by Robert J. Burrowes on January 28, 2023, from GlobalResearch Website
About the Author
Robert has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a geopolitical analyst since 1971.
Robert J. Burrowes, Author at Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Since becoming a nonviolent activist in 1981, he has been involved in many nonviolent action campaigns and been arrested for nonviolent acts of conscience about 30 times.
He is the author of The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach and ‘Why Violence?’
The strategy of nonviolent defense: a Gandhian approach – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
His email address is [email protected] and his website is here.
He is a regular contributor to “Global Research”.
My father was a Coastwatcher during World War II and while he survived the war, both of his brothers were killed.
My Brothers | The Last Coastwatcher (wordpress.com)
Montevideo Maru (Japanese: もんてびでお丸) was a merchant ship of the Empire of Japan. Launched in 1926, it was pressed into service as a military transport during World War II. It was sunk by the American submarine USS Sturgeon on 1 July 1942, drowning 1,054 people, mostly Australian prisoners of war and civilians who were being transported from Rabaul, the former Australian territory of New Guinea, to Hainan. The sinking is considered the worst maritime disaster in Australia’s history. The wreck of the Montevideo Maru was discovered on 18 April 2023.
His older brother, Bob, was killed when the unmarked and unescorted Japanese POW ship, Montevideo Maru, was torpedoed by the USS Sturgeon off the coast of the Philippines on 1 July 1942.
USS Sturgeon (SS-187), a Salmon-class submarine, was the second ship of the United States Navy to be named for the sturgeon. Her 1944 sinking of the Japanese troopship Toyama Maru, killing more than 5,000 Japanese, was one of the highest death tolls from the sinking of a single ship in history. Her 1942 sinking of the Montevideo Maru which, unknown to crew on the Sturgeon, was carrying over 1,000 POWs, was the worst maritime disaster in Australian history.
Bob had been captured during the fall of Rabaul five months earlier.
Battle of Rabaul (1942) – Wikipedia
Dad’s twin brother, Tom, was shot down over Rabaul on 14 December 1943.
It was his first mission.
As a child, my father took my brother and me to an annual service at the Shrine of Remembrance to commemorate the death of his brothers.
The Shrine of Remembrance (commonly referred to as The Shrine) is a war memorial in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, located in Kings Domain on St Kilda Road. It was built to honour the men and women of Victoria who served in World War I, but now functions as a memorial to all Australians who have served in any war. It is a site of annual observances for Anzac Day (25 April) and Remembrance Day (11 November) and is one of the largest war memorials in Australia.
Shrine of Remembrance – Wikipedia
Answering the question,
“Why do human beings kill each other?”
so that I might know how to end it, became my life passion.
But my investigation was still young when my search led me into a ‘minefield’ of issues and complexities.
Surely someone already had the answer.
Where was it?
In the field of history, religion, politics, economics, sociology or psychology?
All of these? Somewhere else?
And was there a common thread explaining the violence of war and the violence of racism and the starvation the newspapers told me was happening in Africa?
And would any ‘common thread’ explain destruction of the environment too?
Where should I investigate first?
Unfortunately, but instructively, teachers at school and then University all had different answers to my fundamental question.
And none of them felt compelling to me.
Clearly, I consciously conceded after a few years, the answer to my question was not as simple as posing the question had been.
And, it seemed, I needed a much clearer sense of how the world worked.
Charles Wright Mills (August 28, 1916 – March 20, 1962) was an American sociologist, and a professor of sociology at Columbia University from 1946 until his death in 1962. Mills published widely in both popular and intellectual journals, and is remembered for several books, such as The Power Elite, White Collar: The American Middle Classes, and The Sociological Imagination. Mills was concerned with the responsibilities of intellectuals in post–World War II society, and he advocated public and political engagement over disinterested observation. One of Mills’s biographers, Daniel Geary, writes that Mills’s writings had a “particularly significant impact on New Left social movements of the 1960s era.” It was Mills who popularized the term New Left in the U.S. in a 1960 open letter, “Letter to the New Left”.
A political sociology class I attended in 1971 referenced a book written by C. Wright Mills:
The power elite – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
If nothing else, reading this book made me realize that the world did not work as I had been taught.
So, I now sought to answer the question “Why Violence?” with an awareness of my need to understand, far more deeply, how the world really worked.
And so, with the benefit of more than 50 years of investigation behind me, when prominent global and national figures started expressing concern about the threat supposedly posed by a novel Coronavirus in early 2020, some brief research soon revealed that there was no documented scientific proof that a unique ‘virus’ had been isolated, and it was just the latest medical hoax to be perpetrated on humanity.
The Coronavirus & the “Fear Factor” – Library of Rickandria
From there, it was an easy step to identify and comprehend the basic components of this latest (technocratic) stage in the Elite program to impose control over all humanity.
We Are Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey – Library of Rickandria
Still, after nearly three years, it felt like it was time to spell out, more fully, how what is happening now had a 5,000 year ‘lead time’.
So, this is my attempt to do so.
I thank Anita McKone, my lovely wife, fellow nonviolent activist and cofounder of “We Are Human, We Are Free”, for her thoughtful suggestions to improve the original draft of this investigation.
We Are Human, We Are Free (wearehumanwearefree.org)
I extend my gratitude to Professor Michel Chossudovsky, whose investigative capacities, insight and courage has ensured the incredible value of his own contributions in exposing the Elite program but also in making ‘Global Research’ the premier news/analysis site for those resisting the ‘Great Reset‘ and its Fourth Industrial Revolution, transhumanist and eugenicist components.
And I thank my parents, Beryl and James Burrowes, both veterans of World War II and 99 years of age, for their unfailing love and support no matter where my investigation and nonviolent actions take me.
Interview: Beryl | The Last Coastwatcher (wordpress.com)
According to a video published by the World Economic Forum in 2016, by 2030
“You’ll Own Nothing.
And You’ll Be Happy.”
World Economic Forum | 404: Page cannot be found (weforum.org)
Clearly, if this prediction is to come true, then many things must happen.
Let me identify why the World Economic Forum believes it will happen and then investigate these claims.
Among other questions, I will examine whether those who will own nothing will include the Rothschild, Rockefeller and other staggeringly wealthy families.
Or, perhaps, whether they just mean people like you and me.
In fact, a primary intention behind the Elite’s ongoing technocratic coup, initiated in January 2020, is to kill off a substantial proportion of the human population, fundamentally reshape world order including by turning those humans left alive into transhuman slaves, drive the global economy to collapse and implement the final redistribution of global wealth from everyone else to this Elite.
21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order – Library of Rickandria
Let me start with the briefest of histories so that what is happening can be understood as the ultimate conclusion of a long-standing agenda, identify who I mean by the ‘Global Elite’ (and its agents), then present the evidence to explain how this is happening and, most importantly, a comprehensive strategy to defeat it.
Global Elite: The Transnational Capitalist Class – Library of Rickandria
Needless to say, in the interests of keeping this study manageable, many critical historical events – including how imperialism and colonialism, the international slave trade, a great number of wars and coups, Wall Street support for the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 and precipitation of the Great Depression in 1929, were used to advance the Elite program – are not addressed in this investigation.
The Jewish Takeover of Russia – Library of Rickandria
But for accounts of the latter two events which provide evidence consistent with the analysis offered below, see Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution and The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.
Eustace Mullins was an Anti – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter I: A Brief Economic History – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter II: Who Is the Global Elite and How Does It Operate? – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter III: The US Federal Reserve System – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter IV: The Bank for International Settlements – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter V: World War II and What Followed – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter VI: The Post World War II Superstructure to Transform World Order, Destroy the World Economy and Capture All Wealth – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter VII: The Coup de Grâce: The Great Reset – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter VIII: Collapsing the Global Economy – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter IX: The Rothschilds and Transhumanism – Library of Rickandria
- Historical Analysis of the Global Elite – Chapter X: So, What Can We Do About This? – Library of Rickandria
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