachers of Islam, the Imams, teach to the Muslims today.
But to the non-Muslims they say that,
“Islam is a religion of peace.”
Is it bad to tell a lie?
No, it is not bad for a Muslim to deceive a non-Muslim because “war is deceit” and Islam is a war against all of Mankind – following the instructions of the epileptic Psychopath of Arabia.
The growth of Muslim power occurred with lightning speed.
Muhammed was born in 570 AD and died in 630.
Starting with a 120,000-man army, his followers subdued Syria, took:
- Jerusalem
- Aleppo
- Antioch
by 638.
In 643 they re-opened the Arsinoe canal near Suez.
They conquered Egypt and overran Persia by 651.
In 655 they destroyed the Byzantine fleet at Lycia.
By 709 all of northern Africa was conquered.
In 711 they entered Spain, occupying the whole peninsula in three years, governing it from Damascus.
Their power was established from India to the Atlantic.
Islam shattered the Mediterranean unity which the Germanic invasions into Gaul and Italy had left intact.
From the middle of the 7th century, navigation between Muslim ports of the Aegean Sea and those ports which remained Christian had become impossible because of Muslim warfare.
The only persons who were still engaged in commerce were the Jews.
They were numerous everywhere.
The Arabs neither drove them out nor massacred them. [697]
The Jews were very useful to the Muslims.
In the first place, they were eager to:
- betray
- murder
- enslave
the Christians whenever they could.
By joining forces with the Muslims, the Jews were everywhere victorious while standing in their traditional position safely behind the king as a “tick behind the ear,” protected by the king while sucking the blood of the king’s people.
In the second place, the Muslims were primarily illiterate camel jockeys.
They needed helpers who could read and write and who could add numbers higher than their ten fingers.
And when the numbers consisted of huge quantities of gold and silver and booty and slaves, the Jews were eager to volunteer for the job under Muslim authority.
Slavery increased as the Muslims captured peoples who had a higher moral conviction than the scummy Arabs and who preferred death as a slave than eternal damnation as a Muslim.
Once again, the Jews were eager for dealing in slaves because:
- The Jews were already in the slave business.
- Slaves were gotten for free or for cheap and sold across their international slave markets from Europe to India and North Africa.
Negro Readers should again understand that these were:
- Caucasian
- Slavic
- Mediterranean
and Alpine slaves, not Negroes.
And the Jews were the primary slave drivers because they were the only slave drivers between Christendom and Islam.
Once Islam arose, the Jews had the monopoly on slaves and everything else.
So, the Jews were very enthusiastic about promoting Islam to the world, especially because Islam helps the Jews to destroy Christianity, while enriching the Jews.
There were no harems in Arabia before Muhammad.
But after so many Muslims had been killed in war, leaving wives and families alone; and after so many women had been captured into Muslim sex slavery, harems became a way for feeding the Muslim women and keeping them producing more baby thieves and cut-throats while gratifying the Muslim male’s goat-humper lusts with the enslaved captives.
Muslim soldiers knew their families would be taken care of by the Umma (Muslim Brotherhood) if they were killed.
This increased morale.
And being able to have sex as many as four wives at once as well as with all of the slave girls and little boys and sheep and goats that he could capture, the Arabs were enthusiastic in spreading their filthy, piratical faith to other lands through warfare.
But who, in fact, was the greater devil?
The Jews lent money, sold material, drove the slaves and profited from war while keeping themselves safe by avoiding it; while the Muslims went to battle hoping to kill as many non-Muslims as possible, gain as much wealth as possible and then getting themselves killed so that they could go see Muhammad’s promise of Paradise for themselves.
The Jews and Muslims were two of a kind; both Semitic frauds of various lethalities.
But which one was the evilest between those two Semitic hoaxes?
Corrupted by the Jewish lies of the Hebrew Bible; mislead by the “leaven of the Pharisees” in the Pauline version of Christianity, twisted by epileptic seizures and delusions of grandeur, Muhammad became a valuable pawn for the Monsters of Babylon.
With the Muslim werewolves ravaging the civilized world, the Jewish merchants and moneylenders positioned themselves for more profits than they had ever before realized in their 3,500 years of:
- larceny
- loan-sharking
- slavery
- warfare
and murder.
Muhammad’s clever hoax for obtaining the respect, the wealth and the submission of those who had looked down upon him as an orphan boy, had become a well-organized, militarily enforced, religious, Semitic gangsterism.
It was very similar to Judaism and based upon it.
The mendacious Semites had managed to deceive Mankind yet again by lying about God.
Offering the Devil’s Truth, Muhammad threatened to kill anyone who didn’t also believe in his own:
- gap toothed
- henna-dyed
- red bearded
- philandering
- sheep-molesting
- ruthless
and cruel wonderfulness, all wrapped up in women’s clothes and stinking of camel dung covered over with women’s perfume.
That was the “prophet” of the Arabians.
True, Muhammad (mhrh) was only a little monster compared with the Jews.
But he was a little monster with a sulfurous, demonic bite.
Muhammad was an Arabian werewolf whose bite turned ordinary people into raving lunatics just like himself, causing them to believe that they would go to paradise if they:
- murdered
- raped
- pillaged
their neighbors and then, in their rabid mania, putting the bite on their neighbors’ necks with a sword and turning them into more:
- marauding
- murdering
- maniac
Thus, when the legions of Muslim werewolves began howling to the Moon God and casting their covetous and murderous glare across the Straits of Gibraltar towards Europe, they found the treacherous and willing, greedy and grasping claws of the Jews, fervently waiting to assist them in plundering and murdering the Visigoth Christians of Spain.
To the horribly cruel, rapacious and thieving Muslim werewolves, the Jews enthusiastically offered their “Jewish Loyalty.”
By betraying the Christians of Spain to the Muslims, the Jews gained for themselves the wealth of Europe.