Our energy bleeds into less dense realities.

The reptilian state of being is a low vibration.

Is “They Live” Actually a Documentary About the Reptilian Conspiracy?

They use us as low energy producers for subsistence.

They Live in John Carpenter’s Own Words

To stay in this realm, they need a lower vibration.

Drinking human blood helps them to stay here longer, but not indefinitely.

They also eat brain parts.

They prefer children because they aren’t full of poisons.

The Winged Dracos are the ruling reptilians.

They are full blooded reptilians.

The Pindar is the Pinnacle of the Draco.

Queen Elizabeth II has died – BBC News

They consume negative energy for food such as:

  • fear
  • jealousy
  • anger

The world’s 13 ruling families have the most reptilian blood.

The upper class right below them are also reptilian human hybrids.

You can spot them by their piercing eyes and lack of emotion.

They are also very smart.

They maintain tyrannical control over the population, poisoning our food water and air supply making us easier to control.

POPULATION CONTROL – Library of Rickandria

Elections are based on the highest percentage of reptilian genes.

European Royal Bloodline of the American Presidents – Library of Rickandria

Full blooded reptilians send vibrations which alter the human mind.

While most hybrids aren’t even aware they are reptilian.

We don’t use our brains to full capacity because our DNA has been altered, limiting our consciousness to 3D.

We were:

With an advanced worldwide civilization.

Now by the drawing of arbitrary country lines we are in a confined prison system that we aren’t even aware of.

We are genetically altered receivers of information which influences our perception of reality but our influence on their reality is also very powerful.

Reality exists in our minds, because that’s where photons encoded with information penetrate our DNA & stimulate the visual center of the brain.

Our vibrational realm is alien to reptilians.

They need to periodically return to their density to replenish and reharmonize themselves.

Our human bodies are their spacesuits.

Roddy Piper Admits They live is a documentary

Their harmonic resonance is starting to thin & our ability to manifest our desires is becoming easier.

Fix your gaze on the black dot on the left side of the image below, after reading the directions below.

As you gaze at the left dot, try to answer this question:

In what direction is the object on the right moving?

Is it drifting diagonally, or is it moving up and down?

Remember, focus on the dot on the left.

Courtesy of Patrick Cavanagh

“Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here’s what that means, and why it matters. | Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute (stanford.edu)

Reptilians fear that humans will once again expand their state of awareness beyond mind & into Consciousness.

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