My own Christian mother doesn’t even believe that she has been HOODWINKED & BAMBOOZLED by what’s truly going on in this world.

“They Want Me to STOP Talking About This…” – Paul Wallis Speaks Out

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: The Confusion – Library of Rickandria

She happens to have the same first name of Adolf Hitler’s mother – who was a:

  • quiet
  • sweet
  • affectionate

woman – the same as my mother.

Hitlers-Family-In-Shadow-of-Dictator.mp4 40.9 MB View full-size Download

Hitler’s Family: In the Shadow of the Dictator

My mother’s name is of Latin origin, meaning BRIGHT.

Ironically enough, I was mostly raised (until I went into the U.S. Army at 17) by a German woman, Ute (a name similar to UTU – who was also known as SHAMASH.) whom I loved & also considered to be my mother, who unfortunately passed away on my 49th birthday.

EXTRATERRESTRIALS: Germany’s ET Contacts – Its Legacy in the Twentieth Century & After – Library of Rickandria

Ute is of German origin, meaning HERITAGE.

It is derived from the Old Germanic word “odo,” which means “wealth” or “fortune.”

My birthday happens also to be the U.S. Army’s birthday, June 14th, the same as Donald J. Trump – who was born 28 years before me, under a blood moon.

Miles Williams Mathis: Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish – Library of Rickandria

Donald Trump Babalon Working aka Moonchild

BLOODLINE: Babalon Working Ritual & Aleister Crowley’s Letter to Grady McMurtry On June 14th, 1946 (Trump’s Birth Date) – Library of Rickandria

Ute wasn’t so quiet, sweet nor affectionate, not until the VERY END at least.

TOUGH LOVE, I guess.

So, my mother is being told the same:

  • antiquated
  • psychobabble
  • bullshit
  • rhetoric

LIES that EVERYONE has been told.

RELIGION: Yahweh: The Misunderstood Dragon – Library of Rickandria

RELIGION: Evidence that YHWH was a Dragon – Library of Rickandria

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: YHVH: The Truth About “Yahweh/Jehovah” – Library of Rickandria

RELIGION: IS YOUR GOD A DEVIL? – Library of Rickandria

EXTRATERRESTRIALS: DEMIURGE: Yaldabaoth & the Serpent Race – Library of Rickandria

EXTRATERRESTRIALS: REPTILIAN: The Serpent Race – Library of Rickandria

As for SATAN, identified as ENKI, that is a different ENTITY & BEING all together – the true CREATOR & LIBERATOR of mankind.

They are being educated by more CLUELESS people, about a religion, whose origins they themselves don’t fully COMPREHEND.


BOOK: The Sumerian Swindle: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind – Vol. I – Library of Rickandria

NOBODY understands, not until you start looking into it, as PAUL WALLIS & MANY OTHERS have done – including MYSELF.

She’d rather believe the drivel that she read in a book that was written by an ex-CIA friend of hers, whose disinformation matched her belief system, rather than her own son – where I have spent my ENTIRE life dedicated to this RESEARCH & I am not affiliated with shady elements of the United States Government.

NEW WORLD ORDER: GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE: CIA: Year One – 1947, the Year that Changed Everything – 70 Years On – Library of Rickandria

She, like most CHRISTIANS, are waiting for the RAPTURE – to be saved from an evil world that ultimately, they allowed to be created because of their cognitive dissonance.

Independence Day or “The Rapture?” – Library of Rickandria

She says that her & I are different & I’ll burn in Hell if I don’t accept JESUS CHRIST.

Paul Wallis – Hell in The Bible is NOT What You Think It Is! What Did Jesus Really Say About Hell?



Bastards in the Government & Hollywood think they have me figured out

Miles Williams Mathis: What I Finally Understood about Famous People – Library of Rickandria

The fact is, I am different from EVERYONE – how many other people have been born at a RESEARCH FACILITY BASE, like Aberdeen Proving Ground in 1974, the year that the CIA took over the FBI & gained control of the entire country with Watergate – while there were 5 active Serial Killers running loose in the United States?

Party In the CIA (Parody of “Party in the U.S.A.” by Miley Cyrus) (Official 4K Video) + MIX PLAYLIST

SPIRITUALITY: How to Embrace Being a Lone Wolf & Walk Your OWN Path – Library of Rickandria

There are OTHERS like me, some that I have been fortunate enough to MEET & CONTINUE talking with.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Book of Revelation & the End of Days Messiah – Library of Rickandria

The funny thing is, my mother & I are ultimately on the same page, in the same book but I have the LIBRARY connected to the LIVING LIBRARY.

The Browning – Blue (Da Ba Dee) [Official Music Video]


So, after I dabbled in the occult for much of my life, I became a Born Again Christian for 9 years from 2010 until spring of 2019.

The reason I took in the HOLY SPIRIT & accepted JESUS CHRIST in the first place was because of my FEAR of burning in HELL for an ETERNITY.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Why Jesus was Not a Jew – Library of Rickandria

But then I started questioning the FAITH that I had chosen & started researching beyond the:

Bullshit Instructions Before Leaving Earth

The Anunnaki and the Christian Bible: Did Marduk’s War with Thoth Shape the Old Testament?

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Exposing the Old Testament – Library of Rickandria

to discover TRUTH.

World’s FIRST Bible Reveals GOD is the DEVIL!

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Exposing Spiritual Corruption – Spiritual Alchemy & the Bible – Library of Rickandria

Now, I have my own connection to the CREATOR OF ALL, since I took it upon saving MYSELF by seeking out my HIGHER SELF.

Stabbing Westward – Save Yourself

SEEKING GALZU – Library of Rickandria

It has allowed me to TAP INTO THE ENERGY, that we ALL have access to.

Faith No More – Epic (Official Music Video)

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CONSCIOUSNESS: Consciousness & Human Energy – Library of Rickandria

The fact is, we ALL have the DIVINE SPARK & that sources back to the CREATOR OF ALL.


TRANSMIGRATION: SOULS: What is a Soul Contract? – Library of Rickandria

The CREATOR OF ALL is simply experiencing ITSELF through ALL of the SOULS that EXIST.

TRANSMIGRATION: SOULS: What Are Soul Groups? – Library of Rickandria

But some of those ancient SOULS are just PLAYING GOD.

The 7 WATCHERS That TERRIFIED The 200 Fallen Angels

RELIGION: WATCHERS – Library of Rickandria

I can’t seem to help my mother & all my other relatives are DEAD, so I hope to help others (STO) with this Library.

I have friends too that are lost in this world of madness that I can’t help, so I’ll help STRANGERS.

Whodini – Friends (Official Lyric Video)

SPRITUALITY: SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends – Library of Rickandria

She, like many, are SPIRITUALLY LOST in this world, trying to find their way, but YOU don’t have to be.

My Friends & Family Don’t Understand My Awakening

SPIRITUALITY: SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: What Is My Role or Purpose in this Spiritual Awakening? – Library of Rickandria

My mother is just one of the BILLIONS of Christians that have been BRAINWASHED by the same people that created the SUMERIAN SWINDLE – the beginning of it ALL.

Rabbi and McDonalds.mp4 127 MB View full-size Download

EDUCATION: The Rabbi & McDonalds – Library of Rickandria

But she was the HUMAN VESSEL that brought me into this world – SO, here I AM.

We want your Soul – Adam Freeland – Lyrics

My name is Valiant Conquering Guardian, the Rickest of Ricks.