“Mathematics, as the basis of all science, is itself a universal symbolism, a language into which all knowledge is eventually translated and rendered communicable. The key to all knowledge is in the science of numbers.” (Sepharial 24)
One symbolizes manifestation, assertion, the ego, selfhood and isolation.
In the philosophical sense, it represents the synthesis and fundamental unity of things.
In a religious sense, it represents the lord. In a material sense, it represents the individual.
It is the symbol of the Sun.
Two symbolizes plus and minus, active and passive, male and female, positive and negative and so on.
It stands for the dualism of manifested life – God and Nature.
It denotes agreement and separation.
Three symbolizes the trinity of life, substance, and intelligence, of force, matter, and consciousness.
The family:
- father
- mother
- child
Four is the number of reality and concretion.
It is the cube or the square.
It symbolizes:
- the cross
- segmentation
- partition
- order
and classification.
Five represents expansion.
It symbolizes:
- inclusiveness
- comprehension
- understanding
- judgment
- reason
and logic.
Six is the number of cooperation.
It symbolizes marriage, a link, and connection.
Six is the inner action of the spiritual and material.
Six also represents:
- art
- music
- dancing
Seven is the number of completion.
It represents:
- time
- space
- duration
and distance.
It also represents:
- old age
- death
- endurance
and immortality.
Eight is the number of dissolution.
It denotes the law of cyclic evolution, the breaking back of the natural to the spiritual.
Nine is the number of regeneration.
A new birth.
It represents:
- spirituality
- premonition
- voyaging
It also represents:
- penetration
- strife
- energy
and anger.
The superficial equivalents of the:
- sphere
- cone
- cube
- the circle
- the triangle
- the square
These figures, used in symbolical thought, represent states of consciousness.
These figures are related to the numbers 1, 3, 4, which denote:
- God
- Humanity
- Nature
One Being is represented as:
- spirit
- soul
- body
All geometrical relations are expressions of numerical ratios.
“…we give natural assent to the power of numbers on which, in the Pythagorean concept, the universe is founded.” (Sepharial 19)
The circles represent the sun and relates the natural aspects with the spiritual.
There is only one sun and therefore, one God who is the universal lord. (The number one.)
Numbers are also associated with colors:
- White
- Yellow or cream
- Violet
- Orange or ruddy gold
- Indigo or dark blue
- Pale blue or turquoise
- Silver or opalescence
- Black or deep brown
- Red or crimson
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