History is the Truth that they want you to remember.
Legends are the Truth that they pushed too far.
Myths are the Truth that they want you to forget.
There is Truth, in all things.

Once you cross that threshold, where you see the occult [hidden] communication that they use, you see it everywhere because it IS everywhere.

What was once subliminal becomes open, right there staring you in the face – like wearing, permanent, They Live glasses.
The irony is that most ancient symbols are Pagan, but they have been hijacked by a certain breakaway civilization & have been used for their own purposes.
Even the history of the symbols haven been contorted & changed to benefit their own history.
Take for example 666, Star of “David”, Swastika, even the Freemason “G” symbol – all Pagan.
Fun fact, Freemasonry was once just Masonry (before the aristocrats) & thousands of years before that, it was called Crata Repoa – an ancient Egyptian (Pagan) Sun Cult.
In 1776, 2 months before another “revolution” in yet another rising nation, a certain group infiltrated Freemasonry for the final time & forever changed that Secret Society – thus infecting the “Illuminati”, as well – which started off Pagan/Gentile/Goyim controlled.
Our founding fathers were ALL against this group that had tentacles all over the world, especially Europe.
But this new land, was marked by the Knights Templar long before Columbus arrived.
The plot to build a New Atlantis (which the breakaway civilization descended from) was in play.
The chance to build another Empire within a new Gentile nation.
But sadly, like many host nations, that nation was quietly & secretly taken over, from the very beginning.

How does Russia feel about having their identity erased & scattered in their own diaspora over the centuries, through a series of wars that were instigated by the same group that creates ALL wars & conflicts.
The last Russian Czar’s bloodline was a Gentile dynasty that dated back to the Viking era.
One Gentile nation that is enemies with many Gentile nations – all being controlled from within, by the same group that is causing all the chaos & bloodshed in the world.
One Gentile nation cut into pieces & scattered into the wind to form other Gentile nations with the same ancestry – yet conditioned to fear & reject their neighbors.
Communism is a program that was forced upon the Russians that quietly spread across the world because that’s what the NWO bound group that created it, wanted to accomplish.
Communism is just Christianity without Christ, who is merely a thoughtform that is powered by the psychic energy of more than 50% of the world following the desert Abrahamic religions that again, were created by the breakaway civilization we all know – who stole everything they came across & were expulsed out of practically every Gentile nation – yet they prevailed & secretly took over many of the same nations, via bloodlines & secret societies.
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