As it is the most recent, everything that revolves around theories about COVID, the manipulation and planning of it may not be true and we may not be able to conclude anything.
From my perspective, there are a few things that are evident which we can at least comment on:
The use of masks
Okay, let’s say it’s true that the virus is ultra-contagious, and no one is spared, but with the use of masks this would be reduced to almost 0 percent.
Well, it doesn’t make sense to me.
Even though the use of masks is nothing new, since it is very common in medical centers, now the entire world population has the same fear:
if I don’t use it, I may catch it, so I be er use it (even if I don’t want to) so I don’t catch it.
Next thing you know:
The mask verse is the same as trying to cover the sun with a finger.
It is the external solution to a fear that is inside.
Social distancing
As the social beings that we are, the fact of relating with others and sharing quality time has very positive effects on our organism.
There are studies that indicate that by simply giving a hug we already feel more relaxed, gain more confidence and reduce stress.
Why would we stop doing something that seems to have such good effects on our health?
I was one of those who was initially very sympathetic to all the ideas of distancing.
I became obsessed with washing my hands every time I touched something and even started missing important gatherings of loved ones to be “careful” not to catch it.
Fortunately for me, I moved on and realized that I was just being afraid.
It helped me to accept that everything is perfect just the way it is.
Since the problem appeared, this has always been the most desired and expected solution by the majority.
Again, an external solution to an internal problem.
For me, it was funny to see how they launched a vaccine and a little later they said that another dose had to be given because the previous one was not so efficient.
And then those who ran after the one that seemed to be better.
Many times, I came to wonder,
“Seriously no one questions this?”
I could understand that many people may have had no choice at the time and just went along with the process without being a part of it, but others, other people went crazy to get vaccinated.
I will discuss this tool in more detail in the next few pages.
From the external solution to an internal problem and our mental power in this process.
The newscasts
If you look closely at the news and even more so at the news that was related to COVID and the pandemic, it was hard not to notice how blatant and exaggerated they were being.
All they were doing was saying that people were dying from this virus and that the only thing that was happening was that its spread was increasing.
Apparently, for a long time no one else was dying from anything other than COVID.
Not only that, but they always justify that they don’t tell the whole truth so as,
“Not to cause panic.”
but with the pandemic it was just the opposite.
The market and the economy
I remember at the time I was analyzing the financial markets and speculating on the buying and selling of world currencies to make money on the transactions.
Although I was not doing well, I was very much into world news as it is the news that most affects the market which is pure collective emotionality.
Back then it was part of my day-to-day life to consume news and be aware of what was going on financially in the world.
Firsthand, I saw for years how manipulated the economy is from the inside.
How they continually manipulate the price with fake or delayed news to keep accumulating more money and the big companies keep getting richer and richer.
Back then, there was a lot of talk that the markets couldn’t go on like this since they were at their highest point.
That everything that goes up has to come down and that at any moment something would happen.
But of course, everything can’t just fall just like that.
You need some external trigger, like a global catastrophe, to cause a very sharp downward movement.
COVID was the perfect tool.
World population
There was a rumor going around that there were already too many of us on Earth and that a kind of purge was necessary.
And since the virus mainly affects the elderly, who are considered a burden for the economy, the business comes out in a big way.
Create an ultra-contagious virus and generate fear in all the inhabitants to make it even more efficient.
I know this sounds quite cruel, but it has its logic.
At levels we have no idea, everything is nothing more than pure business.
The war between powers
Shortly before the pandemic broke out, things between the US and China were very tense.
It is said that it was actually planned by the US as a strategic move for economic purposes because China is on its way to becoming the world’s greatest power, if it is not already.
So, by planting this virus there, which we know has the main characteristic of being highly contagious, all products exported by China are going to be considered as dangerous so their income would be reduced.
(This was more in the beginning; things have changed since then).
Also, there are others who say that in reality China was the one who created this virus to make some important economic movements, such as taking over large U.S. companies located in their country and that were greatly affected by the emergence of the pandemic.
Undoubtedly, this is a truth that is beyond the information we can gather, but there is a catch.
I believe that it is not a question of looking for a culprit here, but of knowing how easily we can be manipulated and deceived by generating massive fear in all of us.
The acceleration of digital
It was evident that the avalanche of technology and remote work was coming, but with the quarantine the speed with which it was introduced was much faster and more abrupt than people expected.
Many businesses had to close, and many others went bankrupt because they didn’t go digital, or didn’t know how to do it.
All this is what is behind a simple virus, but it is backed by fear.
And using fear as a weapon of manipulation is nothing new either.
The church has been doing it since its beginnings, telling us that there are capital sins which lead you straight to hell.
Our mind is unconsciously programmed to avoid pain.
This leads us to move more out of fear than out of love.
So, if all we see outside are contagions and deaths, the seed of fear begins to increase until we reach a point where we do not doubt that all this is true.
I’m not saying it’s false either.
People get infected and people also die, but they are still individual and whole beliefs.
One with all and all with the whole.
So, you may be wondering, should I completely ignore what is going on in the world?
Not necessarily.
I believe that within this world there are several worlds.
Your mind is one, for example, as well as that of your neighbor, your partner or your parents.
Each person inhabits his own reality, and it is from there that he creates and contributes to reality as a whole.
That is why you do not need to ignore the rest; it is enough to become aware of yourself.
How would you apply this to the pandemic and everything that happens?
If we are told to wear a mask, wear it simply to follow the patterns, but not to believe that the mask is the solution.
If they tell you that you have to get vaccinated to continue working or doing X thing, do it if you have no other choice, but knowing that the vaccine is not the solution either.
Whoever knows the fear of people, becomes the master of their souls. – Anonymous
I could go on.
But then, what is the solution?
Knowing that there is no problem.
That there are simply beliefs.
If there is no problem, you don’t need a solution.
So, without the need to solve something you don’t focus on the problem, you focus on continuing to live your life.
Another way to look at the rules imposed on us is to do the opposite.
If you are told to isolate yourself, not to hug, fist bump or wash your hands at every moment, do the opposite.
Bond, hug a lot, hold hands tightly and joyfully, and wash your hands if you want to.
What do I mean?
Do nothing out of fear.
Do what you really want to do but be aware of your emotion behind it.
You can isolate yourself out of love too.
You cannot hug because you simply don’t feel like it or fist bump because it is more fun for you.
We can see everything in many ways, and none will be right or wrong except the one that resonates with you.
With your essence, not with your fear of something happening to you.
All of this now allows us to talk about the mental power we all have.
The cure is closer than you think
At some point in your life have you ever said something like,
“I’m going to take this because it’s good for me”
“I always feel better when I do such and such.”
That was nothing more than yourself conditioning your body to react in a certain way when performing a specific action.
Something like the placebo effect:
your words and thoughts about something conditioning the effect it may or may not produce.
The placebo effect, although not much talked about, is one of those most incredible mysteries that concerns us all, because we all live it and use it without even knowing it.
A great book that you can read and become much more informed on the subject is “You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter” by Doctor Joe Dispensa.
You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
To explain in a few words the placebo effect we could say the following:
If you go to the doctor’s office and they tell you that X medication works for what is happening to you at that moment, you believe them.
How could you doubt it?
Well, what if the medicine, instead of containing chemical properties, was simply sugar wrapped in a pill?
In other words, you are given the same medicine, but in reality, what it contains is something that you consume every day, and you do not associate healing properties with it.
Do you think it would produce the same effect as a real medicine?
Well, it has been proven that it does.
The simple fact that the patient believes that he is going to be cured by what he ingests, he is cured.
This is because we gave an order to our mind, and it is convinced that it will be so.
There is no doubt that what the doctor is giving him is something that will do him good.
And while this may seem like a deception from you to your mind, the opposite is actually true.
A study was conducted where patients were told that they were going to take sugar pills but that it would have the same positive effect on their health as taking the drug, and the results were positive:
patients improved even though they knew they were taking a placebo.
There is a very famous story of Mr. Wright, who was diagnosed with cancer in 1957 and given only a few days to live.
Hospitalized in Long Beach, California, with tumors the size of oranges, he learned that a horse serum, krebiozen, had been discovered that could be effective against cancer.
His doctor, Philip West, agreed to administer it to him on a Friday afternoon.
The following Monday, outside his “deathbed,” the patient joked with the nurses, and days later found that the tumors,
“Had melted like snowballs.”
Two months later, Wright read reports calling the serum a quack remedy.
He suffered an immediate relapse.
The doctor then told Wright,
“Don’t believe what you read in the papers,”
and injected him with water, telling him it was a “doubly effective” version of the drug.
Once again, the tumor melted.
Wright was “the spitting image of health” for two more months, until he read a definitive report that the krebiozen was useless.
He died two days later.
Although simple, this story simplifies what I mentioned earlier: your mind has a very great power to both cure you and make you sick.
In the above story it is very clear how the placebo effect works, both for good and bad.
Both to heal and to cure.
Now, let’s look at another experiment focused on the other side of the coin, let’s talk about the nocebo effect.
Illness is an illusion Similar, but in reverse.
Rather, the nocebo effect describes our ability to believe that something will do us wrong and that this becomes our own premonition.
In 1960, a study looked at subjects with asthma.
Researchers gave 40 asthmatic patients inhalers containing nothing but water vapor, but told them they contained allergens or irritants:
9 of them (48 percent) experienced asthmatic symptoms, such as constriction of the airways, and 12 (30 percent) of the group suffered full-blown asthmatic attacks.
The researchers later gave them inhalers telling them that they contained a medicine that relieved their symptoms, and their airways reopened for all of them, even though the inhalers contained only water vapor.
In both situations, that of provoking asthmatic symptoms and that of eliminating them, the patients responded to the suggestion as the researchers implanted the thought in their minds, obtaining exactly the expected effect.
This begs the question:
How suggestible are we?
How much can we modify our state of being?
What prophecies are we creating in our mind that can be fulfilled without us realizing it?
I felt it was important to include this information because it is directly related to COVID and the vaccines that revolve around it.
Of course, the vaccines will do you good if you believe so.
And of course, you will have to give yourself more doses if you are told that one is not enough.
It’s not that what’s out there is true or not, it’s that it’s up to you to decide if it is.
And of course, the opposite is also possible, that you don’t need any vaccine to avoid getting COVID.
But if you choose to believe the story that you do need them, well guess what, you will.
The same thing happens every time you get:
- a headache
- fever
- sickness
If when something like that happens to you the first thing you do is take a medication because it does you good, it will do you good, but always remember, it is because you believe it.
You may also believe that you don’t need any medicine, that the simple act of consciously breathing heals you, or that eating an apple does it.
Whatever you do, the point is that you become aware that the external is the external, it is not you, but it directly influences you because it is you who ultimately decides what effect it will have.
Whether you are aware of this or not, it is what happens.
Globally, if we all believe that there is a virus and it is ultra contagious, we are only being accomplices of our own prophecy.
Now, we cannot change the world reality, but we can change our personal reality and from there, contribute to world change.
If our mind is going to be conditioned, whether we want it to or not, let us at least use it to empower ourselves.
Not to be accomplices of it, but the owners and creators.
In this chapter I am only reminding you with words and deeds something that you live and have lived, but that if you do not change you will continue to live.
To end this chapter, I want to show you 3 fascinating stories of the power of the human mind, just as a bonus for you to remember the mental power you have.
Even if you are not those people, you are also those people.
Fascinating stories of the powers of the mind:
Nina Kulagina, Ninel Sergeyevna Kulagina (Russian: Нине́ль Серге́евна Кула́гина, born Ninel Mikhaylova) (30 July 1926 – 11 April 1990) was a Russian woman who claimed to have psychic powers, particularly in psychokinesis. Academic research of her phenomenon was conducted in the USSR for the last 20 years of her life. Kulagina was suspected of utilizing hidden magnets and threads to perform her feats. She was caught cheating on more than one occasion according to the authors of several books and publications. In 1987, Kulagina sued and won a partial victory in a defamation case brought against a Soviet government magazine that had accused her of fraud.
Nina Kulagina
The seminal event on telekinesis is personified by this Russian citizen, who claimed to have psychic powers.
For this reason, she agreed to conduct her experiments under the supervision of:
- physicists
- doctors
- journalists
At one event, Nina not only managed to raise the objects she had been given.
She also turned the hands of the clock, managed to paralyze the heart of a frog and, through a glance, caused the skin of a volunteer to turn reddish.
None of the spectators could refute her work, so much so that the abilities of this psychic were investigated by the Soviet Union during the last twenty years of the twentieth century.
Joaquín María Argamasilla de la Cerda y Elío (4 April 1905 – 27 May 1987) was a Spanish noble who was the 11th Marquess de Santacara, but he is better known for claiming in the early 1920s a supposed ability to see through opaque objects. Argamasilla convinced important people of the era such as Gustav Geley and Charles Richet of his powers, but he was exposed by Harry Houdini as a fraud in 1924.
Joaquín Argamasilla
In 1923 an extraordinary case was reported in the press.
Joaquín Argamasilla, son of the Marquis of Santa Cara, could see the contents of closed boxes, presupposing in him an extraordinary vision.
Blindfolded, the boy, then 18 years old, was able to read writings inside closed boxes or to tell the exact time of clocks with the lid closed.
Repeated sessions were held at the Marquis’ house under the watchful eye of various authorities:
- notaries
- engineers
- doctors
- physicists
- politicians
- writers
and journalists, which gave the case considerable notoriety.
Ingo Douglas Swann (September 14, 1933 – January 31, 2013) was an American psychic, artist, writer, and former-Scientologist known for being the co-creator, along with Russell Targ and Harold E. Puthoff, of remote viewing, and specifically the Stargate Project.
Ingo Swann
Ingo Swann, who calls himself a consciousness explorer, gained some notoriety among circles interested in the study and testing of such paranormal abilities after he conducted an experiment that involved using his remote viewing to study Jupiter.
Russell Targ (born April 11, 1934) is an American physicist, parapsychologist, and author who is best known for his work on remote viewing. Targ joined Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in 1972, where he and Harold E. Puthoff coined the term “remote viewing” for the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using parapsychological means. Later, he worked with Puthoff on the US Defense Intelligence Agency’s Stargate Project. Targ’s work on remote viewing has been characterized as pseudoscience and has also been criticized for lack of rigor.
This happened in 1973, when Swann proposed to Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff to take advantage of the fact that the Voyager probe would visit the planet in 1979, allowing them to verify the information.
Harold Edward “Hal” Puthoff (born 1936) is an American electrical engineer and parapsychologist.
Among other things, Swann stated that Jupiter had rings around it just like Saturn, which was a matter of scientific discussion at the time and was proven once information was obtained from Voyager.
The experiment led Swann to be contacted by a series of individuals who worked with such secrecy that they never gave him the name of the institution or program to which they belonged, but who proposed to him to use their skills to explore the Moon.
The story is long and complex, but the most important part of the case is that through remote viewing he was able to detect various anomalies on the Moon, including what appeared to be human beings operating on its surface.
Know the Only Truth: The Incomprehensible & Unreal – Library of Rickandria
Know the Only Truth: Pandemic & Our Mental Power (basecamp.com)
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