The Groups doing the banning:

One Parent Got 444 Books Removed from a Wisconsin School District (bookriot.com)
In what might be the single largest book challenge to date, one parent (Melissa Bollinger) submitted complaints about 444 books in Elkhorn Area School District (EASD) in southern Wisconsin.
Due to a policy approved in November 2021 with no comment from the board, all of the books were removed from shelves.
The policy states that any complaint automatically gets a book removed from shelves while it undergoes the review process.
The district has been working to put some titles back on shelves since they were pulled earlier this month, and the policy is being revisited in the next school board meeting.
What groups have sought book bans in Wisconsin schools? Here are four to know. (yahoo.com)

The Books that Have Been Banned:
What books have been banned in Wisconsin school libraries (jsonline.com)
The Public Reaction:
Wisconsin Residents, Advocates React to Removal of Books from Schools (yahoo.com)
The Congress Bills to Ban Books:
Republican bill targets ‘obscene’ materials in Wisconsin school libraries – WPR
These Wisconsin bills take different approaches to book ban activity (usatoday.com)
Wisconsin libraries would have to notify parents about the books their kids check out under GOP proposal – WPR
The Opposition:
ACLU of Wisconsin files records requests with school districts that have banned books – WPR
It’s Spreading through Wisconsin:
Elmbrook Schools to review policy on censored books • Wisconsin Examiner
What Else You Need to Know:
Everything to know about book bans in Wisconsin schools (jsonline.com)
It’s Not Just Wisconsin:

Banned in the USA: The Growing Movement to Ban Books – PEN America

Book Bans Threaten Public Education – Zinn Education Project (zinnedproject.org)
Are they targeting women authors?
11 Frequently Banned Books By Female Writers That You Absolutely Cannot Miss (bustle.com)