Unfortunately, this phenomenon is extremely common anymore due to the fact Gentiles have been enslaved by Jewish programs which have taken us over culturally.

Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
This tactic is common also in war, removing the native culture of one’s enemies.
Names and even surnames of Jews like:
- Goldman
- Silverman
- Greene
and so forth are common Jewish names and due to extensive, centuries old use from Jews, these are now officially stolen.

Stolen from the Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
The same goes for other traditional names like Zimmerman or Stein, both of which are normal Germanic surnames and can be 100% Gentile in many cases, having people who may not be Jewish at all having these names.
Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
This case is largely because the Christian church proselytized Jews to put them under its political control and further their infiltration into Gentile society and made them convert.
Christian Program & Purpose – Library of Rickandria
As such many Jews from as many as 1000 years earlier have adopted or had their names changed into Gentile Names.
How the Jews Deceive the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria
Alternatively, this went the other way with many Gentiles also getting Jewish names.

Pagan Programs Before the Jewish Infiltration – Library of Rickandria
People can be named Rafael, or David, or Jesus and all these names which are Jewish and biblical.

The Truth About the Bible – Library of Rickandria
The reality of even these is that these also are even in themselves stolen.
Exposing the Old Testament – Library of Rickandria
My assumption for David is that for example it’s a gross theft of the Babylonian name Damuzid, which has to do with the Sumerian Tammuz.
Sumer & the Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria
Tammuz is also a month in the Hebrew calendar.
In other words, even these names are perversions.
Even names like Paul or other said names are said to be names of biblical characters, but these are all fictive and stolen from local territories.
Exposing the New Testament – Library of Rickandria
If the fictive apostles have names, they would be like Moshe Levi or something like Jimmy Cohen.

Names like Levi and Cohen, such as Greenbaum, tend to 9.9 out of 10 times represent Jews.
Certain names have been completely taken over.
The Work of Miles Mathis – Library of Rickandria
Hardly ever it is possible you will meet a Gentile named Cohen.
But with Stein in Germany, chances are high one may be German.
THE ORIGINS OF ASSYRIA & GERMANY – Library of Rickandria
Jews casually also change to names which are beyond suspicion such as names like Smith.
Smith is an English name resulting from the common occupation of being a steel smith or blacksmith.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR – Library of Rickandria
Many of these infiltrators have other secret names and these are also straight from Israel, no different than spies.

The Modern State of Israel: A Hegelian Paradigm – Library of Rickandria
Other names like Mary which are extremely common can be understood in the context of the Ancient Greek from things that were stolen, as are all the apostolic names.
The Immaculate Deception – Library of Rickandria
Mary is a real common name.
Mary’s Hebrew name Miriam is a normal local Levantine name, while her title as the mom of the Rabbi Yeshu is called Panagia which is a corruption to the Greek Pangaea which deals with the planet earth or has a more maternal meaning such as the womb of the earth, related more distantly to the concept of mother earth.
A perfectly Pagan concept.
The Jews Have Cursed Gentiles to Death – Library of Rickandria
Infiltrator Jesus’s title is Christos which is just a generic title which means “Anointed one”, as in initiate in the Mysteries.
The Truth About “Jesus Christ” – Library of Rickandria
The real name of this Jew historically was merely the Hebrew Yeshu or Yeshuah, and later they also washed it out as Emmanuel which is another Hebrew title.
The relation here is stolen, those of mortal birth from birth, ascend to Godhead by initiation.
Reaching the Godhead – Library of Rickandria
Normal Pagan widely understood concepts, turned into Jewish worthless rabbinical drivel.
Knowing the Jews from their own Writings & Quotes: Deep Dive Version – Library of Rickandria
Turned to naught and deadly nonsense.
Anne is another common name which the Jews have stolen from Astarte, whose name is, Inanna.
They put this in the Bible as Hannah.
The Bible: A Jewish Conspiracy & Hoax on the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria
This is only one example.
Other blatant Biblical names which are glaring theft are names like Japeth which in Greek is the titan Lapetos.
The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft – Library of Rickandria
The modern stage of Georgia in the United States comes from the Greek Georgios which means land caretaker, land cultivator.
Then you have Saint George which slays the dragon and the ground, a subliminal to the purpose of the name George linked to cultivation.
Evidence that YHWH was a Dragon – Library of Rickandria
The general prefix the Jew use in a lot of things is ending in names like El, which was a proto-Canaanite generic word for light, and in itself held no negative essence.
The Soul IS Light – Library of Rickandria
As time went on, Jews stole it fully and exclusively since the Canaanites were displaced and lost their culture over the years.
Jews stole and incorporated this.
How sick this race is, and how theft oriented, is shown in that always after their theft they pretend that things always were their own.
The Reptilian Origins of the Jews – Library of Rickandria
After people take them in, they steal their culture, make an amalgam of it, and curse them until they are all dead and their symbols end up in Hebraic theft culture.
Relentless Problems with the Jews Go Back for Thousands of Years – Library of Rickandria
For example, RA in Hebrew means evil, and HaRa in Hebrew means evil and darkness.
HaRa is also related to the Evil Eye and misfortune.
In Ancient Greek which was a rivalling culture it means joy and happiness, while in Egyptian the Eye or Ra or Horus Ra is a most sublime and divine symbol of eternal light.
Predating Jews by thousands and thousands of years.
Other words that experienced the same downfall were words like Demon, meaning God and Beneficiary Spirit, in Ancient Greek.
Christian Demons: The Pagan Gods of Hell – Library of Rickandria
Nowadays Demon during the Jewish reign means all the evil things.
Angel, stolen from the Greek Angelos, is another theft of the word for the generic messenger.
The Truth About Angels – Library of Rickandria
In Hebrew angels are called “Malachim”, which is another direct theft of the Syrian and Middle Eastern word Malach which means again spirit or broadly what we refer to as a being of light.
As such Satan was named Melek which is related to the Malach, Melek Taus or Leading Peacock “Angel”.
The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria
This theft and defamation are never ending and has a lot of dimensions.
For infiltration purposes they change their names and ID to create confusion and relative terms to the people they try to subjugate.
Then intermingling creates confusion.
Religiously they steal and reverse meanings, or still and pervert and keep intact only insofar as to curse them or derail them.
Satan of course is another example of the same theft, from the Hindu and earlier Indo-European word for Satya, or Satyan, meaning:
- Truth
- Truthful
- Honest
and in meditational concepts the very concepts of Truth perception from the enlightenment resulting from meditational practice.
Satanism: Far East Origins – Library of Rickandria
As this emerges from the serpentine practices, Satan also has been given the evil form of the so called “evil serpent”.
Name of Satan – Library of Rickandria
Even in this context the evil Satan only gives insight and knowledge to Mankind.
Who is Satan to the Jews? – Library of Rickandria
Total straight up slander about the greatest good being portrayed as the greatest evil.
As the Jews are a conspirator tribe against humanity, they hate and vilify this concept of direct knowing and Truth.
Torah: Breakaway Civilization Exposed – Library of Rickandria
Of course, after these are stolen, there is a systematic attempt to replace culture completely.
What once was high spiritual virtue and power is now called “evil”.
The Jews repay those whom they steal all this with:
- genocide
- lies
- permanent ethnic replacement
Jews Have Cursed the Black Race – Library of Rickandria
There is obvious proof of their hate and war, and of their hostility towards Gentiles other than this.
Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
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