Matthew 7 lists a variety of the sayings of Jesus.
The people were amazed:
“because he taught them with authority, and not like their own scribes.” (Mat 7:29)
Matthew 7 (KJV) – For he taught them as
Remember, the people were overwhelmingly illiterate, and the scribes would read the Hebrew Bible as if they were knowledgeable teachers when in fact, they were nothing by mimics, reading the stolen knowledge written there and claiming it as their own teaching.
The scribes merely read the lying fables of the Hebrew Bible – The Greatest Lie Ever Told.
Jesus taught from true wisdom while the Scribes and Pharisee Jews taught the lies found in their books.
Jesus taught from the true wisdom of his heart and from his direct knowledge of God, a knowledge that he had discovered through prayer and meditation, not through the empty rituals of the Jews.
There is no god in the Hebrew Bible; you find God by searching for Him within yourself and within the world.