The strength of one’s mind is also very crucial in spell working.

WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rickandria
You cannot just idly repeat affirmations and let your mind wander.
This drastically waters down anything you are trying to accomplish.
The focused mind is like a laser.
Scattered energy that is diffused accomplishes little if anything.
This comes with:
- time
- patience
- persistence
Do not become discouraged.
Is Time an Illusion? NO! – Library of Rickandria
Through consistently applying your mind, your focus will improve.

Some people such as those with a strong Scorpio emphasis or Mercury/Pluto aspects come by this naturally.
Other people have to work at it, but everyone starts somewhere.
(The planetary above, comes from work done in past lives.)
There will be times when you have more trouble than usual when focusing your mind but finish the working anyway.
For significant workings, each should be done every day for 40 days.
40 is the number of Satan, as is the number 9; 108 [beads in the Satanic rosary]; [1 + 0 + 8 = 9].
The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria
These numbers are very ancient and important, as they carry a special vibration.
Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important – Library of Rickandria
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