A lot of good:
- videos
- memes
- images
& information can be found in the different threads of 4chan.

Unfortunately, a lot worse can be seen at that website as well.

(an American registered LLC)
the cesspool of the Internet, would be an understatement.
James W. Macfarlane is the only employee listed for the LLC.
His pseudonym is SwagLord.
He’s not the only paid employee of 4chan LLC.
The 4chan moderation are the owners of 4chan.
Namely, RapeApe (GrapeApe) is the head of the 4chan moderation.
He is the person deciding what will and will not be moderated.
He is the person who prevents the moderation from moderating.
He’s also the person responsible for protecting the sexual predators on 4chan.
He’s actively receiving money directly from China and Tencent using Smile for intermediaries.
The Jewish Takeover of China – Library of Rickandria
Yes, he’s a pedophile enabler and a traitor, receiving money from a foreign enemy country to sell access to 4chan user base.
Hiro is not the owner of 4chan LLC.

He is the face of the moderation so the moderation can hide their activities.
Will 4Chan’s Shady New Owner Weaponize It? (thedailybeast.com)
Meet Hiroyuki Nishimura, the Bad Boy of the Japanese Internet | WIRED
Meet Hiroyuki Nishimura, the Bad Boy of the Japanese Internet (archive.org)
Hiro is a sellout traitor living in Paris, the multicultural epicenter of the world.
He is receiving money from Tencent and the DoD.
Abib is the real administrator of 4chan.
He’s a known pedophile and sexual predator and he’s guilty of protecting and abating sexual predator activities.
Hunter is the /b/ head moderator.
He is a pedophile and a groomer using his position as excuse for his child porn collection and habit.
He actively uses his position to frame and entrap underage himself.
Kami, is an active pedophile moderating /lgbtqp/ and is actively using 4chan to frame entrap and groom the underage.

Jewish Control of Gay Rights – Library of Rickandria
The 4chan moderation refuse to apply 4chan’s own rules.
They don’t enforce their age limitation.
They don’t enforce the content rules.
They protect the accounts that use psychological warfare against the 4chan user base.
Investigate 4chan LLC.!
Jail Hiro and RapeApe.
Martin Schwimmer is the 4chan LLC. lawyer.

[Martin Schwimmer is a partner in the Trademark and Copyright Practice Group at Leason Ellis. He has been practicing IP law for over thirty years. Marty counsels ventures of any size from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies.]
Martin Schwimmer – Leason Ellis
Here is his email:
[email protected]
Please ask Mr. Schwimmer where the money is coming from.
“An insider’s history of the website at the end of the world, which burst into politics and memed Donald Trump into the White House. The internet has transformed the ways we think and act, and by consequence, our politics. The most impactful recent political movements on the far left and right started with massive online collectives of teenagers. Strangely, both movements began on the same website: an anime imageboard called 4chan. org. It Came from Something Awful is the fascinating and bizarre story of 4chan and its profound effect on youth counterculture. Dale Beran has observed the website’s shifting activities and interests since the beginning. 4chan is a microcosm of the internet itself—simultaneously at the vanguard of contemporary culture, politics, comedy and language, and a new low for all of the above. It was the original meme machine, mostly frequented by socially awkward and disenfranchised young men in search of a place to be alone together. During the recession of the late 2000’s, the memes became political. 4chan was the online hub of a leftist hacker collective known as Anonymous and a prominent supporter of the Occupy Wall Street movement. But within a few short years, the site’s ideology spun on its axis; it became the birthplace and breeding ground of the alt-right. In It Came from Something Awful, Beran uses his insider’s knowledge and natural storytelling ability to chronicle 4chan’s strange journey from creating rage-comics to inciting riots to—according to some—memeing Donald Trump into the White House.”
Jews on the Internet: ZOMG!! Y1d5 Ru|3!!!! – Library of Rickandria
OMG, A Jewish History of the Internet – Library of Rickandria
The Jewish Hand Behind the Internet: Wikipedia – Library of Rickandria
SoSHHial Media: The Jewish Hand Behind the Internet – Library of Rickandria